The Daily Broadside


Posted on 06/13/2024 5.00 AM

JCM 6/9/2024 5:19:21 PM

Posted by: JCM

Comment error 475 1
Kosh's Shadow 6/12/2024 5:45:25 PM

This is from an article for paid RacketNews subscribers, so I am including only a small excerpt

The articl link is here

Emphasis below mine

And I think the following lines put together quite a lot, but I am minimizing what I post so it comes under "fair use". Note that Racket News has been investing a lot of info from FOIA act requested documents on how the US is trying to suppress "disinformation" and this is from the reporter reading those.

Once you grasp that the bulk of America’s intelligence and enforcement apparatus genuinely sees populist unrest as the result of outside meddling — a realization that took me a long time to accept because it’s so idiotic — the responses of the last eight years suddenly make sense. If you think of the Trump campaign as some FSB chief’s idea of a second front, no punishment of the candidate is too harsh, no lie too outlandish. ...

Similarly, if people like Trump and Bannon are war belligerents instead of ordinary politicians cashing in on blowback from decades of incompetent rule, then it would be irresponsible to eschew the use of any weapon against them. The new lawfare campaigns, making use of everything from criminal prosecutions to ballot access challenges to intelligence leaks to Klan Act suits to intimidation of lawyers to political espionage, censorship, and, now, the use of contempt of Congress charges to jail a media irritant, are all inbounds, if you really think this is war. The problem is, you’re no longer “protecting democracy” if your method of taking on someone like Trump involves unleashing the War on Terror goodie-bag of anti-democratic methods on the domestic population.

This really makes everything make sense.

vxbush 6/13/2024 5:47:28 AM

In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: Once you grasp that the bulk of America’s intelligence and enforcement apparatus genuinely sees populist unrest as the result of outside meddling — a realization that took me a long time to accept because it’s so idiotic

Good morning, Kosh. After reading the Conservative Treehouse for years now, and learning how much work Samantha Powers has done to instigate color revolutions in countries, I have absolutely no doubt that their worries about US populism is because they see it through the lens of the instigated revolutions that the US has fomented in other countries. They can’t understand that such things can occur naturally as a result of their failed policies. 

vxbush 6/13/2024 5:57:37 AM

NAACP Sues Virginia School Board That Restored Confederate Names

The NAACP local chapter is suing because going back to a previous name (that had been in place for several decades) now makes students feel “unwelcome.” 

Ah, feelings, the paramount virtue of the left. 

vxbush 6/13/2024 6:00:18 AM

Don't Believe the Fake News: Southern Baptists Did NOT Vote to Allow Women Pastors

The media are absolutely terrible about reporting that is any way adjacent to religion. 

vxbush 6/13/2024 6:05:23 AM

There’s Something Fishy About FiveThirtyEight’s Election Projection Model

I think there is going to be a HUGE amount of selling in the polls, news, and entertainment to keep Biden propped up as president as we get closer to the election—and then that information will be used to explain why Biden won, instead of all the massive cheating that they refuse to cover. 

JCM 6/13/2024 8:30:35 AM

In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: intelligence and enforcement apparatus genuinely sees populist unrest as the result of outside meddling

I fundamentally disagree with that assessment. The intel apparatus has been subverted. The Steele document was created and propagated by the intel apparatus at the directive of political figures. We can go through all the events, the Flynn leaks and prosecution, the Muller investigation the suppression of the Hunter Biden story suppression. No one but an utter imbecile every believed that it was outsiders.

The intel apparatus uses the "outsider" as red herring to distract, redirect and obscure what they are actively doing which is genuine insurrection. The outsiders trope is the oldest trope is repression a population there is.

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