The Daily Broadside


Posted on 06/01/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 5/30/2021 3:32:38 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 6/1/2021 5:21:06 AM
Good morning, everyone. This weekend was a lovely respite for me. I hope it was for everyone here. 
doppelganglander 6/1/2021 5:47:49 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

It was, thanks. I went to a digital art exhibition featuring van Gogh. I have missed museums so much. I went to church, which I don't get to do as often as I'd like, and spent a lot of time gardening. The weather was perfect and I had a very relaxing time.

vxbush 6/1/2021 6:03:51 AM

In #2 doppelganglander said: It was, thanks. I went to a digital art exhibition featuring van Gogh. I have missed museums so much. I went to church, which I don't get to do as often as I'd like, and spent a lot of time gardening. The weather was perfect and I had a very relaxing time.

That sounds lovely!

Occasional Reader 6/1/2021 6:21:26 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

Thanks, vx, I hope yours was good, too.  Mine was nice, if... yes, too short (despite being a four-day weekend, work gave us a bonus day off on Friday).  

Probably my favorite moment from the weekend was when I was at a local pizza restaurant with Little OR on Saturday evening.  At one point, a (pretty) waitress walked by our table, and he suddely said " excuse me!".  She stopped. "I really like your hairstyle, and your perfume."  She promptly melted into a puddle.

Kid's got game

Occasional Reader 6/1/2021 6:22:15 AM
And just to repost my last post from last night:

"One thought before going to bed: this time last year, I was sleeping with a loaded shotgun in my bedroom, because of the leftist riots. The riots that we are supposed to forget ever happened. 

Let’s not forget." 

vxbush 6/1/2021 6:32:52 AM

In #4 Occasional Reader said: Kid's got game. 

Holy cow. Any woman would absolutely melt!

One thought before going to bed: this time last year, I was sleeping with a loaded shotgun in my bedroom, because of the leftist riots. The riots that we are supposed to forget ever happened. 

Yes, the riots that the media conveniently ignores. 

vxbush 6/1/2021 7:07:44 AM
Growl. Enterprise admins made a change this weekend and didn't warn the rest of us. Grrrrrr...
Occasional Reader 6/1/2021 7:30:45 AM

In #7 vxbush said: Enterprise admins made a change this weekend and didn't warn the rest of us

Damn that Picard!

JCM 6/1/2021 7:53:46 AM

Reply to vxbush in 7:

We spent a ton of time and money building a 1GB network system for our eCAD system and clients. A 1GB switch connecting to corp net. Then all the servers and clients all on that switch so all eCAD traffic is on one side of the switch. Then they decided to do a office shuffle. Corp IT came in moved all the hardware. According to the seating chart.

Spent the entire weekend a week ago moving all our eCAD staff back around.

The EE team manager flipped a lid.

vxbush 6/1/2021 8:05:35 AM

In #9 JCM said: We spent a ton of time and money building a 1GB network system for our eCAD system and clients. A 1GB switch connecting to corp net. Then all the servers and clients all on that switch so all eCAD traffic is on one side of the switch. Then they decided to do a office shuffle. Corp IT came in moved all the hardware. According to the seating chart. Spent the entire weekend a week ago moving all our eCAD staff back around. The EE team manager flipped a lid.

As he should have!

When things like this happen, I always go back and check my notes--did anyone tell me about this change? Was it thrown in to a meeting as a "oh, by the way" thing at the end? And I can't find anything about this, anywhere. The one place where I would have expected a discussion on this, in a meeting with all the IT support folks earlier in May, they said nothing about the change that was inflicted upon us today. So I feel pretty justified in my anger. Now the question is, who do I need to yell at to have the most effect? 

buzzsawmonkey 6/1/2021 8:18:01 AM

Have you heard about the forthcoming "woke" remake of Casablanca?

It will be called "Casanegro," and the action will take place in and around Rheto-Ric's Cafe Unamerican.

buzzsawmonkey 6/1/2021 9:00:35 AM
Well, that killed the thread...
JCM 6/1/2021 9:21:40 AM

7 apple varieties previously thought lost have been located

Seven apple varieties previously believed to be lost or extinct have been found in eastern Washington state. Several were found on land near the communities of Pullman, Colfax and Moscow.

The Lost Apple Project and the Temperate Orchard Conservancy announced the latest discoveries this month.

The Lost Apple Project has partnered with the Whitman County Historical Society to identify and preserve heritage apple trees and orchards in Washington and Idaho. The groups have found 29 apples once thought to have disappeared.

Kosh's Shadow 6/1/2021 10:12:32 AM

In #13 JCM said: 7 apple varieties previously thought lost have been located

I think someone had incider knowledge

JCM 6/1/2021 10:18:40 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 14:

That might be the core of a conspiracy!

