The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 11/22/2019 3.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 11/16/2019 11:11:41 AM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Occasional Reader 11/22/2019 4:56:21 AM
Happy Friday, gang.
JCM 11/22/2019 5:59:41 AM
I'm Shocked! SHOCKED!

Horowitz reportedly finds FBI lawyer falsified FISA doc

Which in turn should vacate everything Mueller did.

And in turn begin an investigation into Mueller. All the digging he did. How could he not know that, yet he persisted.

PaladinPhil 11/22/2019 6:01:00 AM
Morning, getting ready to check out a used van, than off to the school for the first parent teacher interview. and after that off to Toronto to drop the Squire off to his mother. Since that's going on early (today is a PA day at the school), may stop off on the way home to look at shooting supplies.
JCM 11/22/2019 6:14:05 AM
Family Man

In #3 PaladinPhil said: getting ready to check out a used van

The last sign you've become a responsible adult!


vxbush 11/22/2019 6:16:35 AM

In #2 JCM said: Which in turn should vacate everything Mueller did.

Oh, it should, but it won't. I think in many people's minds these two events--FISA abuse and Mueller's investigation--aren't really connected. One is internal to the government while Mueller was "outside" the government. 

That doesn't make a lick of sense, I realize. But I listened to some folks talking about the current hearings who are completing trusting the media and the level of misunderstanding of the details is breathtaking in scope.

I think the one thing that we could do to better help this country is to help people understand just how duplicitous the news media are. 

Morning, campers. Some good news in my corner of the universe--new glasses for the son have resulted in his double vision going away. They were able to do a much better job of correcting his vision and when he looked at me with his new glasses, he indicated he only saw one of me, instead of the two he has seen for decades. This might be big, folks, if for no other reason that he might not keep ruining the doorways in my house.

doppelganglander 11/22/2019 6:18:59 AM
Happy Friday, everyone. Preparations continue for the Thanksgiving Invasion - the UK and Brooklyn branches arrive tomorrow, while the DC daughter gets in on Monday. I wish I had a bigger refrigerator.
vxbush 11/22/2019 6:26:57 AM

In #6 doppelganglander said: Happy Friday, everyone. Preparations continue for the Thanksgiving Invasion - the UK and Brooklyn branches arrive tomorrow, while the DC daughter gets in on Monday. I wish I had a bigger refrigerator.

You need to start a rent-a-fridge service for holiday season. 

doppelganglander 11/22/2019 6:38:58 AM

Reply to vxbush in 7:

That's a wonderful idea. Even a mini-fridge for beverages and pies would be helpful.

doppelganglander 11/22/2019 6:42:16 AM

In case you were wondering, here's a summary of all the pandering to black voters that went on in Atlanta yesterday. I think my favorite is Tom Steyer, who "brought up his promise to launch a formal commission to reframe the issue of slavery and 'retell the story so we understand what happened, so we understand how we got to where we are.'”

Yeah, Tom? We know what happened. Take your revisionist bullshit (and thinly veiled pitch for reparations) somewhere else.

Occasional Reader 11/22/2019 7:05:13 AM

In #9 doppelganglander said: to launch a formal commission to reframe the issue of slavery and 'retell the story so we understand what happened, so we understand how we got to where we are.'”

So, remake of "Roots".  Got it. 

Occasional Reader 11/22/2019 7:07:45 AM

Reply to JCM in 4:

I don't see a van in my future... "one and done", and Little OR's future soccer pals can take Uber... 

Occasional Reader 11/22/2019 7:14:13 AM
On the phone right now on a conference call in Spanish, with one Argentinian and one Ecuadoran.  Even after all these years working with Latin America, I still chuckle over the difference in style... Latins in this circumstance tend to give a series of little speeches, it's hard to get a word in edgewise. 
Occasional Reader 11/22/2019 7:15:44 AM

In #2 JCM said: Horowitz reportedly finds FBI lawyer falsified FISA doc

But the narrative was true truthy!!!!!

JCM 11/22/2019 7:17:41 AM
Grow up!

Reply to Occasional Reader in 11:

So you refuse to take responsibility and buy a mini-van!

//////// ;-P

The least you could do is buy the Jeep Track Hawk! A Grand Cherokee withe the Hellcat engine in it.

Occasional Reader 11/22/2019 7:17:44 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 9:

Oh and hey, look who's front and center in that photo... why, it's race-hustler, bigot and accessory to murder Al Sharpton.

Occasional Reader 11/22/2019 7:25:39 AM

In #14 JCM said: The least you could do is buy the Jeep Track Hawk! A Grand Cherokee withe the Hellcat engine in it.

Throw in level BR-6 armor all-around, and a SAW turret on top, and I'm sold! 

doppelganglander 11/22/2019 7:35:11 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 15:

I've got to wonder if black voters are still influenced by Rev. Al. Democrats think standing next to him or another well-known African-American confers authenticity points. 

I'm not sure it's working for Elizabeth Warren. She hauled out Ayanna Pressley, the squad member better known as "the other one, what's her name again?" yesterday. A group of black parents for school choice put on a very loud protest in the middle of the rally. They came all the way from Camden - I have no idea why. Shouldn't they be protesting the Governor of New Jersey?

Occasional Reader 11/22/2019 12:35:37 PM

Thanksgiving week weather may be problematic

But isn't everything these days?

buzzsawmonkey 11/22/2019 1:14:27 PM

In #18 Occasional Reader said: Thanksgiving week weather may be problematic

The new Ronco Problematic™!  Wreck hundreds of travel plans in seconds!

buzzsawmonkey 11/22/2019 1:15:19 PM
I guess we can't do trademarks/symbols...
buzzsawmonkey 11/22/2019 1:48:10 PM

Let's try this...Ronco Problematic™!

buzzsawmonkey 11/22/2019 1:48:30 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 21:

Hot ziggety!

Occasional Reader 11/22/2019 1:54:08 PM

In #22 buzzsawmonkey said: Hot ziggety!

Is that anything like hot buttered groat clusters? 

lucius septimius 11/22/2019 2:12:05 PM

Reply to vxbush in 7:

Of course here (I'm at mom's) you can just leave stuff in the garage.

PaladinPhil 11/22/2019 3:33:07 PM
A sort of decent day. Test drive went well, wife is looking into insurance costs. Teacher interview was also good. Since we were the last ones and the previous appointment was a no show we got extra time talking about the Squire. Some good and some difficulties, but we are getting somewhere. On the way to drop the Squire off with the ED, wife called and said the old van is now undriveable and unsafe. Exhaust fumes getting into the compartment and making her sick. Will probably jump at the one we drove today. $9k for a 2011 Nissan Quest LE fully loaded. Add a winter tire package will come to over $10k with taxes and fees.
Occasional Reader 11/22/2019 4:00:33 PM

In #25 PaladinPhil said: Exhaust fumes getting into the compartment

Oh, that’s the “low emissions” package.  That costs extra. But you help Save The Planet.

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