The Daily Broadside


Posted on 12/28/2023 5.00 AM

JCM 12/23/2023 5:47:46 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 12/28/2023 5:15:55 AM
As a reminder: Please go look in the Frontier for important information. 
vxbush 12/28/2023 5:23:47 AM
KJP added to President Biden's troubles with the Government Oversight Committee investigating the president. Her statement from a few weeks ago about the president talking to Hunter about not talking to the Committee was a huge mistake. 
vxbush 12/28/2023 5:48:48 AM
Q: Will the Delta employee who told off a transgender person to stop worrying about being misgendered get in trouble with the company? I'm guessing yes, including re-education camp for him. 
vxbush 12/28/2023 5:50:28 AM
I could have posted this as good news yesterday, but it will do for today as well: Michigan High Court Rejects Effort to Keep Trump Off of Primary Ballot
vxbush 12/28/2023 5:52:56 AM
Just FYI: If you would pray for Melania Trump's mother, hopefully those prayers will bring comfort. Her mother is extremely sick in the hospital. 
vxbush 12/28/2023 5:55:35 AM
This pattern continues of supporting illegals over citizens: VA Reportedly Diverting Veterans’ Resources to Illegals
vxbush 12/28/2023 6:03:36 AM

Iran's communications officer needs to work on his timing. 

 So it came as a surprise this morning when an Iranian official resurrected the [2018] Soleimani strike in a claim to al-Jazeera that Hamas’ October 7 massacres in Israel were meant as a retaliation for his death:

vxbush 12/28/2023 6:13:54 AM

Israel will act to remove Hezbollah from the border with Lebanon if the militia group's attacks continue, an Israeli minister has warned.

On Wednesday, Hezbollah launched its highest number of cross-border attacks in a day since 8 October, security sources told Reuters. It has led to concerns the conflict in Gaza could become wider across the region.

Q: Are there more forces that can be returned to active duty in Israel to help support the northern border? 

JCM 12/28/2023 6:51:14 AM

Reply to vxbush in 8:

All the crap hitting the fan in the Mid-East has a Nexus.
The Mad Mullahs.

IMAO opinion we support the Persian resistance until the problem is solved.

vxbush 12/28/2023 9:13:35 AM

In #9 JCM said: All the crap hitting the fan in the Mid-East has a Nexus. The Mad Mullahs. IMAO opinion we support the Persian resistance until the problem is solved.

It has been this way for a while, and yet our government is supporting Iran: giving them money, letting them act with impunity, letting them work on nuclear weapons. It's ridiculous. 

JCM 12/28/2023 9:28:44 AM

Reply to vxbush in 10:

It drives me nucking futz. The one that really sent me into orbit was Obama during the Green Revolution saying he "supported legitimate elections" the Mad Mullahs had been teetering up to that point they took that as an sign Obama signed off on the "election" and cracked down.

We've never had a coherent Iran policy ever since the excerable Rabbit Bait sold the Iranians up the river.

The Persian culture was, at least before the Mad Mullahs proto-western. When I was there there was a Jewish community had been since the time of Cyrus the Great. You could see Synagogues, Greek, Russian Orthodox Churches, Armenian Churches.

That Persian Culture is the key to the defeating the Mad Mullahs.

JCM 12/28/2023 9:38:00 AM

i can sleep better now the situation at the border has been solved.

The White House has pushed back on the record-high levels of immigration by describing current figures as 'not unusual'

And your gas prices have dropped to $5 a gallon from $4.

vxbush 12/28/2023 10:12:31 AM

Quoting from Ace, because it's that good. His first attention is to the pandering of the NYT letting a Hamas major (not elected but selected by Hamas) whining about the attack and all the people hurt, while the NYT doesn't tell people he's the selected mayor and no one has confirmed Hamas' numbers. 

But that's not what I find so funny. 

THIS is funny: 

I can't find it now, but Marxist Media is now complaining that Israel is bombing Gaza's "luxury" apartment buildings.

As many pointed out -- Marxist Media has been claiming that Gaza is a, quote, "open-air prison."

Only for a brief moment after Israel bombs some of Hamas' leaders luxury condos does Marxist Media admit this "open air prison" has "luxury apartment buildings."

vxbush 12/28/2023 10:14:04 AM

Reply to vxbush in 13:

Oh, and there's video of what Gaza looked like before October 7. Sure doesn't look much like an open-air prison to me. 

