The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 09/09/2019 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 9/8/2019 12:36:52 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

lucius septimius 9/9/2019 4:55:58 AM
I think "dyspeptic hagfishes" will become my mantra.
9/9/2019 5:41:03 AM

For some reason my ID isn't showing when I post.

Busy weekend, getting kids settled in to the new school year. Realized their study desks at home didn't fit anymore.

Spent my insurance check on a new truck.

vxbush 9/9/2019 6:03:43 AM

In #2 Unknown user said: Spent my insurance check on a new truck.

I was afraid you were going to say you spent all your insurance money on desks for the kids. 

Morning, campers. 

9/9/2019 6:11:44 AM

Reply to vxbush in 3:

Some of the desks would do that....

It takes forever to do the paperwork on a new vehicle.

9/9/2019 6:12:29 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 1:

dyspeptic hagfishes ... now that is great name for a band!

vxbush 9/9/2019 6:30:48 AM

In #1 lucius septimius said: I think "dyspeptic hagfishes" will become my mantra.

Reply to Unknown user in 5:

Why are we talking about hagfishes today? 

lucius septimius 9/9/2019 10:06:06 AM

In #6 vxbush said: Why are we talking about hagfishes today? 

Because they're sort of cool?

vxbush 9/9/2019 10:16:00 AM

In #7 lucius septimius said: Because they're sort of cool?

If you say so. I know nothing about them. I am in the throes of an incredibly big project, so I'm locked in my bunker with my emergency supplies and to prevent the hordes at work from bugging me. 

doppelganglander 9/9/2019 11:26:33 AM
Hagfish Day is the third Wednesday in October (the 16th this year).
vxbush 9/9/2019 3:26:48 PM

In #9 doppelganglander said: Hagfish Day is the third Wednesday in October (the 16th this year).

Okay, read that article, and hagfish are DISGUSTING!!

Kosh's Shadow 9/9/2019 3:47:47 PM

In #2 Unknown user said: For some reason my ID isn't showing when I post.

You didn't fill in both screens when you created your account. I can delete this one and posts will still show up as unknown user

Let me know

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