The Daily Broadside

Saturday Morning

Posted on 10/05/2019 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 10/4/2019 6:44:05 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Occasional Reader 10/5/2019 6:28:58 AM
Fall is finally, really here... for now.
lucius septimius 10/5/2019 7:43:41 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

It's only supposed to be in the 70s here today -- after 90 straight days of 90+ this is a welcome respite.

Kosh's Shadow 10/5/2019 10:02:17 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 2:

we had a frost warning for last night, but didn't get frost. Stayed in the mid-30's

Occasional Reader 10/5/2019 11:06:13 AM

 So I'm still not clear, do we have to start eating babies now, or do we have a few more months? 

 Is there some sort of hotline I can use to call Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to get the answer? 

Kosh's Shadow 10/5/2019 11:16:01 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 4:
I believe that the Swedish "professor" and Planned "Parenthood" are getting together to market "short veal" (kind of like "long pig". It will make a big improvement over rubber vegan "chicken" at AOC's fundraising dinners/////

(Royalties will go to Larouche's organization, too)

Kosh's Shadow 10/5/2019 11:19:53 AM

In #4 Occasional Reader said:  Is there some sort of hotline I can use to call Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to get the answer? 

When the brand starts production, there will be a "Cutterball" hotline, just in time for Thanksgiving, as part of the Save the Turkeys campaign.

Kosh's Shadow 10/5/2019 11:52:14 AM
I killed the thread
lucius septimius 10/5/2019 11:59:13 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:

I'm just barbecuing some babies.  

Syrah 10/5/2019 12:39:34 PM


going to need a lot more garlic...

Syrah 10/5/2019 12:45:42 PM

Rod Stirling voice over:

The Green New Deal.

A Cookbook to Save The Planet.

Cue twilight zone theme music  

Kosh's Shadow 10/5/2019 12:50:53 PM

In #10 Syrah said: Rod Stirling voice over: The Green New Deal. A Cookbook to Save The Planet. Cue twilight zone theme music  

The title of the cookbook? "To Serve the People"

Syrah 10/5/2019 12:53:16 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 11:

like I said, we are going to need a lot more garlic. 

Syrah 10/5/2019 12:56:22 PM

Last night, there was a lot of chatter on the media/left about another potential whistle blower / leaker that was considering the possibility of coming forward with an even more damning version of Trump’s call to Ukraine.

What happened to all of that?


Kosh's Shadow 10/5/2019 1:00:02 PM

In #13 Syrah said: Last night, there was a lot of chatter on the media/left about another potential whistle blower / leaker that was considering the possibility of coming forward with an even more damning version of Trump’s call to Ukraine. What happened to all of that?

It takes a while to come up with a credible fake, not that the Dems have been trying to be that credible.

Kosh's Shadow 10/5/2019 1:38:47 PM

In #14 Kosh's Shadow said: not that the Dems have been trying to be that credible.

I'm half surprised they didn't come back after the Storm Area 51 event and say they had evidence from aliens that Trump was colluding with them to take over the world, and that the aliens had orange hair too, so Trump must be an alien.

Syrah 10/5/2019 1:44:46 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 15:

Orange Space Man Bad?

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