The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 09/25/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 9/20/2020 2:30:41 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

PaladinPhil 9/25/2020 4:10:53 AM
And the hits keep on coming. Going in for a covid test this morning because I am experiencing a few of the symptoms. Work isn't happy right now. Especially if I test positive.
Occasional Reader 9/25/2020 5:48:02 AM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 1:

You should be fine.  The symptoms could be a lot of things, and even if it’s Covid, you should be fine. Please keep us updated on how it goes.

PaladinPhil 9/25/2020 5:54:41 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 2:

Been the screener at work for the past couple of weeks. Needless to say I know all the questions and symptoms that we ask all employees. I hit three symptoms this morning. That's an automatic "no-go" situation for work. Called in before actually going in. If I test positive it's a big deal since the store has to shut down for two days to disinfect. 

vxbush 9/25/2020 6:07:54 AM

In #3 PaladinPhil said: Been the screener at work for the past couple of weeks. Needless to say I know all the questions and symptoms that we ask all employees. I hit three symptoms this morning. That's an automatic "no-go" situation for work. Called in before actually going in. If I test positive it's a big deal since the store has to shut down for two days to disinfect. 

I hope the test comes back negative and it's just a cold or flu. Something has gone around here that has a few of the same symptoms as COVID, and that's not a surprise--it looks very much like a flu bug. The one symptom that really throws people is the lack of taste or smell. 

I read an article yesterday about the stupidity of everyone taking folks' temperatures with the laser probe thingy that doesn't have to touch your skin. The author said that those devices are pretty inaccurate, but you see them everywhere. It just heightens the sense of this being theater to snow the masses. 

But I find it fascinating that I have seen nothing about the COVID situation in either Canada or Mexico in the news I follow. 

vxbush 9/25/2020 6:15:58 AM

Durham assumed parts of John Huber's Clinton Foundation review: source

vxbush 9/25/2020 6:22:45 AM

Reply to vxbush in 5:

Aspects of U.S. Attorney John Huber’s investigation into the Clinton Foundation have been assumed by U.S. Attorney John Durham as part of his review into the origins of the Russia probe, Fox News has learned.

A source familiar with Durham’s investigation told Fox News on Thursday that parts of what Huber was investigating in 2017 -- involving the Clinton Foundation -- have been incorporated in Durham’s investigation.

Occasional Reader 9/25/2020 7:19:21 AM

In #3 PaladinPhil said: If I test positive it's a big deal since the store has to shut down for two days to disinfect. 

Well, if you test positive, it might well be related to their having made you the screener, so... cost of doing business.  I do hope they are aware of that. 

vxbush 9/25/2020 8:05:02 AM

In #7 Occasional Reader said: Well, if you test positive, it might well be related to their having made you the screener, so... cost of doing business.  I do hope they are aware of that.

You would hope they would be, but I don’t know that we can assume that many brain cells exist in the population anymore, at least when it comes to COVID. There are a lot of stupid things going on, like that arrest of a woman who was at an outdoor football game who has asthma and can’t wear a mask. She got arrested for it. 

Occasional Reader 9/25/2020 8:21:23 AM

In #8 vxbush said: She got arrested for it. 

She should have promptly thrown a molotov cocktail into a police car, and said she was there to mostly-peacefully protest.  They'd have let her go.

vxbush 9/25/2020 8:34:11 AM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: She should have promptly thrown a molotov cocktail into a police car, and said she was there to mostly-peacefully protest.  They'd have let her go.

And while calling them pigs at the same time. Oh, sure. Of course, some of those white folks who were protesting got arrested and only were released because someone else paid the bail. I have a feeling no one would pay her bail for her and the DA would never drop the charges. 

doppelganglander 9/25/2020 8:35:40 AM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 1:

Oh no! I hope it turns out to be nothing.

JCM 9/25/2020 9:39:28 AM
Best political ad EVAH!
PaladinPhil 9/25/2020 10:17:30 AM

What a pain in the nose! Among other things. Got there early and there was a huge lineup. Then the van died and I had to call for a boost. Then there was the bloody swab. Not going to deal with getting the Squire tested that's for sure. It would be a massive nightmare trying to hold him still.

