The Daily Broadside

Tuesday, Election Day!

Posted on 11/03/2020 5.00 AM

JCM 11/1/2020 2:35:03 PM

Posted by: JCM

Kosh's Shadow 11/3/2020 5:02:52 AM
Stuffed ballot box for breakfast
lucius septimius 11/3/2020 5:33:12 AM
If Trump is going to establish a dictatorship, put all the Muslims in concentration camps, make all women handmaids, feed all the Mexicans to coyotes, electrocute all the gays, and start World War III, he'd better get a move on.
Syrah 11/3/2020 5:40:51 AM
Watching the madness from a blue state is unnerving. 
Syrah 11/3/2020 6:06:38 AM

Some early results.

buzzsawmonkey 11/3/2020 6:20:50 AM
Come, ye hired Democrats, come
Bring the harvest ballots home
All be safely gathered in
Ere Election Day begins
Turnout percentages provide
Evidence that shows you've lied
Come to the Election Board, come
Bring harvested ballots home!
buzzsawmonkey 11/3/2020 6:28:19 AM

Election Day Music Roundup! 

There's classic pop-rock:

I'm a poll watcher
I'm a poll watcher
Watchin' fraud go by
My, my, my
I'm a poll watcher
I'm a poll watche
Watchin' fraud go by
Here comes some now
Mmm, mmm, mmm

There's the spiritual side:

Swing state, we'll carry it
And bring my candidacy home
Swing state, we'll carry it
And bring my candidacy home
I looked at poll results, and what did I see
Bringing my candidacy home?
A lot of voters turning out for me
Bringing my candidacy home...

And, of course, there's Bob Dylan:

C'mon, turn the vote out for me
I can always use a couple more
The election's still too close, you see
So go out knockin' on voters' doors
Knock, knock, knockin' on voters' doors
Knock, knock, knockin' on voters' doors...

Occasional Reader 11/3/2020 6:41:22 AM
Cast the ballot, and pass the ammunition. 
lucius septimius 11/3/2020 6:48:19 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 7:

I've been thinking a lot about your Pinochet comments of late.  I'm beginning to think you're right: only a soft right-wing dictatorship can save this country.

Occasional Reader 11/3/2020 7:10:17 AM

In #8 lucius septimius said: I'm beginning to think you're right: only a soft right-wing dictatorship can save this country.

Well, that's not exactly what I said, of course.  

I said that I can now understand how middle-class Chileans could have supported Pincohet.

I hope we are not yet at a point where something similar is necessary. 

 I think... hope... that if our side can win this election, and then with steady followthrough on suppressing leftist violence (and prosecuting those responsible), and reclaiming our institutions, nothing Pinochet-like will be needed. 

buzzsawmonkey 11/3/2020 7:27:01 AM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: I think... hope... that if our side can win this election, and then with steady followthrough on suppressing leftist violence (and prosecuting those responsible), and reclaiming our institutions, nothing Pinochet-like will be needed. 

So...we won't have to play Pinochet on the donkey?

doppelganglander 11/3/2020 7:31:40 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 9:

I think Trump's ban on critical race theory in federal diversity training is a good start. Next, eradicate it from private companies. I could imagine an employee filing a discrimination and hostile work environment suit, backed by one of the conservative public interest law firms or organizations. It would take a while, but if a 6-3 SCOTUS got the case, it could be the end of it. Universities would be harder, but something similar could work. The tide has turned against Title IX kangaroo courts, and the same could happen to CRT.

Occasional Reader 11/3/2020 7:34:55 AM

In #11 doppelganglander said: Next, eradicate it from private companies. I could imagine an employee filing a discrimination and hostile work environment suit

I have long thought the same thing. With any rational court, the case should be a slam dunk.

Alice in Dairyland 11/3/2020 7:43:07 AM

Harvesting one more vote?

You gotta love how this is written.  Favorite Fox News show.  Repeating trying to end the interview.  Biden deeply religious.  I would have checked his pockets for an absentee ballot for Beau.

doppelganglander 11/3/2020 7:45:02 AM
Meanwhile, the geniuses at the NHS exposed my daughter-in-law to Covid on the maternity ward. They test every woman that comes in, but results don't come back until the next day, so she spent 12 hours sharing a room and bathroom with this person. They have to quarantine for 14 days, presumably including the almost four-year-old who normally goes to nursery school. Not like a new mom is heading out on the town or anything, but still.
doppelganglander 11/3/2020 7:50:15 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 12:

I think I mentioned my interview with a big fintech company that seems to pay more attention to identity politics than their actual jobs. My interviewer, a very nice gay man, wanted to talk more about his spouse and kids than the job, and kept asking me personal questions. I wasn't uncomfortable with him being gay, but I was very uncomfortable with the highly personal conversation. I should have simply told him so and walked out, but I needed a job, so... I was relieved not to get it.

