The Daily Broadside

Friday at the Rude Bridge

Posted on 08/30/2019 4.00 AM

JCM 8/29/2019 8:35:57 PM
Friday at the Rude Bridge

Posted by: JCM

PaladinPhil 8/30/2019 5:28:54 AM
Good morning. Had a bit of good news today. Finally getting an appointment with a local family doctor. Which will mean no more long drives to the big city to deal with checkups for both myself and the Squire. Just need to hear back from the pediatrician now.
lucius septimius 8/30/2019 6:06:48 AM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 1:

That's a bit of good news.  Still waiting for mine (good news, that is).

vxbush 8/30/2019 6:25:39 AM
So which thread are we going to use? This one, or this one
Kosh's Shadow 8/30/2019 5:53:06 PM
Pub is open

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