The Daily Broadside


Posted on 11/08/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 11/5/2023 5:45:48 PM

Posted by: JCM

Kosh's Shadow 11/7/2023 6:34:43 PM

Gallant: Hamas head Sinwar hiding in bunker, disconnected 

Cue the Schicklegruber in a bunker videos

May he soon meet his 72 "virgin" demons

vxbush 11/8/2023 5:02:33 AM

In #1 Kosh's Shadow said: Gallant: Hamas head Sinwar hiding in bunker, disconnected  Cue the Schicklegruber in a bunker videos May he soon meet his 72 "virgin" demons

May he be completely disconnected from anyone able to inflict terror on Israel. May the same be true of anyone who would attempt to harm Israel. 

Occasional Reader 11/8/2023 7:44:13 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:

The IDF could also surround the bunker, and demand his surrender by calling out via megaphone: "Get your Yahyas out!"

JCM 11/8/2023 11:15:12 AM
Hospital used as Hamas underground terror HQ likely Israel's next big battle challenge
Occasional Reader 11/8/2023 1:10:20 PM

In #4 JCM said: Hospital used as Hamas underground terror HQ

That's unpossible!  Hamas are a humanitarian organization - Nancy Pelosi said so!  They would never do such a thing. 

Occasional Reader 11/8/2023 1:16:09 PM

And, in happier news: Little OR got straight A's on his report card.  Again.  : ) 

(Sorry, I just have to brag a little)

JCM 11/8/2023 3:42:44 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 6:

It's not bragging if he can do it!

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