JCM 11/3/2020 8:01:43 AM

We're in the middle of "moving" into new office space.

Yesterday the entire network went down.

Email this morning.....

A contractor kicked the power cord loose on the primary switch.

The old, have you checked to see if its plugged in real life.

buzzsawmonkey 11/3/2020 8:17:07 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 11:

I have just been informed by my university that I must "attend" 5 sessions of diversity/inclusiveness/sexual harassment "training," at 2 hours per session.  Unpaid, of course.

JCM 11/3/2020 8:19:29 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 11:

That would take the same sort of distributed conspiracy the left engages in.

Every time critical theory is used in an HR presentation, a right leaning employee needs to file complaints for hostile workplace and with EEOC.

JCM 11/3/2020 8:21:53 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 17:

I believe that is a violation of Federal Law.

Required training must be paid....

According to regulations, an employee’s time attending a meeting, seminar, lecture, or training must be counted as hours worked unless it meets each of four requirements:

  • the attendance is outside the employee’s regular working hours;
    • the attendance is in fact voluntary;
    • the meeting, seminar, lecture, or training is not directly related to the employee’s job; and
    • the employee does not perform productive work while attending the meeting, seminar, lecture, or training.

    29 CFR 785.27

    Fish 11/3/2020 8:25:48 AM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 9:

    In #9 Occasional Reader said:

    nothing Pinochet-like will be needed.

    So I should stop making my "Free Helicopter Rides" signs?

    turn 11/3/2020 8:26:55 AM

    In #3 Syrah said: Watching the madness from a blue state is unnerving. 

    I feel your pain. :.)

    I’m surrounded by libs where I live too. I didn’t put a Trump sign out, in the interest of maintaining good neighborly relations. I guess it wouldn’t matter, they know I’m a conservative and support him through our conversations. We tip toe around politics for the most part, fine with me.

    JCM 11/3/2020 8:29:22 AM
    The fraud continues....

    15,000+ King County voters told their ballots are “challenged”

    Mail in ballots make it easy to challenge a ballot.

    Given the judiciary in King Co. which ballots are "certified" will most definitely go one way.

    doppelganglander 11/3/2020 8:30:40 AM

    Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 17:

    As a contractor and not a fulltime employee,  I think you may be exempt. If not, JCM is right and you should be paid. In fact, refusing to attend without pay may convince them to let you skip it. Good luck.

    turn 11/3/2020 8:31:17 AM

    In #7 Occasional Reader said: Cast the ballot, and pass the ammunition

    And board up storefronts, prepare for riots regardless the outcome. Sad .,,

    doppelganglander 11/3/2020 8:32:58 AM

    Reply to Fish in 20:

    Hi Fish! I saw you posted on the weekend but didn't get a chance to respond. I'm glad you're here!

    Fish 11/3/2020 8:41:19 AM

    Reply to doppelganglander in 25:

    Glad to be here. 

    turn 11/3/2020 8:41:45 AM

    In #13 Alice in Dairyland said: I would have checked his pockets for an absentee ballot for Beau.

    I couldn’t help but notice there was no mention of Hunter, it’s like Biden only had one son. The media sure pulled out all the stops to hide Hunter and his laptop story. 

    JCM 11/3/2020 8:44:09 AM

    Team achieves first plasma on upgraded MAST, ready to test Super-X divertor

    Essentially the ignitor for a fusion reactor.

    buzzsawmonkey 11/3/2020 9:06:39 AM

    Reply to JCM in 19:

    Reply to doppelganglander in 23:

    Thanks for the info.  I'm going to see if I can either get paid or be exempted, and still keep my job.

    buzzsawmonkey 11/3/2020 9:10:41 AM
    Missed Halloween opportunity: A group of witches is a "coven," but nobody---as far as I've heard---decided to dress up for Halloween as a covid of witch-doctors.
    doppelganglander 11/3/2020 9:29:11 AM

    Reply to turn in 27:

    It's always as if he only has one son, the deceased one. Imagine how Hunter must have felt all his life. I don't excuse his behavior but I can understand why he's like that 

    lucius septimius 11/3/2020 10:05:40 AM
    I'm having turnip soup for lunch.  Preparing for life under Chairperson Harris.
    buzzsawmonkey 11/3/2020 10:08:15 AM

    Well, I went to the polls.  I got into the express line---ten votes or less.

