The Daily Broadside

Sunday Brunch

Posted on 11/03/2019 3.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 11/1/2019 6:16:01 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 11/2/2019 9:54:47 PM
Sunday morning jukebox
revobob 11/3/2019 3:56:56 AM

From last night's Pub-

Then he exclaimed, “daddy! That could be a Dr. Seuss book!“.

OR- I assume you've introduced him to "The Tough Coughs As He Ploughs The Dough"

revobob 11/3/2019 3:57:57 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:  If that hadn't been what you posted, I was going to! Great choice.

PaladinPhil 11/3/2019 4:46:14 AM
Hate the time change. Got up at "3:40", which is pretty normal for me. Actually was in bed last night before 10. Discover that the clocks changed and I was up before three. Going to need a nap today I think.
PaladinPhil 11/3/2019 5:17:40 AM
Joys of parenthood. Just ordered the Squire's school pictures online. Loving the way it's done these days. Pictures turned out amazing and are going to be worth every penny. Will also be getting a digital download.
buzzsawmonkey 11/3/2019 5:33:43 AM
Time Changes Everything
Kosh's Shadow 11/3/2019 8:23:29 AM

In #3 revobob said: Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:  If that hadn't been what you posted, I was going to! Great choice.

Thanks. Kris Kristofferson has the distinction that his very popular songs are often associated with someone else-

Sunday Morning Coming Down with  Johnny Cash, and Me and Bobby (or Bobbie) McGee with Janis Joplin

revobob 11/3/2019 9:12:07 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:

I used to have a bunch of Kris' records, still have a couple. Like Bob Dylan, and as you said his voice is often not the best vehicle for his songs. One thing that is kind of fun on youtube is to find a song and then listen to it as covered by different artists.

Occasional Reader 11/3/2019 10:02:13 AM

In #4 PaladinPhil said: Got up at "3:40"

In contrast, Little OR let me sleep in until 7:05 this morning, which was “really” 8:05 (pre-“fall back”). He was quietly playing in the living room.  I was appreciative.

Occasional Reader 11/3/2019 10:05:53 AM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 5:

Little OR shows his nonconformist streak when it comes to school picture-taking time; but they do eventually get a few good ones.

lucius septimius 11/3/2019 10:07:07 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 9:

I woke up feeling relatively refreshed this morning.  Still took forever to get kids ready -- I had to drop them off at church (they were singing today) and go back home to get my shower.  Teenage girl.

PaladinPhil 11/3/2019 10:25:56 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 10:

I think they both have that in common... I will let you be the judge of that when I get the downloads. :)

Alice in Dairyland 11/3/2019 1:57:29 PM

Those walls were awful thin

Not sure if I know how to link something.  Anybody see this?  Creepy Joe just keeps getting creepier.  If Trump would have made this comment it would have been because he's such a perv. Maybe the crowd would have just booed him like at like at the UFC event at Madison Square Garden.  I'm not a fan of Professional Wrestling, but even I could figure out that it's part of the fun.  Too bad the media are such old scolds, they could have joined in the fun instead of taking everything so serious.  

Kosh's Shadow 11/3/2019 2:53:41 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 13:
Your link worked fine. 

Right now, Joe Biden comes out on top of the polls - but don't trust the polls. As my wife says, few people want to admit they did or will vote for Trump.

buzzsawmonkey 11/3/2019 3:03:00 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 14:

Since Trump has changed his residence from New York to Florida, I'd really like to see a group of Florida Jews form a pro-Trump organization, "the Orange Jews."

lucius septimius 11/3/2019 3:09:33 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 14:

WSJ had a good piece on polls.  At this time in 2015 Ben Carson was the top polling Republican.  A lot can happen between now and next February.

lucius septimius 11/3/2019 3:11:04 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 15:

Then the left would start calling him "Orange Jooo-lius Caesar."

Kosh's Shadow 11/3/2019 3:14:10 PM

In #17 lucius septimius said: Then the left would start calling him "Orange Jooo-lius Caesar."

And the news media, had they been classically educated, would be telling him to  beware the ides of November.

Kosh's Shadow 11/3/2019 3:22:47 PM

I just got spam from Zippy Loan.

Have to be a Pinhead to use them.

lucius septimius 11/3/2019 3:30:46 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 19:

My favorite is Zippy spending Christmas with Jean Paul Satre.

Alice in Dairyland 11/3/2019 3:38:30 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 14:   Thanks, now if I can just remember what I did!  I hope your wife is right about people just not wanting to admit they'd vote for Trump.  My son bought a "Trump 2020" hat and I hate to admit it, but I warned him to be careful where he wears it.  Locally it won't be a problem; but in the city, it could get you beaten up. 

buzzsawmonkey 11/3/2019 3:38:35 PM
I'm a Bear in a Lady's Boudoir
Alice in Dairyland 11/3/2019 3:44:57 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 22:   Someone comments in that song that Cliff Edwards was the original voice of Jiminy Cricket.  What you can't learn here!

Kosh's Shadow 11/3/2019 3:47:39 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 21:

I see more Trump signs around here than for anyone else. But then, I live in a redneck part of Massachusetts.