Now I am in isolation until we get the results. Work is aware of things and they are deciding if the wife has to go home as well. Weekend plans are out the window. Have to contact the Squire's mother and let her know for sure now.

@PBJ3 9/25/2020 11:01:21 AM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 13:

I'm so sorry, Phil.  Hopefully it is not covid.  You'll be in my thoughts.

Occasional Reader 9/25/2020 11:07:40 AM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 13:

Sit tight, hang tough. Even this shall pass away. You’ll be fine.

buzzsawmonkey 9/25/2020 11:18:41 AM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 13:

I'm late to the prayers and good wishes, Phil, but I hope it's not too late to add them.  Sorry to hear about the situation, and I hope it resolves itself favorably with speed.  If it turns out you do have indications of the Magic Virus, may your healing be rapid and complete.

buzzsawmonkey 9/25/2020 1:21:29 PM

The Virus
---apologies to Tom Jones and "Delilah"

The stock market was jumping and jobs were riding high
Angry Democrats vowed that, "To wreck this we must try"
This was our nation
So they colluded with China to put us in a bind

My, my, my---the virus
Why, why, why---the virus?
We could see that it was a scam, obviously
But WHO said that we should heed the Chinese

We tried the lockdowns and the masks and the social distance
Experts constantly contradicting themselves with equal insistance
While the Left was laughing
It's past time that the "experts" should all be ignored.

My, my, my---the virus
Why, why, why, the virus?
So before the economy goes through the floor
To hell with the virus, I just don't care any more

The Left stood there laughing
It's past time that the "experts" should all be ignored.

My, my, my---the virus
Why, why, why, the virus?
So before the economy goes through the floor
To hell with the virus, I just don't care any more
To hell with the virus, I just don't care any more

Occasional Reader 9/25/2020 2:07:02 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 17:


Kosh's Shadow 9/25/2020 2:15:32 PM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 1:

I hope it is just allergies. Keep us informed.

Kosh's Shadow 9/25/2020 2:19:24 PM

So there might have been Russian collusion in the 2016 election after all.

I'm sure you will be as shocked as I was that there is gambling at Ricks it was with the Clinton campaign.

Primary sub-source behind Steele dossier likely a Russian agent

The primary sub-source to the Steele dossier was likely a Russian agent and had been the subject of an FBI counterintelligence investigation, a recently declassified footnote to a Justice Department report has revealed. The identity of the source has not been revealed.

The footnote states Christopher Steele’s Primary Sub-source “was the subject of an FBI counterintelligence investigation from 2009 to 2011 that assessed his/her documented contacts with suspected Russian intelligence officers.”

PaladinPhil 9/25/2020 2:39:17 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 19:

I've had allergies, this isn't that. Wife did get sent home. Work and head office are probably quietly panicking right now.

JCM 9/25/2020 2:40:45 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 20:

I'm shocked! Shocked!

Occasional Reader 9/25/2020 3:06:02 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 20:

"What difference, at this point, does it make?"

Occasional Reader 9/25/2020 3:08:14 PM
Discussion question: Given the propensity of the Antifa/BLM vermin to smash car windows in order to get at drivers who they decide they don't like, might it be worth looking into car window security film (e.g this)?   I have no idea how much it costs, yet. 
doppelganglander 9/25/2020 4:01:51 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 24:

Living where you do, I think it's worth serious consideration.

PaladinPhil 9/25/2020 4:17:19 PM

In #24 Occasional Reader said:

Living in a major metropolis? Definitely a good idea no matter the reasons or costs. Can't be much more then tinting.

Occasional Reader 9/25/2020 4:34:43 PM

In #26 PaladinPhil said: Can't be much more then tinting.

Hey! I’ll have you know, this is my natural hair color!

Occasional Reader 9/25/2020 4:36:08 PM

In #25 doppelganglander said: Living where you do, I think it's worth serious consideration.

Agreed. I think I’ll at least give the nearest dealer a call. When I lived in lima, Peru in the late 1990s, a lot of people who were upper-ish middle class had something like this on their car windows, since car window smashing by criminals of stopped motorists was unfortunately quite common.

PaladinPhil 9/25/2020 4:37:44 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 27:

I like going bald. Don't have to worry about hair colouring. :)

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