    If anyone wants to know why New York is the one-party dictatorship it is, I can tell you: 

    a) The Republicans did not bother to put up candidates for either state assembly or state senate.

    b) Of six judges on the ballot, the name of one was in the Democrat line only.  The names of four were in the Democrat, Republican, Conservative, and "Working Families" (i.e., communist) parties.  One, and one only, was in the Republican and Conservative lines.  I voted for that one, on the theory that denying a vote to any of the others would make that one vote nominally "stronger."

    Kosh's Shadow 11/3/2020 10:09:47 AM

    In #30 buzzsawmonkey said: Missed Halloween opportunity: A group of witches is a "coven," but nobody---as far as I've heard---decided to dress up for Halloween as a covid of witch-doctors.

    Too bad that idea didn't get out earlier. It could have gone viral.

    Occasional Reader 11/3/2020 10:10:24 AM

    In #31 doppelganglander said: one son, the deceased one

    Hey, no longer true, Hunter saw a doctor and got rid of it.

    Oh, you said “deceased”... OK, never mind.

    buzzsawmonkey 11/3/2020 10:13:32 AM

    In #34 Kosh's Shadow said: Too bad that idea didn't get out earlier. It could have gone viral.

    Sadly, I only thought of it this morning.

    Kosh's Shadow 11/3/2020 10:16:52 AM

    Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 36:

    Somehow, I don't think "Going viral" is a good expression any more.

    Fish 11/3/2020 10:38:18 AM

    lucius septimius 11/3/2020 11:02:30 AM
    Today has me in an awful funk.  I fear the Communists are about to triumph.  We have two generations of young people who think Stalin and Castro were the good guys and who have been taught to hate this country.
    Kosh's Shadow 11/3/2020 11:08:36 AM

    Reply to lucius septimius in 39:

    Should the Demcommies get elected (G-d forbid), Mexico will be paying for a border wall - to keep Americans out.

    Alice in Dairyland 11/3/2020 11:11:38 AM

    In #27 turn said: couldn’t help but notice there was no mention of Hunter,

    Instead of the "where's Hunter" chant, we'll have to change that to "who's Hunter".

    Alice in Dairyland 11/3/2020 11:12:20 AM

    Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 40: Canada too!

    JCM 11/3/2020 11:48:06 AM
    Phone home....

    NASA Contacts Voyager 2 Using Upgraded Deep Space Network Dish

    On Oct. 29, mission operators sent a series of commands to NASA's Voyager 2 spacecraft for the first time since mid-March. The spacecraft has been flying solo while the 70-meter-wide (230-foot-wide) radio antenna used to talk to it has been offline for repairs and upgrades. Voyager 2 returned a signal confirming it had received the "call" and executed the commands without issue.

    The call to Voyager 2 was a test of new hardware recently installed on Deep Space Station 43, the only dish in the world that can send commands to Voyager 2. Located in Canberra, Australia, it is part of NASA's Deep Space Network (DSN), a collection of radio antennas around the world used primarily to communicate with spacecraft operating beyond the Moon. Since the dish went offline, mission operators have been able to receive health updates and science data from Voyager 2, but they haven't been able to send commands to the far-flung probe, which has traveled billions of miles from Earth since its 1977 launch.

    Occasional Reader 11/3/2020 12:00:48 PM

    In #43 JCM said: Voyager 2 returned a signal confirming it had received the "call" and executed the commands without issue.

    Sounds rather terse..  I think V-ger 2 was a little upset that no one (including the Kirk, the Cree-ay-tor) had called since March... 

    Occasional Reader 11/3/2020 12:02:36 PM

    In #43 JCM said: for the first time since mid-March.

    Voyager 2: So, what's been going on back on Earth since we last spoke?

    Mission command: [Sends mircroburst with summary]

    Voyager 2:  Wow.  I'm headed the other way. 

    buzzsawmonkey 11/3/2020 12:08:26 PM

    Pardon me, boy, is that Trump's re-election choo-choo?
    Yes, yes!
    He's doin' fine, upon the "R" ballot-line!
    Was your vote put toward, aboard, the re-election choo-choo?
    Yes, I voted live, because the mail-in is jive!
    You get up and you walk over to the polling place
    Even if they demand that you mask up your face
    Then in the machine start slidin' 
    Your vote against Joe Biden 
    Because you know that Democrat policies are a disgrace!

