The Daily Broadside

Late Sunday Brunch

Posted on 11/06/2022 8.37 AM

Kosh's Shadow 11/6/2022 8:38:16 AM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

buzzsawmonkey 11/6/2022 8:49:20 AM

The New York Marathon is today.  A major pain in the ass if you want to get anywhere.

The Midterm Marathon, alas, continues through Tuesday.  I will be practicing surly voting.

Kosh's Shadow 11/6/2022 9:14:51 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 1:

We used to live near the Boston Marathon route. Not quie on it, but it made it hard to go certain directions.

I worked someplace near the end of the route. We did not get the day off even though it was a Massachusetts holiday. Had to contend with all the people and traffic. Worst place I ever worked. 

As for voting, we voted by mail.

I doubt Geoff Diehl, an actual Republican conservative, has a chance against Dummicrat Healey, but I voted for him, and pretty much every Republican on the ballot. Some races had no choice.

As for the ballot questions. One adds a surtax for "millionaires", which includes people selling a large proportion of houses in Cambridge, Brookline, etc. And it is not indexed for inflation, so if the Dems stay in power, we'll all be millionaires. but it won't be worth much.

Another sets limits on how much dental insurers can make, and requires state approval if their rates go up faster than inflation. I know exactly what will happen, having worked at a place where the dental insurance kept premiums low by never updating "reasonable and customary" charges. They'd pay 50% of what dentists were charging 10 years earlier, and we'd pay the 70% of the bill. Don't get me started on insurance. (BTW the employer I mentioned earlier was a software and software service company, but in the insurance industry)

A third question is quite confusing. It claims to increase the number of liquor licences a retailer can have - but it only does so for beer, wine, cider, etc. It reduces the number of hard liquor licences a retailer can have.

And the last was easy - repeals the law allowing illegals to get drivers licences.

Kosh's Shadow 11/6/2022 9:38:38 AM

My comments on Daylight Savings Time:

It is a SCAM.

What is being done is moving the work day an hour earlier, but because people would complain "I have to get up at 5 AM now and that is too early!", they pretend 5 AM is 6 AM. But the DST 6 AM is 7 hours before astronimical noon, not 6 hours.

The scam part is to pretend 5 AM is really 6 (and the same for all hours of the day) so people won't complain about getting up too early.

buzzsawmonkey 11/6/2022 10:40:31 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3:

We've got unseasonably warm weather here in NYC today---mid-70s.  I blame Season Saving Time, where we turn the months back.

JCM 11/6/2022 10:45:21 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3:

Hear! Hear!

lucius septimius 11/6/2022 10:49:38 AM
Since I'm having to teach the kids American History I've been reading a good deal about the parts I only dimly remember, i.e., the 19th century.  Interesting.  Andrew Jackson and Donald Trump were in many ways very similar.  
Kosh's Shadow 11/6/2022 10:52:34 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 4:

Warm here, too. Indian Summer (or is that Native American summer, or is it called Indian summer because it is hot in India?)

The ticks take no time in becoming active, and one dog is a tic magnet. They are Frontlined, but the ticks have to get down to the skin and bite to be killed.

buzzsawmonkey 11/6/2022 10:54:28 AM

In #7 Kosh's Shadow said: Indian Summer (or is that Native American summer, or is it called Indian summer because it is hot in India?)

I think it's called "Indigent Summer" now, since it brings out all the "unhoused."

lucius septimius 11/6/2022 11:05:21 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 8:

I was going to post the Injun Summer cartoon that appeared in the Trib every year but the image is too big.

Now, of course, it's been cancelled as insensitivie.

buzzsawmonkey 11/6/2022 11:42:29 AM

In #9 lucius septimius said: Now, of course, it's been cancelled as insensitivie.

The "multicultural inclusion and respect" of prior decades is the "racism" of today.

JCM 11/6/2022 11:56:07 AM
How Amazon's Project Kuiper is building satellites to survive extreme conditions in space
Occasional Reader 11/6/2022 2:28:28 PM
Greetings from outside Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, as GPS has given me an interesting route on my way from dropping off my son with his mom, to seeing my parents in New York. No New Jersey Turnpike on this trip, it seems.
Kosh's Shadow 11/6/2022 2:54:57 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 12:

Did you set Apple Maps to avoid tolls? Or maybe there are climate protesters blocking the road.

Kosh's Shadow 11/6/2022 3:03:18 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 13:

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