The Daily Broadside


Posted on 08/25/2021 5.00 AM

JCM 8/22/2021 8:19:36 AM

Posted by: JCM

Kosh's Shadow 8/25/2021 5:19:26 AM
This breakfast looks berry nice
Kosh's Shadow 8/25/2021 5:39:32 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:

Actually, a strawberry is not a berry, but a banana is

vxbush 8/25/2021 5:53:18 AM

In #1 Kosh's Shadow said: This breakfast looks berry nice

I actually thought yesterday's looked absolutely divine. I'm a big sucker for French toast, although I rarely eat it anymore (mostly because I have to make it with gluten-free bread). 

Occasional Reader 8/25/2021 6:02:08 AM

Good morning.   Remember whan Jennifer Rubin was supposedly the "conservative" at WaPo?  Good times.  Now, she shills tirelessly for the Biden regime... and even for the Taliban.

Occasional Reader 8/25/2021 6:05:42 AM

And meanwhile the US Woke Defense Department continues to demonstrate Awesome Competence. 

JCM 8/25/2021 8:12:39 AM

Reply to vxbush in 3:

Key with GF bread is to let it soak longer in the batter. I like vanilla and cinnamon with a touch of milk in my french toast batter. Soaking means a longer cook time so i use a lower temperature.

buzzsawmonkey 8/25/2021 8:28:35 AM

I wish I was in Bagram Airbase

Then we could fight the Taliban

Had we disregarded Joe Biden’s notions

Then we could fight the Taliban

Ah, but he’s decided our efforts are over

In a manner that guarantees thousands will die

I wish that we had competent leaders

Then we could fight the Taliban…

—“Carrickfergus,” re-imagined

JCM 8/25/2021 9:03:27 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 5:

This will destroy American credibility on the world stage for a generation.

When the leadership of the nation KNOWINGLY fails to protect its own citizens, no other nation will trust it to uphold its commitments. The ChiComs are right Taiwan is fu*ked.

This isn't an accident. This intentional. Their purpose is to destroy American exceptionalism and greatness.

Occasional Reader 8/25/2021 10:25:32 AM

Reply to JCM in 8:


buzzsawmonkey 8/25/2021 10:28:17 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 9:

He jes' Biden his time...

Occasional Reader 8/25/2021 12:49:31 PM
Conrad Black lays out the extent of the Biden fiasco in Afghanistan. 
buzzsawmonkey 8/25/2021 12:54:30 PM
Joe Biden may not win the Nobel Prize, but he certainly deserves the Cat-Ass Trophy.
JCM 8/25/2021 12:56:32 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 11:

The (R)s should be able to have an epic sweep in the mid-terms.

I doubt they have the intelligence, backbone or will to take advantage.

It would be unsporting.

Occasional Reader 8/25/2021 1:32:28 PM

Reply to JCM in 13:

That's not who we are, old chap!  Ahoy!

Kosh's Shadow 8/25/2021 1:37:41 PM

In #13 JCM said: The (R)s should be able to have an epic sweep in the mid-terms. I doubt they have the intelligence, backbone or will to take advantage. It would be unsporting.

Most are part of the Wokie-Fenokie Swamp. Obama got the Tea Party shut down by the IRS, so they're mostly safe.

Kosh's Shadow 8/25/2021 2:49:52 PM
Long, but good, piece on BLM and its association with Farrakhan
buzzsawmonkey 8/25/2021 3:14:07 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 16:

Interesting.  I've seen some ostensibly-non-black commenters on PJM utter the same nonsense as that purveyed by the NOI in that article.

Kosh's Shadow 8/25/2021 3:47:27 PM

In #17 buzzsawmonkey said:  I've seen some ostensibly-non-black commenters on PJM utter the same nonsense as that purveyed by the NOI in that article.

The Khazar myth is well liked by white supremacists, too. And the idea that today's Jews aren't the "real Jews" also appeals to those who support Christian replacement theology.

Black supremacists and white supremacists meet twice a day at Jew-hate junction.

buzzsawmonkey 8/25/2021 3:59:23 PM

In #18 Kosh's Shadow said: Black supremacists and white supremacists meet twice a day at Jew-hate junction.

Do not forget that back in the '60s, when the anti-civil-rights NOI was fighting Martin Luther King, the NOI demanded that the US government set aside several states to create an all-black Bantustan---and they were backed in this, openly, by the American Nazi Party.  The NOI has always been the Nazi Party in blackface.

The idea went nowhere, for several reasons---first, that there was no legal basis for this idiot notion, but second, and more important, the "black power" advocates realized that they could create not one, but many, virtual Bantustans by becoming poverty-pimps in every inner-city black neighborhood, thereby creating many little satrapies for themselves instead of one single satrapy.  That is why I believe that the black-power advocates in the "civil rights movement" were the ones who paid for the bullet(s) that killed King.

Kosh's Shadow 8/25/2021 4:04:45 PM

In #19 buzzsawmonkey said: the NOI demanded that the US government set aside several states to create an all-black Bantustan---and they were backed in this, openly, by the American Nazi Party.

The article explicitly notes at a Black Muslim rally, Malcolm X and George Lincoln Rockwell of the American Nazi party, were both speakers.

buzzsawmonkey 8/25/2021 4:36:59 PM

In #20 Kosh's Shadow said: The article explicitly notes at a Black Muslim rally, Malcolm X and George Lincoln Rockwell of the American Nazi party, were both speakers.

Precisely.  The NOI has always been the Nazi Party in blackface, and today is no different from half a century ago.

Kosh's Shadow 8/25/2021 4:49:15 PM

In #21 buzzsawmonkey said: Precisely.  The NOI has always been the Nazi Party in blackface, and today is no different from half a century ago.


buzzsawmonkey 8/25/2021 4:58:27 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 22:

Not one, but two, film references here; "The Wizard of Oz," where the Scarecrow, Lion, and Tin Woodman assume the uniforms of the guards to the Wicked Witch's castle, and "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre."

My favorite reference from that film, however, still remains the gay chorus-boy "French Mistake" number, which is taken from the end of an obscure early-'30s "pansy" 78 by Gene Malin, called "I'd Rather Be Spanish."

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