(Last election, Hillary got a plurality in the town, but Trump+Johnson(libertarian) got more than Hillary even if you add in Jill Stein's votes (Green party)

Kosh's Shadow 11/3/2019 4:01:31 PM

In #22 buzzsawmonkey said: I'm a Bear in a Lady's Boudoir

He's going to find out there's trouble Bruin.

Alice in Dairyland 11/3/2019 4:01:31 PM
Not seeing too many campaign signs around here at all yet.  This is a very redneck area too, but also very poor.  The democrats give them more "services" (free stuff) and that certainly influences their vote.  We have in the past few elections put large (4' X 6') signs in the front yard.  We are on a well travelled county highway.  Unfortunately, the neighbors across the street (educators) also put signs up in their yard.  Not the same ones that we do though!
Alice in Dairyland 11/3/2019 4:02:36 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 25:   I barely laughed at that.

Kosh's Shadow 11/3/2019 4:04:20 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 26:
Where we live is cheap for Massachusetts - house prices 1/2 what they are 20 miles closer to Boston.

Lots of industry, though, and lots of help wanted signs. CDL drivers, production, etc. 

Many retired military. 

Our across the street neighbors have a excavating company,  and they work for it.  And they hunt - funny seeing the hunters in cammo and orange.

Kosh's Shadow 11/3/2019 4:05:00 PM

In #27 Alice in Dairyland said: Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 25:   I barely laughed at that.

At least it didn't make you grizzly.

buzzsawmonkey 11/3/2019 4:06:40 PM

In #23 Alice in Dairyland said: Someone comments in that song that Cliff Edwards was the original voice of Jiminy Cricket.  What you can't learn here!

Edwards is also the crow who sings "I Be Done Seen 'Bout Everything, When I See a Elephant Fly" in "Dumbo."

buzzsawmonkey 11/3/2019 4:14:38 PM
Speaking of "football songs," here's another:  She Loves Me Just the Same
Alice in Dairyland 11/3/2019 4:15:25 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 30:   I feel bad for the children today.  What classics they are missing.  I remember my son laughing hysterically at those shows.  A lot of it went over his head, but it appealed to people of all ages that way.  The adults enjoyed it as much as the children.  Some people would probably say, "see, that's why he wears a Trump hat today!"

buzzsawmonkey 11/3/2019 4:17:55 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 31:

Sadly, I can't find the Danny Yates Orchestra version online; it has more verses, such as:

She loves the man who buys her dinner

She loves the guy who sends her flowers

She loves the man who gives her diamonds, and the rare perfumes in showers

She loves the man who likes grand opera, with a hifalutin' name

But in a movie show, when the lights are low, she loves me just the same....

buzzsawmonkey 11/3/2019 4:20:01 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 32:

"Dumbo" is basically "The Ugly Duckling," with a big dollop of mother-love.  And the animation is fantastic.  Walt Kelly, the creator of the "Pogo" comic strip, was one of the animators on "Dumbo."

Kosh's Shadow 11/3/2019 4:24:58 PM

In #34 buzzsawmonkey said:  Walt Kelly, the creator of the "Pogo" comic strip, was one of the animators on "Dumbo."

We have met the animator and he is us.

(As the holiday season comes, I will be linking to Deck Us All with Boston Charlie

Kosh's Shadow 11/3/2019 4:28:57 PM

In #35 Kosh's Shadow said: Deck Us All with Boston Charlie

Nora's still freezing on the trolley

Alice in Dairyland 11/3/2019 4:31:31 PM
Been great talking with you all, but I most go.  Thanks for the education!  Have a great evening.
Kosh's Shadow 11/3/2019 4:34:02 PM

In #34 buzzsawmonkey said: The Ugly Duckling

Years ago - and I mean 45-50 years ago, I had a paper that gave a variation of the Ugly Duckling story in an Italian accent, if you could sound it out.

It was something like Deagully Ducklingh

I remember a line "She goin down the grocary and buyin alf a dozene eggs"

You would think it would be somewhere on the internet by now.

lucius septimius 11/3/2019 4:34:38 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 28:

You must live in BabbaZee's neck of the woods.

buzzsawmonkey 11/3/2019 4:45:00 PM

In #38 Kosh's Shadow said: Years ago - and I mean 45-50 years ago, I had a paper that gave a variation of the Ugly Duckling story in an Italian accent, if you could sound it out.

Sounds like a variation on Milt Gross' "Nize Baby," which were poetic bits in the "archy and mehitabel" mode between a mother and her baby, done in a Yiddish accent with malaprops aplenty.  If I recall aright, Gross also did a comic strip along these lines.

buzzsawmonkey 11/3/2019 4:53:12 PM

Here's a better (or at least interestingly variant) version: "She Loves Me Just the Same" by Rudy Vallee

Not only do you get the missing verse I quoted above, but the song intro as well!

Kosh's Shadow 11/3/2019 5:00:09 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 39:

Don't even know what state BabbaZee lives in.

lucius septimius 11/3/2019 5:23:23 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 42:

Western Massachusetts.

lucius septimius 11/3/2019 5:33:40 PM
Terry Teachout responded to me on Twitter (I've already gotten "likes" from him).  I am walking on air ...

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