The Daily Broadside


Posted on 01/03/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 1/1/2023 3:29:14 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 1/3/2023 7:31:06 AM

Dear Santa:

When I was a child, my father cheated on my Mom and didn’t love my family.

Later, my parents divorced.

Soon after, my mother died in a car accident.

My brother and I could only live in my grandma’s old house.

Grandma’s sister was an alcoholic.

The whole family lived on my grandma’s savings.

Grandma recently died.

My Uncle Andy is barely keeping himself out of jail from day to day.

My brother left home and won’t talk to us any more.

Dad, now 73, had to go out to work to support the family and eventually he is going to want me to do the same thing.

Yours sincerely,
Prince William

Occasional Reader 1/3/2023 8:21:00 AM

Occasional Reader 1/3/2023 8:21:31 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 2:

I noticed this sticker on a bus shelter in Northwest DC. Kind of interesting in a “blue on blue“ sort of way.

Occasional Reader 1/3/2023 8:22:56 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3:

Of course, whoever made it gets a half mark off, actually a full mark off, for “psudoscience”.

vxbush 1/3/2023 8:59:42 AM

In #3 Occasional Reader said: I noticed this sticker on a bus shelter in Northwest DC. Kind of interesting in a “blue on blue“ sort of way.

Interesting, but also disturbing regarding how sure the train crowd are that they are in the right at all times. I worry at times how far such people are willing to go to ensure that their will is enforced. 

Occasional Reader 1/3/2023 9:33:50 AM

Reply to vxbush in 5:

Who is "the train crowd"? 

vxbush 1/3/2023 10:16:54 AM

In #6 Occasional Reader said: Who is "the train crowd"? 

Ah, auto-incorrect to the rescue. Trans crowd, it should have said. Trans folks really seem to want to push their insanity on everyone to the exclusion of reality to an amount far more than I think I've seen in most LGB folks. 

JCM 1/3/2023 10:21:59 AM

What will it take?

Video: Homeless Portland Woman Shoves 3-Year-Old Girl From Behind, Hurls Her Down To Railway Track

JCM 1/3/2023 10:24:01 AM

In #5 vxbush said: I worry at times how far such people are willing to go to ensure that their will is enforced. 

We know the answer. We've seen it happen again and again.

We should worry. And fight back now.

Occasional Reader 1/3/2023 10:25:30 AM

Reply to vxbush in 7:

if I really wanted to do a “we are through the Looking Glass, people“ take on this, I could claim that the whole “trans“ movement is a psychological operation to make us Normies feel that gay is also normal (in comparison).

vxbush 1/3/2023 11:07:05 AM

In #9 JCM said: We know the answer. We've seen it happen again and again. We should worry. And fight back now.

Everyone seems to be waiting for someone else to do it and we've been trained (conditioned?) to try to go along to get along for a long time. What would finally push us to that point if nothing has yet? 

buzzsawmonkey 1/3/2023 12:00:52 PM

In #7 vxbush said: Ah, auto-incorrect to the rescue. Trans crowd, it should have said. Trans folks really seem to want to push their insanity on everyone to the exclusion of reality to an amount far more than I think I've seen in most LGB folks. 

Auto-correct may have turned "trans" into "trains," but that's not entirely off-base, given that the "trans" movement has some really loco motives.

Occasional Reader 1/3/2023 12:18:21 PM

In #12 buzzsawmonkey said: Auto-correct may have turned "trans" into "trains," but that's not entirely off-base, given that the "trans" movement has some really loco motives.


They certainly want to Acela-rate our descent into decadence. 

buzzsawmonkey 1/3/2023 12:23:43 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 13:

As I've previously observed, the ancient Greeks sacked Troy via the subterfuge of the Trojan Horse.

The modern Left seeks to sack Western civilization via the subterfuge of "transgenderism"---the Estrogen Horse.

Kosh's Shadow 1/3/2023 3:42:00 PM

Bumper sticker:

9 out of 5 Biden voters regret their choice

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