The Daily Broadside


Posted on 07/01/2024 5.00 AM

JCM 6/30/2024 5:17:27 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 7/1/2024 6:00:56 AM
The patriotic breakfasts have returned! Nicely done, JCM!
vxbush 7/1/2024 6:43:05 AM

The fallout of the debate last Thursday has, as already noted, generated sweet tears for Republicans and panic-inducing angst in the Democrats. But what is going on behind the curtain? Apparently, lots. Let's lay out some data points: 

  • As noted last week, Sundance at Conservative Treehouse noted it was very odd that the day of the Debate Politico had a team interviewing residents at a nursing home/care facility who were in the 80's who noted that Biden couldn't handle the debate at all. That implies pre-positioning and that someone told them to go there. 
  • The NYT published an article telling Biden to withdraw from the race--something that was unthinkable days before. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution wrote a similar article. 
  • Democrats, who before would say anything to prop Biden up, are now acknowledging the debate was a complete failure. Most of these Democrats are professionals, so consider them representatives of various Democrat politicians (or former ones): Schumer, Pelosi, Obama, Clinton, etc. 
  • Case in point: The Daily Mail spoke to a former Hillary Clinton aide who pointed out how odd it was to have a debate so early in the season and thus assumed this was a power play to, in essence, operate a coup. 
  • Per the same PJMedia article a separate source told the mail that there have been discussions going on for a long time. This connects to the Politico prepositioning. 
  • A flash poll run by Data For Progress (a left-wing firm) evaluated how many voters wanted Biden to drop out. 51% of Democrats and 35% of all likely voters say Biden should remain as the nominee. There is no indication why people would feel this way; it could be because they truly do support Biden or they recognize legal rules that prevent making a substitution this late in the game in certain states. 
  • The same flash poll says that most recommend Kamala Harris should run in Biden's place, at 39%. Gavin Newsom received 18% support. 
  • What's interesting to me is that Gretchen Whitmer sent a team to DC weeks ago to prepare for her taking over the presidential slot. She clearly has delusions of grandeur. 
  • Schumer is also considering making the run for president, clearly not understanding that faking a grilling session does not make him presidential material. 
  • Sundance noted yesterday that the official narrative is that the Biden family is having a discussion about whether Biden will stay in the race. Read the article to see how he phrased this, as it really is comical. The day after the debate, everyone was in panic mode. Now, the calls for removal have stopped--and Sundance interprets this as the "top tier control agents" telling the underlings to be quiet. 
  • At the same time, a separate Sundance article notes that James Clyburn is still trying to hold on to power as a Biden co-chairman, noting that Biden was overprepared for the debate. 

In short, there is a lot of power politics going on, and many people are trying to take over the party in light of this power vacuum. The Bidens are trying to hold on to power; those high in government are trying to expand their power; and hangers-on are trying to keep their fingertip grip on the levers of power.

JCM 7/1/2024 6:56:55 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

I've modified my view slight. Biden will drop out of the campaign. There will be a brokered convention. The after the new nominee, not Kamala is selected he may then resign. Giving Kamala a empty set of firsts.

vxbush 7/1/2024 6:59:09 AM

So what is the Deep State doing in the midst of this? Sundance believes the intelligence community is using populist upheavals in Europe as the means to draw our eyes over to Europe. He writes: "If there was a created crisis (ie. false flag) in the EU, whatever it is would likely involve framing something to either: (a) give the appearance of Russia triggering the event; or (b) create something that draws out a response from Russia."

While I'm sure the intelligence groups are always worried about populism and the required reduction it causes in their own power, I'm having a hard time buying this one--unless it could be used to somehow force specific actions in the upcoming election. What kind, I have no idea. But then I wouldn't have believed the US intelligence groups would use Five Eyes nations to spy on Trump the way they did to entrap members of his inner circle. 

Occasional Reader 7/1/2024 7:36:29 AM

In #2 vxbush said: The NYT published an article telling Biden to withdraw from the race

Not an article, an editorial.  Even more consequential.  And yet... The Dog That Didn't Bark from this weekend was, no peep from Biden HQ about withdrawing, despite rumors flying before the weekend. 

Sundance believes the intelligence community is using populist upheavals in Europe as the means to draw our eyes over to Europe."

Yeah, this is a silly take. Things happen that are not all about the US election. 

vxbush 7/1/2024 7:38:20 AM

In #3 JCM said: I've modified my view slight. Biden will drop out of the campaign. There will be a brokered convention. The after the new nominee, not Kamala is selected he may then resign. Giving Kamala a empty set of firsts.

That doesn't address the issues of those states who will not remove Biden unless he has died or an Article 25 process has happened. 

vxbush 7/1/2024 7:40:47 AM

In #5 Occasional Reader said: no peep from Biden HQ about withdrawing, despite rumors flying before the weekend. 

Rumors are that discussions happened Sunday, with Tuesday being the day projected to release the decision. 

Maybe. Perhaps. 

vxbush 7/1/2024 7:43:45 AM

In #5 Occasional Reader said: Not an article, an editorial.  Even more consequential. 

Meant to acknowledge your correction as well. Thanks.

JCM 7/1/2024 8:18:28 AM

Reply to vxbush in 6:

The nomination is not "official" until the Convention has the vote.

The states may try that, but I don't think they have a leg to stand on to enforce it.

JCM 7/1/2024 8:24:26 AM
Supreme Court rules ex-presidents have substantial protection from prosecution
vxbush 7/1/2024 9:13:17 AM

In #9 JCM said: The nomination is not "official" until the Convention has the vote. The states may try that, but I don't think they have a leg to stand on to enforce it.

Agreed on the nomination issue, but the states do have the right to determine who is on the state ballot, yes? Why would they have no leg to enforce their own laws? 

JCM 7/1/2024 11:29:10 AM

Reply to vxbush in 11:

I'm not sure on the legality of all of it. They all have laws regarding, how to get on a ballot, and what to do if a candidate drops out.

They can do whatever, I suppose, but leaving Joe on the ballot when he's withdrawn would be a disaster and mess.

If Joe is not running and wins a state, who gets the electoral votes will be bitterly contest. You thought Bush v. Gore was bad.

Of course that kind of chaos is just what they want.

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