The Daily Broadside


Posted on 08/27/2024 5.00 AM

JCM 8/25/2024 5:47:28 PM

Posted by: JCM

vxbush 8/27/2024 5:40:39 AM

How bad is Harris' ability to speak off the cuff? So bad that her own campaign manager is recording what she says to reporters, while it's going on. So it's no surprise that her staff are concerned about the upcoming debates and want to change the format. 

Meanwhile, France has a problem. Macron lost the election on July 7 and the New Popular Front won. But it's now 48 days after and Macron is still running the government, ignoring the elections and moving ahead. 

How likely would it seem that the Biden Harris administration would do the same here? 

vxbush 8/27/2024 5:43:50 AM
Q: Is Harris really running the country as president while Biden leaves one vacation to start another? Or is Ron Klein?
JCM 8/27/2024 7:33:55 AM

In #1 vxbush 

How likely? Let’s see that what they claim DJT will do. The left are masters of projection. As we see with Macron the left is loathe to relinquish power. 

Are our institutions robust enough to withstand the assault?

Occasional Reader 8/27/2024 7:53:19 AM

In #1 vxbush said: Macron lost the election on July 7

Le sigh.

These idea keeps getting recycled in the right-blogosphere.

No, Macron did not "lose" that election, he was not standing for re-election; he's the President, the elections were for Parliament.   Macron is legitimately President of the French Republic until 2027.

It is unusual, in modern times, for this long a period to pass without Macron naming a new Prime Minister based on the election results; but that's the way their system works, and the idea (cited by Macron as a reason for his not doing that) that an NPF minority government would promptly face a no-confidence vote (and fall) appears a legit one. 

By the way, the NPF are even further left than the French Communist Party (literally), so I really don't understand why American conservatives are clamoring for them to take over the French government. 

Occasional Reader 8/27/2024 7:54:16 AM

DNC turned out to be a Covid spreader event.

My spokesman Nelson Muntz will address this point. 

Occasional Reader 8/27/2024 7:54:54 AM

In #4 Occasional Reader said: These This idea

vxbush 8/27/2024 7:59:32 AM

In #4 Occasional Reader said: No, Macron did not "lose" that election, he was not standing for re-election; he's the President, the elections were for Parliament.   Macron is legitimately President of the French Republic until 2027.

My apologies. I was taking that from another article, and clearly knew not. Mea culpa. 

In #4 Occasional Reader said: the NPF are even further left than the French Communist Party (literally), so I really don't understand why American conservatives are clamoring for them to take over the French government. 

I'm not (although I can understand why you think I might based on what I posted). But it does raise the interesting and dangerous question--if a group wins an election that you believe is going to make things worse, do you let them in or not? Would Democrats use that excuse to say Trump cannot come to power based on their belief that he would make things worse, or vice versa? 

I honestly think the Democrats would do that. They already think Trump would do that.

Occasional Reader 8/27/2024 8:20:48 AM

In #7 vxbush said: But it does raise the interesting and dangerous question--if a group wins an election that you believe is going to make things worse, do you let them in or not?

In this case, Macron is legitimately exercising his constitutional authority.  He is not doing anything illegal/unconstitutional. 

JCM 8/27/2024 8:33:59 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 4:

I just love Parliamentary election!

If that was the system I was in I’d have a better handle on them. The whole collation government idea does make things very interesting.

JCM 8/27/2024 9:03:16 AM

The IDF hostage rescued is Bedouin.

I wonder how the Hamas caucus in Congress will spin that!?

Occasional Reader 8/27/2024 9:06:57 AM

Reply to JCM in 9:

I am just astonished at how vociferous some people at Insty are that an ultra-left coalition should run France (of course, they generally don't know they are advocating this). 

vxbush 8/27/2024 11:38:46 AM

In #11 Occasional Reader said: I am just astonished at how vociferous some people at Insty are that an ultra-left coalition should run France (of course, they generally don't know they are advocating this). 

It doesn't help that most stories about this are at most one to two lines without explaining the nuances. That's all I saw. 

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