The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 01/30/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 1/25/2020 2:05:00 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Occasional Reader 1/30/2020 6:51:59 AM

Good morning, youses.

Never mind The Shoulder Thing That Goes Up, here's the new hotness:

Anti-2nd Amendment activist "expert" declares that what defines an "assault weapon" is "the way you hold the gun". 

Hat tip: Insty

vxbush 1/30/2020 6:57:53 AM

In #1 Occasional Reader said: Never mind The Shoulder Thing That Goes Up, here's the new hotness: Anti-2nd Amendment activist "expert" declares that what defines an "assault weapon" is "the way you hold the gun". 

Without looking at the link, I'm assuming holding a gun sideways with the barrel on the side is perfectly acceptable as it reflects Hollywood, while holding it to control recoil is evil bad? 

lucius septimius 1/30/2020 7:02:31 AM
Cleaned off my desk.  Now I can't find anything.
buzzsawmonkey 1/30/2020 7:20:11 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

The Left has been anti-gun for some time.  Tom Paxton and Pete Seeger in 1965, with Paxton doing his "Buy a Gun for Your Son."

lucius septimius 1/30/2020 7:24:42 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 4:

If it hadn't been for all the guns, they would have achieved their socialist utopia decades ago.

lucius septimius 1/30/2020 7:29:37 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 5:

And let me explain that.  One common leftist talking point is that a bunch of people with duck guns aren't ever going to be able to stop an army with tanks and A-10s if the government decides to crack down.  That is true.  But I think there is a deterrent effect in that even the most addled Democrat knows that they could never get the level of public support necessarily to forcibly disarm the populace, especially if it did result in a blood bath.  Waco and Ruby Ridge were small affairs and still hurt them -- could you imagine something like that on the scale of the state of Virginia? 

Revolutions occur when the police/army refuse to fire on the crowd, for whatever reason.  Knowing the crowd can shoot back has to play a role in keeping government on its best behavior.

Occasional Reader 1/30/2020 7:32:14 AM

In #2 vxbush said: I'm assuming holding a gun sideways with the barrel on the side is perfectly acceptable as it reflects Hollywood, while holding it to control recoil is evil bad? 

Well, no, not that particular brand of stupid, a different kind of stupid. 

Occasional Reader 1/30/2020 7:34:31 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 6:

"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?


Occasional Reader 1/30/2020 7:38:39 AM

NPR watch:  Per this morning's listen, it seems they're embarking on a series about the parlous state of  "health care" in America, and the plight of the millions and millions and millions of uninsured.

Obamacare has been the law of the land for just shy of a decade.  it was the signal domestic policy achievement (cough) of the Smartest President in the History of Everything.

So: How could this be?!!

buzzsawmonkey 1/30/2020 8:19:40 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 9:

This ties in with my comment yesterday, regarding the "30/40 million uninsured" that Warren was talking about---and that they were talking about before Obamacare was passed, and---still---after it was passed.  The number fluctuates within an approximately 10-million range, but somehow it never goes away.

Occasional Reader 1/30/2020 8:28:04 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 10:

The blatant doubletalk (and/or doublethink) is a wonder.  They pivot from "Obamacare will save us all!"  to "millions dying in the streets!" without the slightest effort. 

Kenneth 1/30/2020 9:54:42 AM
I just saw a chevron geese fly overhead heading north. I take this as a good sign that winter will soon be over.
buzzsawmonkey 1/30/2020 10:03:42 AM

In #12 Kenneth said: I just saw a chevron geese fly overhead heading north. I take this as a good sign that winter will soon be over.

Will you be having pork sausages on February 2, aka Ground Hog Day?

Occasional Reader 1/30/2020 10:12:30 AM

In #12 Kenneth said: a chevron

Point of order: the correct term is “buncha”.

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