The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 10/11/2019 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 10/5/2019 1:28:02 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

revobob 10/11/2019 4:27:42 AM

So- Catching up on yesterday's threads (3rd day in a row of doctor appointments between the two of us), the cell phone comments caught my eye.

My 4 year old Android Turbo II has been constantly dropping calls lately. A little 'net research revealed that this is a known problem with those phones. As I was reading reviews, shopping for a new phone, I was thinking about the fact that here is a fairly expensive piece of hardware, (Verizon is worse than car dealers about obfuscating prices, but IIRC it was around $600), that has a non replaceable battery, and apparently components 'designed' to fail in as little as 2 years. If it was a wash machine or refrigerator, that would get such caustic reviews that no one would buy one. I do realize that the tech keeps advancing, but most of the new stuff is bells and whistles that are not really necessary. 

Looking online, there are basic phones targeted at dinosaurs like me with greatly simplified feature lists. While I AM a dinosaur, I'm not extinct yet. (Read that last bit in a Monty Python-esque voice.) There seems to be no middle ground.

As far as longevity- we can build devices that will survive spaceship launches, airliner crashes, and teen-aged gamers. Obviously the fragility of these things is intentional. And that really, really pisses me off!

I bought a Kyocera Dura-Force Pro II. Very good reviews, Mil Spec ruggedized and sealed. Not state of the art, but more than I need, and mainly I liked the fact that I can handle it without inadvertently having it do something I don't want. (The dadgum Motorola has buttons in the most natural place to grab hold, and the touchscreen responded to gestures from the next room. I hated it!) So far I'm quite happy with the new unit.

revobob 10/11/2019 4:30:22 AM

and I do hope all of you who weren't are feeling better.

VX- how goes it with The Dude?

revobob 10/11/2019 4:46:43 AM

Increasingly happy to be out of Kalifornia. Our old area looks to one that is slated for or having blackouts. It is also in the counties that require different gasoline additives, etc., so instead of $2.40/ gal here, we would be in the $5.00/ gal range.

Electricity here runs roughly 1/2 the cost per unit in Kalifornia, and we have enough to go around. Our water bill averages about $28/ month, and except for someone drilling a post hole into a main, we HAVE water- no rationing, no sprinkler restrictions, etc. (No Delta Smelt or Rainbow Darters either!) 

I reckon I'm now a full fledged Kentuckian- got my first deer yesterday- with the car. Blind curve, big doe standing crosswise looking at me. Caught her in the left rear quarter, my car in the left front fender. She three-legged off into the woods, I have to change out a turn signal bulb. Been bummed out to think she's out there in pain, although they are pretty tough critters.

revobob 10/11/2019 4:48:06 AM
I'm starting to feel like turn here, and it's time for breakfast. Y'all play nice, BBL.
doppelganglander 10/11/2019 5:25:22 AM

Reply to revobob in 4:

I'm here. I have coffee. Hope you and Mrs. revo are doing well.

vxbush 10/11/2019 6:05:46 AM

In #2 revobob said: VX- how goes it with The Dude?

Thanks for asking. We thought we were making good progress, so my husband got him into his wheelchair. He seemed really happy and wasn't complaining, so he let him stay up for 4 hours. That was a mistake. By that time, he was in a lot of pain and the redness had returned. 

We've been managing this for three weeks now. It's definitely better, but we're not seeing enough improvement. Time to call the doc and see what he wants to do. 

Morning, campers. Raining cats, dogs, and mice here. The mice are the drops of rain that blow sideways because they are so small and fine. 

revobob 10/11/2019 6:29:46 AM

In #5 doppelganglander said: Hope you and Mrs. revo are doing well.

Passable- Her cataract surgery went very well on Tuesday. My eyes show no signs of diabetic problems, and my puffed up right knee is getting better, so all good news. Now if I can just find someone who'll hire a 71 year old I'll be happier.

revobob 10/11/2019 6:30:56 AM

In #6 vxbush said: We've been managing this for three weeks now. It's definitely better, but we're not seeing enough improvement. Time to call the doc and see what he wants to do. 

I don't think I ever saw what the problem is, but it sounds like getting the doctor involved is due.

buzzsawmonkey 10/11/2019 6:37:35 AM

This morning's NPR idiocy was their celebration of many public libraries abandoning fines for late return of books.  Funny, isn't it, that a system that has worked well for well over a century is now being eagerly abandoned?  

It appears that the libraries want to seem "user-friendly," or something, to "the poor"---and "the poor" are no longer capable of returning books on time.  I guess they can't check the calendars on their expensive cell phones to be able to keep track of the due dates.  Several people were interviewed; one librarian justified abolishing fines to "make sure that kids could study for their tests."  Another, with an obvious black accent, spoke of "wanting to make sure the kids could get the manga, graphic novels, or fiction works they wanted"---no reference to any books of substance.  Then someone with an obvious Asian accent was interviewed---speaking in support of the fines.  Interesting and subtle use of racial stereotyping.

My father grew up in a poor immigrant family, where there was little money for books---but his mother took him and his sisters to the library every week to take out new books.  One of the books he took out, Paul de Kruif's "Microbe Hunters," was the source of his first learning that there was such a thing as a "scientist," and made him think that this was something he might like to be.  He wasn't looking for the latest manga or graphic novel, had such things existed back then. 