Occasional Reader 12/28/2023 11:27:21 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

Done. Thanks.

JCM 12/28/2023 11:29:47 AM

Reply to vxbush in 14:

Yeah, I saw that video. It was a tourist video, but it look like a nice place to visit.

I think that's what makes me the angriest.

The lost opportunity because their rather wallow in hatred. It's not that different from BLM and the dems, only in degree.

I've told the story of a family friend was was Peace Corp and spent time in one of the West Bank "camps" in the early 70's. Open sewer in the middle of the street. He proposed covering the sewers, the mayor took him aside and told him not even to propose it, If they didn't anything to "improve" the camps the PLO would kill those involved. They literal prefered the open sewer and the propaganda value.

buzzsawmonkey 12/28/2023 12:33:29 PM
I'm Biden my time
'Cause I am just corrupt slime
I peddle influence
Without shame or nuance
Biden my time...
Occasional Reader 12/28/2023 3:42:58 PM
What would happen if Tom Selleck shaved his mustache?

JCM 12/28/2023 4:02:03 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 18:

End of the world.

Kosh's Shadow 12/28/2023 4:36:26 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 18:

Or he has a show set in the stone age


Occasional Reader 12/28/2023 5:19:19 PM

Reply to JCM in 19:


important distinction.

Occasional Reader 12/28/2023 5:19:51 PM



Kosh's Shadow 12/28/2023 5:27:53 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 22:

The best of all possible overtures

Kosh's Shadow 12/28/2023 5:32:01 PM

In #23 Kosh's Shadow said: The best of all possible overtures

I forgot the credit for that line - Dr. Pangloss (link)

buzzsawmonkey 12/28/2023 5:50:29 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 22: Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 23:

Just as the neglected "Christmas movie" Stalag 17 inspired "Hogan's Heroes," Leonard Bernstein's Candide inspired "Green Acres."

Occasional Reader 12/28/2023 5:57:36 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 25:

And I still try to wrap my head around the fact that Eddie Albert, the goofy lead of that goofy series, was a veteran of the killing grounds at Tarawa.

Kosh's Shadow 12/28/2023 6:00:20 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 25:

Re Green Acres - Arnold the Pig was the smartest one. He really hammed it up, and nobody brought home his bacon

Kosh's Shadow 12/28/2023 6:04:39 PM
On another note, with Greensleeves played so much, I keep thinking abou this parody
buzzsawmonkey 12/28/2023 6:11:39 PM

In #26 Occasional Reader said: Eddie Albert, the goofy lead of that goofy series, was a veteran of the killing grounds at Tarawa.

Col. Klink (Werner Klemperer) and John Banner (Sgt. Schultz) were both German anti-Nazis, and LeBeau (Robert Clary) was also an anti-Nazi refugee.

buzzsawmonkey 12/28/2023 6:19:06 PM
The Leonard Bernstein version of the "Green Acres" theme song.
Kosh's Shadow 12/28/2023 6:24:18 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 29:

All the major German characters in Hogah's Heroes were played by Jews - including General Burkhalter and Major Hochsteader were played by Jews.

John Banner was in Switzerland when the Holocaust occured and managed to escape.

Werner Klemper's mother was Jewish. His father was the famous conducter Otto Klemperer. I think the scenes where he is playing the violin badly were jokes based on the actor playing the violin well

The only Jew on the allied side was Robert Clary, and they took care not to show the tattoo number on his arm

Otto Klemperer conducting

Kosh's Shadow 12/28/2023 6:25:30 PM

In #30 buzzsawmonkey said: The Leonard Bernstein version of the "Green Acres" theme song.


Occasional Reader 12/28/2023 6:35:41 PM

I miss the America of “ Walker: Texas Ranger”.

/that idea just occurred to me, completely spontaneously

Kosh's Shadow 12/28/2023 6:45:49 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 24:

And here is Dr Pangloss himself!

Kosh's Shadow 12/28/2023 6:47:42 PM

In #31 Kosh's Shadow said: The only Jew on the allied side was Robert Clary, and they took care not to show the tattoo number on his arm

Which is why he could say "Filthy Boche!" with such emotion

Occasional Reader 12/28/2023 6:58:41 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 35:

It seems like a pretty harmless game played by old Italian men, what’s the problem?


Kosh's Shadow 12/28/2023 7:13:42 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 36:

Old men (jukebox)

Occasional Reader 12/28/2023 7:28:23 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 33:

and I mean this at least semi seriously.

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