Occasional Reader 6/1/2021 10:20:31 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 11:

“We’ll always have Portland”

Occasional Reader 6/1/2021 10:21:55 AM

And there seems to be hey good chance that Andy Ngo has been hospitalized, or worse, after having been beaten up by antifa thugs.

Kosh's Shadow 6/1/2021 10:25:02 AM

In #11 buzzsawmonkey said: Have you heard about the forthcoming "woke" remake of Casablanca? It will be called "Casanegro," and the action will take place in and around Rheto-Ric's Cafe Unamerican.

But I think the "negro" part would get it canceled. Maybe CasaBlacka

Kosh's Shadow 6/1/2021 10:27:30 AM

In #18 Kosh's Shadow said: CasaBlacka

Sounds too much like a '70's Blacksploitation film

buzzsawmonkey 6/1/2021 10:29:48 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 16: Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 18: Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 19:

Heh all around.  And the fact that "Casablacka" sounds like a blaxploitation film is actually a good thing.

buzzsawmonkey 6/1/2021 10:30:15 AM
See yez later.  Got a doc visit.
vxbush 6/1/2021 10:33:54 AM

In #17 Occasional Reader said: And there seems to be hey good chance that Andy Ngo has been hospitalized, or worse, after having been beaten up by antifa thugs.

Is he still going into demonstration areas without sufficient backup? Because while that work needs to be done, it should also be done smartly. 

Occasional Reader 6/1/2021 10:35:50 AM

In #20 buzzsawmonkey said: And the fact that "Casablacka" sounds like a blaxploitation film is actually a good thing.

Those flicks at least sometimes had catchy music.

Occasional Reader 6/1/2021 12:19:17 PM

In #17 Occasional Reader said: be hey good chance

My apologies, voice transcription seems to have been particularly awful this morning, I’m not sure why.

doppelganglander 6/1/2021 12:23:42 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 17:

Last I heard Andy had moved to London to avoid being murdered. I can't believe he'd be crazy enough to return, let alone turn up at another Antifa riot. Which means some poor guy who resembles him was seriously injured. In a just world, these clowns would be facing tear gas and rubber bullets, followed by a swift trial and hard jail time.

Kosh's Shadow 6/1/2021 12:43:09 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 25:

Antifa would be declared a terrorist group, not Republicans

JCM 6/1/2021 12:47:11 PM
  • Occasional Reader 6/1/2021 1:12:53 PM

    Kamala Harris demonstrates both her thudding lack of charisma, and her shocking technical/scientific ignorance, during address at US Naval Academy.

    Occasional Reader 6/1/2021 1:16:01 PM

    In #25 doppelganglander said: Last I heard Andy had moved to London to avoid being murdered

    I don't know if I'd have picked London, given the number of raving, hateful Leftists there, too.  In any event, at this point I also hope Andy is smart enough to engage in tactical disinformation regarding his whereabouts.  

    But some Insty commenters have noted (I have not checked myself) that since the alleged incident, his social media platforms have gone "dark", not been updated, allegedly.  Not a good sign, if true. 

    vxbush 6/1/2021 1:18:25 PM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 28:

    Oh. This is good.

    JCM 6/1/2021 1:20:35 PM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 28:

    Platoon leaders sees enemy movement..

    Comms bring up the radio, have to radio this in!

    Sorry sir radios are down!


    It's night! We only have a solar panel no batteries.

    Occasional Reader 6/1/2021 1:21:50 PM

    In #31 JCM said: It's night! We only have a solar panel no batteries.

    "Well, then, break out the portable windmill!"

    JCM 6/1/2021 1:23:08 PM

    Reply to vxbush in 30:

    ".... into combat power...." pause for applause..... silence.


    JCM 6/1/2021 1:24:21 PM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 32:

    There's no wind sir!

    Then run with it private!

    JCM 6/1/2021 1:26:54 PM

    Covid is old and busted.

    Say hello to Covid 2.0 and another year and half of masks lockdowns and misery.

    China reports human case of H10N3 bird flu, a possible first
    Occasional Reader 6/1/2021 1:27:43 PM

    Reply to JCM in 34:

    And consider that this was a prepared speech, not some off-the-cuff remark.

    Neither she nor her staff could figure out what was stupidly wrong about that line.  

    Occasional Reader 6/1/2021 1:29:45 PM

    Reply to JCM in 35:

    Yeah, I saw that earlier.  I'm not going to get alarmed at this point, wait to hear more about it.

    One thing, though; it seems clear that ChiComs cannot be trusted either with 1) virology labs, nor 2) raising poultry. 

    Kosh's Shadow 6/1/2021 1:44:15 PM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 36:

    Plus solar panels are LARGE and therefore visible. I would guess that the metal and semiconductors in them makes for a nice radar reflection. Might as well paint a target on them.

    Occasional Reader 6/1/2021 1:58:52 PM

    Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 38:

    More basically, the idea that solar panels are a substitute for electricity storage (batteries, in this case) is just laughable.  

