The Daily Broadside


Posted on 05/25/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 5/21/2023 10:03:27 AM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 5/25/2023 6:57:55 AM

I have no news, but I read through yesterday's thread. Seeing all the bad first aid advice doesn't surprise me in the least, considering that the recommendations I see for computer stuff make me cringe. 

One thing I need to catch up on today is what Tucker Carlson is doing. Epoch Times has teased it in the headlines but I can't find details without paying a subscription. 

Occasional Reader 5/25/2023 7:11:26 AM

RIP. Brian Shul  (d. May 20, 2023).

this is well worth the watch, if you have an hour to spare:

vxbush 5/25/2023 7:13:38 AM

JCM knows all about this problem and now someone is talking loudly about it. 

JCM 5/25/2023 7:25:18 AM

Reply to vxbush in 3:

It won't make it into the MSM or into the various City Halls.

vxbush 5/25/2023 8:45:38 AM

In #4 JCM said: It won't make it into the MSM or into the various City Halls.

Maybe not yet, but there seems to be a lot of simmering anger about the homeless camps. I'm seeing a lot of comments online about them. 

JCM 5/25/2023 9:32:52 AM

Reply to vxbush in 5:

Since I'm in spitting distance of Seattle, I follow it more closely.

You poll residents and they overwhelming are fed up with homeless, the crime that goes with it. Same with Portland and Chicago.

But come election time the same people with the same agendas and ideologies are elected and reelected.

I have yet to figure out the disconnect.

Are the people stupid and don't see the connection between policy and reality?

Are elections so corrupted it no longer matters?

I know a lot of people are so brainwashed by media that they would never vote for an alternative... is that the issue?

buzzsawmonkey 5/25/2023 10:01:27 AM

In #6 JCM said: Are elections so corrupted it no longer matters? I know a lot of people are so brainwashed by media that they would never vote for an alternative... is that the issue?

My mother was Leftist/"progressive"---i.e., a guaranteed Democrat voter---her entire life.  The last time she voted---by mail, from her assisted-living facility---she was going on and on about various problems which the Cook County (IL) officials were not addressing.  I told her, "Mom, vote Republican for a change.  They may or may not be better than the current clowns in office, but your troubles would at least have variety."  

She wouldn't/couldn't do it.  She was too invested in The Democrats---despite the fact that when my father started his career of public service (elementary school board; high school board; back onto the elementary school board; and, finally, on the village board of our Chicago suburb), he was damned by the Powers That Be as a wild-eyed Leftist radical, but ended up being the darling of the local "religious Right"---without changing his stance on any issue.

JCM 5/25/2023 10:09:15 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 7:

I've worked now for almost 25 years in hard core engineering environments.

Engineer by definition is results and data driven. It works or doesn't, even the data is questioned until cause and effect can be proven.

I see so many engineers who throw all out when looking at cultural and political matters. I even had them call me insane when I would show them data from sources they claimed to trust, CDC, DoJ, NHI, or reputable journals.

I never got that way of bifurcated thinking.

Occasional Reader 5/25/2023 10:27:15 AM

In #8 JCM said: I see so many engineers who throw all out when looking at cultural and political matters.

See, also, Paul Krugman contradicting the Econ 101 textbook edited by (checking notes) Paul Krugman, when defending Dem talking points about the economy. 

JCM 5/25/2023 10:34:48 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 9:

I get the politicians and political appointees. Expect in rare cases everything is about their own rice bowl.

Solving a problem removes the rice bowl. So their motive is to perpetuate a problem with process and every expanding roles.

Occasional Reader 5/25/2023 11:03:14 AM

Reply to JCM in 10:

True dat.

vxbush 5/25/2023 11:24:05 AM

In #9 Occasional Reader said: See, also, Paul Krugman contradicting the Econ 101 textbook edited by (checking notes) Paul Krugman, when defending Dem talking points about the economy. 

And see recent politicians during the 2022 election, spouting Leftist Woke talking points when, back when they were running for local political positions (or college positions), were talking about fiscal responsibility and more middle-of-the-road positions. 

Almost like they have fungible positions.

buzzsawmonkey 5/25/2023 11:37:57 AM
Democrats banning gas stoves and gas-powered heating means that the energy available to citizens will be reduced to an elect-trickle.
JCM 5/25/2023 11:57:03 AM

Reply to vxbush in 12:

They know most voters don't pay attention.

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