The Daily Broadside


Posted on 02/01/2024 5.00 AM

JCM 1/27/2024 6:59:12 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 2/1/2024 5:43:19 AM

James O'Keefe releases information that should be obvious to anyone, but it's still nice to see the confirmation. Quoting pieces of Matt Margolis: 

In the undercover video, O’Keefe has staged a date with Charlie Kraiger, a cybersecurity policy analyst at the White House. During their “date” Kraiger, in the words of O’Keefe, “sang like a bird” and openly acknowledged a growing concern within the staff regarding President Biden's age, with some openly discussing the desire for another Democratic candidate to replace him. Kraiger also spoke of talk of Kamala Harris being replaced on the ticket.


What about the rumors of replacing Joe Biden with Michelle Obama? Well, interestingly enough, Kraiger told O’Keefe that he had a meeting with Michelle Obama and someone asked her if she’d run for office. According to Kraiger, she said no. "Empathically.” 

"She was like, ‘I've seen all this s--t my husband has had to go through and that does not interest me.’"


Kraiger also spilled the beans about the incredible dysfunction in the vice president’s office. According to Kraiger, Kamala Harris  "hemorrhages black staff. She can't keep black staff. They quit on her en masse.”

  Not much in the way of surprises, but it's nice to get confirmation that everything we've assumed about the Biden Administration is true.

vxbush 2/1/2024 5:58:50 AM

I've had no time to do any research on this, but I have been asking myself this exact same question about the soldiers who died in Jordan: "why are we fighting in a foreign war zone with a state National Guard division?"

The article doesn't talk much about that and instead seems to focus on all the other actions we are supporting with munitions or weapons. (Except why on earth does he describe the Gaza situation as "the Israeli civil war"? I've heard no one else use that phrase.)

vxbush 2/1/2024 5:59:06 AM
Oh, NOW he goes to Ohio? Why Biden Is Now Visiting the Ohio Town Decimated by a Toxic Train Crash
vxbush 2/1/2024 6:01:24 AM
Will this work? Trump to Meet with Teamsters to Cut Into Biden's Union Support
vxbush 2/1/2024 6:07:48 AM

Ronna runnings things, all right: EXCLUSIVE: RNC Spent $1.5 Million on Floral Arrangements, Limos, Management/Media Consultants

Here's a table from the article comparing the RNC to the DNC for the period October 20, 2022 to November 30, 2023: 

Oh, yeah. She's doing a bang-up job. One more quote: 

An RNC insider told RedState that the party supports GOTV texting efforts and voter file maintenance efforts through its transfers to state parties, and also supports voter file maintenance nationwide through its vendor Data Trust. Data Trust was paid $1,000,000 in this time frame, which should be taken into consideration, but the DNC also transferred $10,000,000 more to state/affiliated parties than the RNC did.

More in the article.

vxbush 2/1/2024 6:12:02 AM
In the "something completely different" department: 35 Famous Musicians Who Have Never Won a Grammy
JCM 2/1/2024 7:22:38 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

Activating a NG unit is a little different from a regular army unit. It's hair splitting, but POTUS has authority to activate NG units for "emergencies". Regular army fails under War Powers etc...

There are other questions about the incident. I've seen commercial satellite photos of FOB Tower 22.

The story out of the five sided wind tunnel is that the FOB drone was returning and the Iranian drone came in at the same time.

These aren't my questions but I had some of them myself.

1) The photos of 22 don't show obvious drone handling equipment. Was there a really a drone returning?

2) Did they operate the drone on a schedule so that the enemy could time the attack.

3) Did the base have IFF gear to identified threats?

4) No point defense weapons appear in the based photos, where there any point defense systems?

JCM 2/1/2024 7:28:01 AM

Absolutely ridiculous.

Illegal migrant flips middle fingers after being charged with attacking NYPD in Times Square

vxbush 2/1/2024 7:33:16 AM

In #7 JCM said: Activating a NG unit is a little different from a regular army unit. It's hair splitting, but POTUS has authority to activate NG units for "emergencies". Regular army fails under War Powers etc...

Okay, thanks. I freely admit I know little in this area. Your comments were helpful. But I guess part of me is so used to seeing National Guard deployed within the US for emergencies that the idea of having a unit deployed outside the US is jarring. 

Given the way the White House spins (can we use that little dynamo to generate power since we aren't allowed to use much gas?) I honestly don't trust anything coming out of their mouths.

JCM 2/1/2024 7:41:55 AM

Reply to vxbush in 9:

The whole thing is mess, the worst case of US policy.

LIbya and Syria should never have destabilized, especially without a plan afterwards.

Quackadaffy and the Optometrist were / are among the worst. But at the time they were stable, and mostly predictable.

The response since that as not been well thought out, planned or executed. 

Occasional Reader 2/1/2024 7:59:14 AM

In #7 JCM said: POTUS has authority to activate NG units for "emergencies". Regular army fails under War Powers etc...

So we're sending units who have, by definition, far less regular training than regular military, to active and/or potential combat zones, so that the POTUS can get out of doing the work of complying with legal and constitutional duties.  Fabulous! 

JCM 2/1/2024 8:54:00 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 11:

NG was heavily used over the last 20 years an deployed. That's caused all kinds for other issues, retention etc...

JCM 2/1/2024 2:59:00 PM

Protecting democracy.

Oregon Supreme Court stops 10 GOP lawmakers from running for re-election, siding with Democrat's ballot ban

I swear I'm liable to beat the ever loving crap out of some who says they want to "protect democracy".

Kosh's Shadow 2/1/2024 6:21:22 PM

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