    ---apologies to "The Chattanooga Choo-Choo"

    Occasional Reader 11/3/2020 12:10:20 PM
    I really am not at all happy finding myself in this debilitated condition (post knee surgery) on Election Day.  I had hoped to be mobile and armed, in case of Big Trouble from the crazed Left.   I'll have to settle for "armed".   I kind of picture myself like the wounded Jim Bowie in The Alamo (1960 film version), taking out at least a few of the Antifa/BLM crazies as they charge into my room.  
    JCM 11/3/2020 12:11:31 PM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 45:


    Wait for me Voyager!

    doppelganglander 11/3/2020 12:13:38 PM

    Reply to lucius septimius in 39:

    I'm feeling quite optimistic. Maybe that just means I'll be even more disappointed if Trump loses. As usual, the margin of fraud will be the issue, but I think the campaign has mobilized enough lawyers that Trump will prevail, even if it takes a few weeks in the courts. Ideally, the vote count will be so high it won't matter. 

    doppelganglander 11/3/2020 12:15:51 PM
    Meanwhile, I've spent the last two hours trying to get Verizon to deliver a phone to my daughter before she leaves for England tomorrow. I tried t do it online but my internet failed repeatedly. Finally got someone on the phone and she is dumb as a stump. Exasperated doesn't even cover it.
    Occasional Reader 11/3/2020 12:28:03 PM

    In #48 JCM said: Wait for me Voyager!


    Syrah 11/3/2020 12:38:18 PM


    JCM 11/3/2020 12:41:54 PM

    Reply to Syrah in 52:

    And riot afterwards!

    Kosh's Shadow 11/3/2020 12:59:26 PM

    In #52 Syrah said:

    And again after they die!

    Syrah 11/3/2020 1:00:46 PM

    Reply to JCM in 53:

    With all of the plywood covering up windows in the down town cores of the major cities, everyone is getting a visual preview of what there towns will look like after the Democrats defund their police forces.  

    PaladinPhil 11/3/2020 1:01:07 PM

    Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 42:

    Nope, our current government is as left if not further left then the democrats. 

    Comment error 475 57
    JCM 11/3/2020 2:37:59 PM
    Voting irregularity detected...

    Occasional Reader 11/3/2020 2:44:56 PM
    Meanwhile, the Trump campaign is still emailing me asking me for money. Um, guys?
    Occasional Reader 11/3/2020 2:57:36 PM

    Reply to JCM in 58:

    Jeffrey Toobin is voting?

    Occasional Reader 11/3/2020 3:14:02 PM

    Biden introduces his granddaughter to crowd by saying, "this is my son, Beau Biden...

    Kosh's Shadow 11/3/2020 3:45:47 PM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 61:

    Sometimes, I wonder, if (G-d forbid) Biden wins, if the Dems will find him incompetent before Inauguration, or if they'll wait a decent interval of 3 months or so.

    Kosh's Shadow 11/3/2020 3:46:40 PM

    In #62 Kosh's Shadow said: Sometimes, I wonder, if (G-d forbid) Biden wins, if the Dems will find him incompetent before Inauguration, or if they'll wait a decent interval of 3 months or so.

    Of course, if there is some kind of crisis, they'll have to replace him sooner. 

    Kosh's Shadow 11/3/2020 3:49:45 PM

    Iran is making some adjustments due to COVID. Students are to burn Israeli flags at home instead of in public (link)

    Iran's traditional Student Day march, which marks the anniversary of the Iranian seizure of the United States Embassy in 1979, will not be held for the first time in 40 years, due to coronavirus concerns, the London-based Iran International reported on Monday.

    Iran, which has recently seen another major surge in coronavirus cases, has also been dealing with the financial fallout of the ever-expanding list of US sanctions on the country.

    However, one official from the student section of the Basij militia organization is getting creative with his methods of protesting the US regime.

    While talking to a local television news station, Mojtaba Bastan, Acting Head of the Student Basij Organization announced a new campaign, titled 'Everyone together [says] down with the USA."

    Bastan said that on Tuesday morning at 9 a.m., parents and students should come together to "trample on and set fire" to flags of the US, Israel and France at home, where they can safely play with fire without worrying about catching a deadly virus.

    In addition, a special website has been created where students are encouraged to upload minute-long videos, adding their names to the statement 'US must exit [Middle East] region.' 

    The website also features competitions ‘Why Down with the USA?’ and ‘Message to American Soldiers,’ for which students can enter drawings, essays, voice recordings and video clips.

    JCM 11/3/2020 3:50:08 PM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 60:

    I was thinking Anthony Weiner......

    Kosh's Shadow 11/3/2020 4:51:14 PM

    In #64 Kosh's Shadow said: The website also features competitions ‘Why Down with the USA?’ and ‘Message to American Soldiers,’ for which students can enter drawings, essays, voice recordings and video clips.

    I wonder if Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib are submitting anything there?

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