    It's reminscent of the old "We don't need oil, we take the bus!" line from circa 2003. 

    JCM 6/1/2021 1:58:56 PM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 37:

    IMAO opinion.... just another flu strain....

    Just like covid is a different flu strain....

    Nothing to get worked up about.


    I fully expect the those who reveled in their emergency powers under covid to take full advantage.

    JCM 6/1/2021 2:05:15 PM

    Somebody needs to put a leash on the old dodderer.

    ABC News


    Ahead of remarks in Tulsa, Pres. Biden leaves the stage to talk to two young girls in the audience: "I just had to make sure the two girls got ice cream when this is over."

    buzzsawmonkey 6/1/2021 2:10:30 PM

    Reply to JCM in 41:

    I understand that James Earl Jones will play Tulsa Doom in the forthcoming film of the Tulsa riot, "White Folks are the Barbarians."

    Occasional Reader 6/1/2021 2:13:51 PM

    Reply to JCM in 41:

    You recall his "look at her, with her legs crossed, like she's 19 years old" remark from a few days ago.

    i don't know if it's that a) he's getting creepier; b) he doesn't care that we know it; or c) both a) and b). 

    Occasional Reader 6/1/2021 2:18:12 PM

    Reply to JCM in 41: Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 42:

    See, also,  "Students sign petition to ban Memorial Day". 

    By itself, this isn't remarkable (and also, while the video in introduced as "we went to Georgetown Univerisity to...", exactly none of the video takes place at GU).  Sure, you can get lefty students to sign any stupid lefty petition.

    But looking at it, I'm more convinced that there will be a serious push by the Left to replace Memorial Day with "Tulsa Massacre Remembrance Day", or some such thing.

    JCM 6/1/2021 2:18:21 PM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 43:

    Are they having Pedo Joe do it to troll us?

    doppelganglander 6/1/2021 2:34:04 PM

    Reply to JCM in 41:

    He's always been like that, just as he's always been a nasty SOB. One of the effects of dementia is losing one's filter, and he didn't have much of one to begin with.

    Kosh's Shadow 6/1/2021 2:43:23 PM

    In #44 Occasional Reader said: But looking at it, I'm more convinced that there will be a serious push by the Left to replace Memorial Day with "Tulsa Massacre Remembrance Day", or some such thing.

    They are already doing a lot to replace Columbus Day with "Indigenous People's Day"

    doppelganglander 6/1/2021 2:44:01 PM

    Reply to Occasional Reader in 29:

    I looked, nothing since Friday. It could be part of tactical disinformation. He knows that Portland police wouldn't lift a finger to protect him, so I really can't believe he'd take that kind of risk.

    buzzsawmonkey 6/1/2021 3:21:42 PM

    In #47 Kosh's Shadow said: They are already doing a lot to replace Columbus Day with "Indigenous People's Day"

    Don't forget, this is Gape Wide Month.

    Occasional Reader 6/1/2021 3:25:53 PM

    Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 49:

    during my very, very brief foray into NPR earlier today, they were extremely eager to remind me of that. Of course.

    buzzsawmonkey 6/1/2021 3:28:12 PM

    In #50 Occasional Reader said: during my very, very brief foray into NPR earlier today, they were extremely eager to remind me of that. Of course.

    There will be rainbozos aplenty this year, no doubt.

    Occasional Reader 6/1/2021 3:30:02 PM

    Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 49:

    And I’m reminded of when I visited San Francisco about seven or eight years ago with my then- girlfriend in early July.  The cab driver who took us into the city from the airport was an Arab immigrant; and he was admonishing us with sardonic humor, why have we not come a little earlier in order to experience “shame month“.

    An Arab denouncing “pride month“. How does this work in the Woke game of rock, paper, scissors?

    Kosh's Shadow 6/1/2021 3:35:49 PM

    In #52 Occasional Reader said: An Arab denouncing “pride month“. How does this work in the Woke game of rock, paper, scissors?

    Queers for Palestine just lick this up.

    buzzsawmonkey 6/1/2021 3:41:26 PM

    In #53 Kosh's Shadow said: Queers for Palestine just lick this up.

    If one is homosexual, "having a fling" means something very different in a Muslim country than it does in the West.  So does "roofies."

    Kosh's Shadow 6/1/2021 4:06:21 PM

    In #54 buzzsawmonkey said: If one is homosexual, "having a fling" means something very different in a Muslim country than it does in the West.  So does "roofies."

    Also "getting stoned" has nothing to do with marijuana

    Occasional Reader 6/1/2021 4:12:34 PM
    My God, but do I hate the left. I hate what they’ve done to my country, I hate what they’ve done to the entire world, I hate what they have done to even my friends.
    JCM 6/1/2021 4:29:26 PM

    Reply to doppelganglander in 46:

    I watched that Clarence Thomas in his own word documentary on PBS.

    Yeah, Joe came across a real nasty piece of work.

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