The Daily Broadside


Posted on 07/03/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 6/27/2021 6:38:59 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 7/3/2021 8:59:18 AM

President Joe Asterisk waves off hard questions, because Holiday Weekend, man!

Occasional Reader 7/3/2021 9:01:42 AM

Stalin was “a great listener”:

Kosh's Shadow 7/3/2021 9:03:23 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 2:

I had the impression if he didn't like listening to something, he'd have the speaker executed.

Occasional Reader 7/3/2021 9:28:11 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3:

I mean, this is Franz Liebkind territory.

“… and he could dance ze pants off of Churchill!”

Kosh's Shadow 7/3/2021 9:41:53 AM

In #2 Occasional Reader said: Stalin was “a great listener”:

You know who else was a great listener? (Seriously, reports said he listened very well to briefings)

TRUMP!!!!! See, Russian collusion///////////

Kosh's Shadow 7/3/2021 10:42:06 AM

If you are a heavily armed militia group, make sure you don't have to refuel your vehicles in the breakdown lane at 1:30 AM. It might look suspicious to a passing state trooper

State police have arrested 11 “heavily armed” men from a group “that does not recognize our laws” who caused highway shutdowns and shelter-in place orders in Wakefield after they fled into the woods after an encounter with cops, authorities said.

State Police Col. Christopher Mason told reporters earlier in the morning that one of his troopers saw some vehicles in the breakdown lane at 1:30 a.m. Saturday, and pulled over to see what was going on. The trooper saw that the group of “eight to 10” people, dressed to the nines in “military-style” tactical gear and armed to the teeth with long guns and handguns, was refueling their two vehicles, he said.

The trooper asked the men for their drivers licenses and licenses to carry, which the men either didn’t have or didn’t provide, he said.

Mason said the staties are aware that the people are posting on social media under the name “Rise of the Moors.” The latest video shows a man decked out in military gear insisting that “we’re not anti-government, we’re not anti-police, we’re not sovereign citizens, we’re not Black identity extremists.” Locating himself in “the colony of Massachusetts,” he insisted in one of the videos that his nation — he pointed to a large Moroccan flag two of his compatriots were carrying — has a treaty with the United States.

An email on the Rise of the Moors website, which links to the YouTube page, didn’t immediately garner comment. The ADL lists the “growing” Moorish movement as a Black offshoot of the sovereign citizen cause.

Kosh's Shadow 7/3/2021 10:42:54 AM

In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: An email on the Rise of the Moors website, which links to the YouTube page, didn’t immediately garner comment. The ADL lists the “growing” Moorish movement as a Black offshoot of the sovereign citizen cause.

I thought "Blackamoors" was racist?

Occasional Reader 7/3/2021 11:24:53 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 6:

I was just torturing myself by listening to NPR news, they mentioned the story, but without saying anything about the “black separatist“ issue.

Weird, huh?!!!

Kosh's Shadow 7/3/2021 12:39:06 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 8:

Did NPR carry anything about the rabbi that was stabbed? If so, did they say the suspect is Egyptian? And probably here illegally? Did they imply the stabbing was justified because of Israel?

Kosh's Shadow 7/3/2021 12:49:19 PM

My current working hypothesis on the Surfside collapse, based on the following:

The building had structural problems due to 40 years of seaside salt air, but not enough to cause a collapse. It was not at full strength to handle unusual loads, however.

The pool structure was a disaster. It was not properly constructed; the pool deck did not have waterproofing and was flat, not sloped to allow runoff. Repairs to the structure were stopped because they could have destabilized the entire pool area structure.

The pool equipment room had leaks.

Now, shortly before the collapse, tourists videoed water pouring into the garage from the floor above. Too high to be seawater; probably the leaks in the pool equipment room became extreme.

That water would have caused excessive loads in the garage, and if the pool structure was failing, the loss of water could cause the sides to collapse inwards. A resident called to say the pool disappeared just before the collapse.

The remaining water in the pool probably drained into the building, and the pool area collapse caused enough ground movement to cause the already weakened and overloaded (with water) garage structure to fail, bringing the building down on top of it.

It wasn't a natural sinkhole, but water inside the building, which explains why it went straight down.

And I promise I will not do any structural engineering work ever again if this is completely wrong. (OK, I never have been trained in structural engineering, and do not have a license to do such work either)

But I think several parts of this are correct, and it shows how the collapse did not have a single cause.  The building would be there if the pool hadn't collapsed or if it was at full structural strength. The collapse wouldn't have occurred if there were no leaks in the pool equipment room.

As is usual with disasters like this, several things have to go wrong at the same time.

JCM 7/3/2021 12:54:50 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 10:

I've seen enough reports to indicate the structural problems where known, and the owners had scheduled a substantial condo fee to over the mulit-million repair costs.

They failed to recognize the seriousness of the damage.

Kosh's Shadow 7/3/2021 1:37:27 PM

Just got in the mail, and threw out, a flyer for Viking Cruises, so I thought I'd take a musical journey down a European river instead


Kosh's Shadow 7/3/2021 1:38:12 PM

In #11 JCM said: I've seen enough reports to indicate the structural problems where known, and the owners had scheduled a substantial condo fee to over the mulit-million repair costs. They failed to recognize the seriousness of the damage.

I think if the pool hadn't collapsed, they would have had enough time to evaluate the seriousness and evacuate safely.

Kosh's Shadow 7/3/2021 2:15:45 PM

In #13 Kosh's Shadow said: I think if the pool hadn't collapsed, they would have had enough time to evaluate the seriousness and evacuate safely.

Although based on what I have seen, the building should have lost its occupancy permit before the collapse, which would have allowed an evacuation.

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