The Daily Broadside


Posted on 05/27/2022 5.00 AM

JCM 5/21/2022 7:05:32 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 5/27/2022 6:41:36 AM
"Mailroom issues." Your government at work. 
vxbush 5/27/2022 6:52:26 AM

In #1 vxbush said: "Mailroom issues." Your government at work. 

You have to wonder how much worse the incompetence can get. I'd rather not find out, but I may not have a choice. 

Occasional Reader 5/27/2022 7:12:33 AM
Greetings from under-tornado-watch DC.  Exciting!... 
JCM 5/27/2022 7:18:05 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

Federal employee, no performance requirements.

JCM 5/27/2022 7:25:28 AM

The irony, self parody, lack of self awareness, is at epic levels today.

Seattle Mayor Harrell to release long-awaited plan to address homelessness in the city

vxbush 5/27/2022 7:42:31 AM

In #5 JCM said: Seattle Mayor Harrell to release long-awaited plan to address homelessness in the city

He just has to look like he's doing something. Even if it's just releasing a plan that will probably do nothing. 

JCM 5/27/2022 7:46:32 AM

Reply to vxbush in 6:

Comrade! We have a 5 year plan!

Occasional Reader 5/27/2022 7:53:13 AM

Reply to JCM in 7:

Dizzy with success!

vxbush 5/27/2022 7:57:41 AM

In #7 JCM said: Comrade! We have a 5 year plan!

Which we will promptly throw out after a year or two!

buzzsawmonkey 5/27/2022 8:00:51 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3:

I always wanted a tornado watch...

buzzsawmonkey 5/27/2022 8:05:11 AM
The vulture-fest over the victims of the Texas shooting continues, with scant mention of the apparent police incompetence and NO mention  of th shooter's many "issues."
Kosh's Shadow 5/27/2022 8:16:18 AM
Had a few interviews and other activities scheduled for today - until the people who scheduled them realized it was the day before a long weekend and rescheduled into next week.
Kosh's Shadow 5/27/2022 8:20:08 AM

In #9 vxbush said: In #7 JCM said: Comrade! We have a 5 year plan!

Which we will promptly throw out after a year or two!

They'll say in a year or two how well it is working by changing the numbers. 

JCM 5/27/2022 8:28:07 AM

If the Uvalde timeline I'm seeing in the media is true, and it took cops an hour to go in after the shooter. Then that is criminal and inexcusable. Every cop on scene should do a year of hard time for every dead kid.

An hour? It's your job to go in and save those kids. THAT IS WHAT YOU SIGNED UP FOR!

I did some hairy rescues in my time. I never once thought, it's too dangerous. I knew it was dangerous, I took all the safety precautions I could, training, gear etc... It was MY JOB to go in. It wasn't heroic, it was "above and beyond" I signed up for it.

One thing we've learned about mass shootings. Shooters are cowards, shooters can't shoot for shit, first two cops on the scene.... stack and go hard.

As pissed as I am about another shooting. If the hour timeline story holds.... those cops let those kids die because they are cowards. Just like the cop on the scene at Parkland hiding his fat ass behind a pillar.

vxbush 5/27/2022 8:30:01 AM

In #14 JCM said: As pissed as I am about another shooting. If the hour timeline story holds.... those cops let those kids die because they are cowards. Just like the cop on the scene at Parkland hiding his fat ass behind a pillar.

That's what I'm seeing. And when parents attempted to go in and do the work (even asking for the protective vest), they were arrested. Unconscionable. 

JCM 5/27/2022 8:30:27 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 12:

I love watching the narratives between Buffalo and Uvalde.

Buffalo, NY... Strict gun laws, narrative is white supremacy. Never might the shooter was a leftist who didn't think enough was being done so he trolled the media and poltiicans.

Ulvade, TX... "lax" gun laws, narrative is gun control. Never mind the kid was covered in red flags.

Occasional Reader 5/27/2022 8:49:28 AM

In #14 JCM said:

Mmm, that’s not necessarily so.  E.g. the killer in Buffalo seems to have shot “well”, even moving through having been hit (in the vest) by return fire.

Occasional Reader 5/27/2022 8:50:32 AM

In #10 buzzsawmonkey said:

I’ll funnel some money to you so can buy one.

JCM 5/27/2022 8:53:18 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 17:

There are always going to be exceptions.

Occasional Reader 5/27/2022 9:10:05 AM

In #19 JCM said: There are always going to be exceptions.

There are never exceptions!  Usually... well, sometimes... 

JCM 5/27/2022 9:16:18 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 20:

In contrast think about what a trained, skilled tactical shooter "could" do in a school or mall.

Kosh's Shadow 5/27/2022 10:17:26 AM

Reply to JCM in 21:

Reminds me of shortly after 9/11, I was working at an American-Israeli company, and while Americans thought the new security at malls was strong, the Israelis remarked on how little security there was, 

buzzsawmonkey 5/27/2022 10:38:28 AM

OR---in case you missed it over at Insty:

All the WHOs down in WHOville, it's easy to see
Want American people to lose sovereignty.
Yes, the WHOs down in WHOville look forward to orders
That permit them to meddle within US borders.

Kosh's Shadow 5/27/2022 10:47:33 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 23:


WHO is now run by grinches who want to take away our freedom

vxbush 5/27/2022 11:02:34 AM

In #24 Kosh's Shadow said:

DC seems to have become a serious infestation of anti-American people of all stripes and stations.

Kosh's Shadow 5/27/2022 11:11:29 AM

In #25 vxbush said: DC seems to have become a serious infestation of anti-American people of all stripes and stations.

And some of those are in starring roles.

JCM 5/27/2022 11:14:52 AM

Reply to vxbush in 25:

McCarthy was not wrong. He grossly mishandled his committee investigation.

His mishandling led to anyone pointing out communist / socialist idea being the "bad guy".

That mishandling gave them free reign to infiltrate education and bureaucracy. 

Kosh's Shadow 5/27/2022 11:42:47 AM

Had to go to the post office.

Nice to see the Memorial Day tradition of Poppies is still respected in some places!

JCM 5/27/2022 11:43:35 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 28:

And I "buy" a lot of them, from everyone I see with them.

buzzsawmonkey 5/27/2022 12:25:45 PM
The Left has been pushing for "gun control" since 1965:  Tom Paxton's "Buy a Gun For Your Son"
Occasional Reader 5/27/2022 3:50:25 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 28:

in my experience growing up, I never saw that as part of the memorial day tradition. I think of them is part of the armistice day tradition in the UK and the wider British Commonwealth.

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