The Daily Broadside

Thu(n)resdæg, day of thunder

Posted on 02/11/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 2/8/2021 6:48:38 PM

Posted by: JCM

Kosh's Shadow 2/10/2021 3:26:16 PM

Posting last night so I don't do this on work time, but it will still get a good discussion:

We aren't the only ones calling the storming of the Capitol by loonies the Democrat's Reichstag Fire - link

Democrats keep claiming that the First Amendment doesn’t permit “shouting fire in a crowded theater”, even while they’re shouting, “Reichstag fire” in the crowded theater of government.

vxbush 2/11/2021 5:37:02 AM

In #1 Kosh's Shadow said: Posting last night so I don't do this on work time, but it will still get a good discussion:

I saw that yesterday but haven't read it yet. Instead, I was reading Patrick Byrne's account of the issues surrounding the election and the analysis of the manufacturing, implementation, and network analysis of Dominion and Smartmatic voting systems. 

The information is out there, and there were videos demonstrating how easy it is to change votes in Dominion. Insanely easy. Maybe those videos are gone, but anyone with half a brain cell can see that the election was not the paragon of democratic virtue that the press would force us to believe. 

This is where "useful idiots" are used powerfully by the media. 

vxbush 2/11/2021 5:37:57 AM
Did the Thirty Tyrants article get posted here yet? 
Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2021 5:40:08 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

Dominion is suing Guiliani for defamation. I hope they've saved all those videos AND demanded the devices in various states are locked up to be examined as evidence. 

I have a feeling the case will be dropped if there is any way it would come out in court how easily votes could be changed.

lucius septimius 2/11/2021 6:02:14 AM
So now the left is piling on the Springstein Jeep commercial, not because of his DUI, but rather because it was in a chapel in "MAGA country."  And how can you find middle ground with "the KKK."  What I gather is that the commercial was objectionable as a piece of Christo-fascist Dominionist Neo-Nazi propaganda deeply offensive to Sikhs (yes, you read that right).
vxbush 2/11/2021 6:47:15 AM

In #5 lucius septimius said: So now the left is piling on the Springstein Jeep commercial, not because of his DUI, but rather because it was in a chapel in "MAGA country."  And how can you find middle ground with "the KKK."  What I gather is that the commercial was objectionable as a piece of Christo-fascist Dominionist Neo-Nazi propaganda deeply offensive to Sikhs (yes, you read that right).

Who are these Dominionist leaders I keep hearing about but never see? I have friends who spout claims of Dominionist plots, and I have never seen any evidence of this. (I am beginning to think that Democrats do nothing but plan plots and find plots in others.)

Occasional Reader 2/11/2021 7:43:27 AM

In #5 lucius septimius said: deeply offensive to Sikhs

Well, the engine in the Jeep wasn't a gas turban... 

Occasional Reader 2/11/2021 7:45:27 AM
And a belated "good morning".  I awoke from a somewhat busy dream when the alarm went off this morning in which I was basically asking myself why I had quit my current job with no plans as to where I was going to find my next job, or what I was going to do for money.  I was rather relieved to wake up and remember, no, I had not, in fact, done that. 
lucius septimius 2/11/2021 9:37:16 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 8:

In other words, you dreamt you were me, albeit likely with far more options.

vxbush 2/11/2021 10:04:25 AM

In #9 lucius septimius said: In other words, you dreamt you were me, albeit likely with far more options.

"Lucius Reader, occasional worker."


Occasional Reader 2/11/2021 10:10:49 AM

So there's a controversy about an actress I don't know getting fired from a show I don't watch, apparently.

But what I find interesting is how putatively conservative pundits are falling all over themselves to say "what she tweeted was wrong, but..."

Personally, I don't see how it was wrong (for reasons described in my post on that thread).

Discuss (if you like). 

Occasional Reader 2/11/2021 10:11:53 AM

In #9 lucius septimius said: albeit likely with far more options

At this stage in my career, I've in kind of a niche.  If I were to get canned from my current job, that would be... bad.  

buzzsawmonkey 2/11/2021 10:19:49 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 11:

I'd never heard of the actress or the show before, either.  But the article on her firing over at PJM does not in any way say she was wrong---rather that she was right on the money.

Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2021 10:22:52 AM

To preserve our integrity and our souls, the quality of our political debate and the creativity so essential to our cultural life, we need a Twitter Test challenging bottom-up cultural totalitarianism that is spreading throughout free societies. That test asks: In the democratic society in which you live, can you express your individual views loudly, in public and in private, on social media and at rallies, without fear of being shamed, excommunicated, or cancelled? Ultimately, whether you will live as a democratic doublethinker doesn’t depend on the authorities or on the corporations that run social media platforms: it depends on you. Each of us individually decides whether we want to submit to the crippling indignity of doublethink, or break the chains that keep us from expressing our own thoughts, and becoming whole.

Kosh's Shadow 2/11/2021 10:25:16 AM

Today's show trials and public confessions

Occasional Reader 2/11/2021 11:02:22 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 13:

The national review and hot air links that my link goes to, both authors scramble to say that  her remarks were “stupid“ or “wrong“.

Occasional Reader 2/11/2021 11:22:01 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 13:

As another commentor noted, the only people “denigrated“ by her message were... Nazis, and people who collaborate with Nazis, and people who act like Nazis.  So in firing her in retaliation, it sure looks like Disney was standing up for the hurt feelings of Nazis.

JCM 2/11/2021 11:26:42 AM

A meme making the rounds on the net, something like this, a Lancet Study show US could have avoided 200,000 COVID deaths. This is being used as a dig at Trump.

Except that the US inflated the death toll, to damage Trump, just another indication that the US count is wrong and the rate really did match the Europe rates.

vxbush 2/11/2021 11:58:49 AM

In #13 buzzsawmonkey said: I'd never heard of the actress or the show before, either.  But the article on her firing over at PJM does not in any way say she was wrong---rather that she was right on the money.

I like this: 

She also previously “made light of people including their preferred pronouns on social media by adding ‘beep/bop/boop’ to her Twitter bio,” a move that some viewed as transphobic.

I've been thinking I should have one of mine be "The Great Tech Goddess."

PaladinPhil 2/11/2021 2:49:58 PM
A small update in the frontier.
JCM 2/11/2021 5:04:26 PM

Charges dropped for officers seen shoving Buffalo protester

This is the case where the viral video showed cops pushing a guy and him falling back and hitting his head.

What the video didn't show was this guy was a know to cops as an agitator and in this case he'd been disregarding orders and kept advancing on the cops.

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