The Daily Broadside


Posted on 05/19/2021 5.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 5/16/2021 9:09:22 AM

Posted by: JCM

buzzsawmonkey 5/19/2021 5:33:55 AM

Well, it looks as if Re-Education Camp isn't through with me quite yet.  I've been contacted from the schools "employee assistance program," which wants me to discuss the "tense discussions" in "some of" the sessions.  

I have replied to the person contacting me that I have no idea what she's talking about---and that disagreement is a hallmark of the "diversity" which attends participation in higher education.

Occasional Reader 5/19/2021 5:42:25 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 1:

“Gentlemen, you can’t debate in here! This is a university!”

-University President Merkin Muffley

Kosh's Shadow 5/19/2021 5:42:28 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 1:

It appears you have been summoned to the Woke Inquisition for heresy.

You can't Torquemada the accusation (stolen from Mel Brooks)

Occasional Reader 5/19/2021 5:59:47 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 1:

By the way, this would be a good time for you to declare that you “identify“ as a black woman, just to mess with ‘em.

buzzsawmonkey 5/19/2021 6:01:47 AM

They keep talking about how they "suggest" that I "come in to talk about" certain "tense sessions." My last message to them was as follows:

Once again, I do not have any idea what you are talking about.  

Please state clearly what you are referring to; why, and on whose behalf you are contacting me; what it is you want to accomplish, and how.

Thank you in advance for your clarification.


So far I've not heard back.
lucius septimius 5/19/2021 7:04:27 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5:

You probably won't.  They never want to identify the source of the complaints or provide details.  They want you to confess to bad things and humble yourself.  If you won't do that (and most people do so willingly) they really don't know how to respond.

doppelganglander 5/19/2021 8:04:54 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 5:

Good for you standing your ground. Can't wait to see what their next move is.

buzzsawmonkey 5/19/2021 9:08:35 AM

In #7 doppelganglander said: Good for you standing your ground. Can't wait to see what their next move is.

I'm an adjunct---they can fire me at any time, and may well do so.  I don't know.  

But, much as I'd like the money, it's pretty minimal; I don't need it. And my evaluations have been consistently good for over a decade (not that that is necessarily a protection against a pack of feral wokies).  

I merely disagreed, in a non-groveling tone, with the barrage of bromides being dished out by the "Cohort Facilitators," i.e., political-correctness compliance officers.  And, despite their pious utterances that "all opinions are valid," or words to that effect, it appears to have perturbed them no end.

buzzsawmonkey 5/19/2021 9:22:48 AM

On a different subject, here's an old Disney "Silly Symphony," The Three Little Pigs.  

Note that at about 6 minutes in, the wolf disguises himself as an obviously-Jewish peddler.  I've heard this offered as evidence of Disney's alleged "antisemitism," but I'd have to disagree; aside from the fact that when this film was made there were still many Jewish peddlers, when you consider that the one thing most non-Jews know about Jews is that they do not eat pork, the wolf disguising himself as a Jewish peddler---and therefore, supposedly, not a threat to the three little pigs---is actually a very subtle and funny joke, not an example of "antisemitism" at all.

Occasional Reader 5/19/2021 9:50:04 AM

In #8 buzzsawmonkey said: i.e., political-correctness compliance officers.

... or zampolit.

JCM 5/19/2021 9:52:18 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 10:

When you greet one, "Oh hi, there Comrade Political Officer!"

Occasional Reader 5/19/2021 10:07:51 AM

Reply to JCM in 11:

And then invite him to have a cup of tea in the captain’s quarters... on the “red October“

lucius septimius 5/19/2021 10:49:17 AM
Big news yesterday was Biden driving an electric truck.  Except it turns out he wasn't actually driving.
JCM 5/19/2021 10:52:11 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 13:

You can see it in this video too!

Kosh's Shadow 5/19/2021 11:28:38 AM

Those terrorists are preventing aid from reaching starving Gazans.

Humanitarian aid that was on its way into the Gaza Strip from Israel on Wednesday was once again shelled by Hamas terrorists.

The IDF’s The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) stated that during the entry of a shipment of civilian aid into the Gaza Strip through the Kerem Shalom crossing, donated by Jordan, the terrorist organizations in the Strip fired three mortar shells at the crossing area.

So why isn't the world pressuring Hamas for a ceasefire?

Occasional Reader 5/19/2021 11:40:40 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 13:

And he “teases” about running over a reporter who asks “permission” to ask a question about Israel.

Imagine if Trump... etc. etc.

But the lapdog press just giggle away,

Hey, journos, you forgot to get an update on Joe’s favorite soft ice cream flavor.

Occasional Reader 5/19/2021 11:42:25 AM

In #15 Kosh's Shadow said: So why isn't the world pressuring Hamas for a ceasefire?

Because they’re  a “human rights organization”.  Pelosi said so.

Alice in Dairyland 5/19/2021 11:56:05 AM

From the Desk of Donald J. Trump: I have just learned,

New York, New York, what a wonderful town...  Buzz, I don't know how you survive in that city.  I wouldn't survive in any city though.  I'd be one of those people wandering around aimlessly, having a huge argument with myself and my other seven personalities.  If you go to the above link, it's better if you read it using the Donald's voice, like in his rally speeches.  Speaking of rallies, they are suppose to start them again sometime in June.

Kosh's Shadow 5/19/2021 11:59:07 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 17:

Apparently Hamas doesn't believe in the right of the people they rule to get food and medical supplies. They gave the right to die for the cause of eliminating Jews, and that's about it.

Alice in Dairyland 5/19/2021 11:59:59 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 13:

Have they no shame.  The man embarrasses himself well enough on his own.  He doesn't need his own team setting him up like this.  How could anyone have voted for him.  Well, I guess we shouldn't be letting people that are 120 years old vote anymore.  Bad enough we can't get the dead people to stop voting, we don't need those old fools voting too.

Kosh's Shadow 5/19/2021 12:00:58 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 18:

I didn't think there were enough bananas in NY for it to be a banana republic, but it is.

Alice in Dairyland 5/19/2021 12:03:56 PM

In #16 Occasional Reader said: And he “teases” about running over a reporter who asks “permission” to ask a question about Israel.

I wonder who the reporter was.  It would be par for the course/too funny if they were Jewish.  I mean, the man just goes for bad optics.  It's a good thing no one notices them or cares.

Alice in Dairyland 5/19/2021 1:44:47 PM

Jewish Google employees say company should support Palestinians

Remember when Google's motto was "don't be evil"?

Kosh's Shadow 5/19/2021 1:58:30 PM

In #23 Alice in Dairyland said: Jewish Google employees say company should support Palestinians Remember when Google's motto was "don't be evil"?

google got rid of anyone but leftists years ago, by making them feel quite uncomfortable

JCM 5/19/2021 3:28:38 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 23:

"self-identifying as Jewish"

So every Pali working for Google is suddenly Jewish.

buzzsawmonkey 5/19/2021 3:34:43 PM

In #25 JCM said: "self-identifying as Jewish"

If you say you "identify as" something, that is a declaration that you are not in fact that thing.

Occasional Reader 5/19/2021 4:06:18 PM

Pro-Pali thugs assault Jews on an LA street:

Good thing Biden is urging Israel to de-escalate, right?

Kosh's Shadow 5/19/2021 4:18:38 PM

In #27 Occasional Reader said: Good thing Biden is urging Israel to de-escalate, right?

Germany is more supportive of Israel than Biden.

(Also the Czech Republic and Slovakia but those are generally supportive of Israel because they see Israel is being treated the way they were in the Munich accords)

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