There was a children's book---a series, actually---called "All-Of-A-Kind Family," about a Jewish immigrant family growing up on the Lower East Side back around the turn of the last century.  They were an "all-of-a-kind family" because all the children (five or so) were girls.  As a poor family, they could not afford books unless they were fortunate enough to purchase them secondhand from a peddler friend; one of the first stories in the first book was of one of the children losing her library book, and having to pay off the loss at the for-her astronomical sum of a penny a week.  Stories like that taught responsibility; removing fines for late returns does not.

revobob 10/11/2019 7:12:58 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 9:

Microbe Hunters had a big effect on me too, and I have since recommended it to several of my grandkids. Not only did it have some fascinating stories about early medical research, it also introduced the concept of structured thought and investigation in solving problems. That and being persuaded by a great 5th grade teacher to stop biting my nails were the highlights of that year. (The deaths of two grandparents not so much.)

Our local county library, while small, has really impressed us. It is the focus of a number of community activities including the book club we are attending, and gets a surprising amount of use from the school kids. Considering that our single county school has about 395 students from K-12, the fact that eight or a dozen can be found at the library most times is a good thing. There 10 desktop computers available on site, and I suspect that many of the kids do not have computers available at home. (2/3 of the families in the county qualify for meal assistance. To eliminate any embarassment for the kids, all the students can get breakfast and lunch at the school at no charge.)

All the public libraries in Kentucky are connected, so if someone wants a book that is not in ours it can be requested and received within a couple of days. 

They do collect fines, but if you know you need to keep a book longer you can phone in and get an extension without penalty.

vxbush 10/11/2019 8:35:01 AM

In #8 revobob said: I don't think I ever saw what the problem is, but it sounds like getting the doctor involved is due.

Good (and rather shocking) news: not only was the doctor available, but he had multiple time slots open. That simply doesn't happen anymore. The son is going in this afternoon. 

10/11/2019 8:45:36 AM

I'd appreciate thoughts and prayers for our family and Munchette.

Our daughter has had a very hard time transitioning to middle school. So much so this last week she express thoughts of self harm. Thankfully she did so to school staff she trusts. Which is a good thing, better than acting on the thoughts. I told her it's better which she's thinking that way to write it down, and give it to the people she trusts than keeping it in.

The result is my wife and decided, and the mental health staff supported the decision to have some inpatient mental health treatment for her.

I back at one of my favorite places, Children's Hospital hanging out.

10/11/2019 8:49:08 AM
ICE claims King County sanctuary policy kept them from deporting 2 men now accused of murder
vxbush 10/11/2019 8:53:17 AM

In #12 Unknown user said: I back at one of my favorite places, Children's Hospital hanging out.

Prayers for machete, and prayers for you as you hang with her. 

10/11/2019 8:53:56 AM

Dang it!

ICE claims King County sanctuary policy kept them from deporting 2 men now accused of murder

King Co. Executive "Smack Daddy" Dow Constantine is very unhappy with ICE.

Executive Constantine: We stand for the rule of law against ICE

Smack Daddy would be at home in Chicago Politics.

revobob 10/11/2019 8:55:30 AM

Reply to Unknown user in 12:  You got 'em.

vxbush 10/11/2019 8:57:03 AM

In #14 vxbush said: machete

Wha????? That was supposed to be munchette. Silly autocorrect. 

doppelganglander 10/11/2019 11:00:28 AM

Reply to Unknown user in 12:

I'm so sorry Munchette is having difficulties, but I'm glad you have school staff and mental health professionals working with you to do what's best for her. She and all your family are in my prayers.

Occasional Reader 10/11/2019 11:26:22 AM

Reply to Unknown user in 12:

My thoughts are with you, your little girl and your family. Sounds like she is in good hands, in any event.

Occasional Reader 10/11/2019 11:29:53 AM
So on my end, while little guy is nominally with his mom this week, his school is closed today and his mom asked me if I could look after him for the day, because she does not want to take the day off since she just started a new job. So I did, and I took him to visit my office this morning; he ran around the place charming everyone and stealing hearts. We are back at his moms place now, he’s in for his nap, and I’m about to try one myself. While I am definitely most of the way over being sick from Wednesday - yesterday, I am wiped out.
doppelganglander 10/11/2019 1:03:19 PM
And I just wrapped the last day of my contract. I'm honestly looking forward to a few weeks off to get caught up on school and a side job I'm working on. I can also use the time to do some deep house cleaning before the invasion of Clan Semtex for Thanksgiving.
revobob 10/11/2019 1:11:07 PM

In #21 doppelganglander said: Clan Semtex for Thanksgiving.

Gonna have a big family blow-out, huh?

doppelganglander 10/11/2019 3:26:00 PM

Reply to revobob in 22:

Yep! All the kids will be here for a full week. I invited their dad to dinner - my BF really doesn't care much about holidays. I'm trying to arrange a night for him to come (he's met my daughters but not my son and DIL and the baby), but my ex is being a bit pouty, as he wants a night alone with the kids. I'm sure we can manage to have a blow-out instead of a blow-up.

Occasional Reader 10/11/2019 3:35:18 PM

Reply to revobob in 22:

"Gonna have a big family blow-out, huh?"

Stop by and C4 yourself! 

(Just don't overstay your welcome, or they will be wishing you "good RDX")

lucius septimius 10/11/2019 3:49:40 PM


Schadenfreude Cubed.

doppelganglander 10/11/2019 4:45:55 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 25:

Batteries? The devil you say!

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