The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 02/07/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 2/1/2020 10:48:17 AM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

midwestgak 2/7/2020 4:05:37 AM

Qassim al-Rimi, the Qaeda leader, confirmed dead.

WASHINGTON — The United States killed the leader of Al Qaeda’s affiliate in Yemen, the White House confirmed on Thursday.

The confirmation came about a week after The New York Times first reported that the United States believed it had killed Qassim al-Rimi, the Qaeda leader, in January after months of tracing him.

The C.I.A. carried out the airstrike using an unmanned drone, an intelligence official said.

The White House statement had little detail about the operation, but said it was carried out at the direction of President Trump. The statement said Mr. al-Rimi’s death will degrade the Yemen affiliate and the global Qaeda movement and “brings us closer to eliminating the threats these groups pose to our national security.”

Mr. Trump has highlighted his record of ordering the killing of terrorist leaders and other adversaries. In his State of the Union address, he highlighted the Army Delta Force raid that killed Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the Islamic State leader, as well as the drone strike in Baghdad that killed Maj. Gen. Qassim Suleimani, Iran’s most important general.

There was a $10 million reward on his head,  Money well spent,

PaladinPhil 2/7/2020 4:34:38 AM

And the plague has hit the keep again. Showed up for work yesterday and had to punch out because I became disoriented and started to hurt. The Squire isn't feeling too well either. Have to go to work this afternoon maybe, if I am feeling better. Not sure yet at this time. Stupid thing is that both the Squire and I have had flu shots this season. Wife hasn't and she's in better shape than the two of us. Another piece of anecdotal information for me. Never get sick this often when I haven't had the flu shot. 

Of course there's that little bit of paranoia wondering if it may be something else... Nah, the government has told me all is under control...

lucius septimius 2/7/2020 5:54:15 AM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 2:

Welcome to the world of children, especially if they're in school.  Bloody little petri dishes they are.  I was lucky not to get sick very often (mainly because if dad got sick, the world stopped, so I couldn't afford to be sick) but we'd always have something coursing through the house.  It stops eventually.

PaladinPhil 2/7/2020 6:04:12 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 3:

I keep referring to the Squire as my "little plague vector". Among other terms of "endearment"... (tigger, 'three foot terrorist',...)

lucius septimius 2/7/2020 6:17:02 AM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 4:

Oldest boy refers to himself as "Patient Zero" for bringing whatever his siblings pick up back with him to college.

Occasional Reader 2/7/2020 6:31:46 AM

Reply to midwestgak in 1:

This wise, wonderful man was an austere religious scholar and leader of his people, beloved by all who knew him. And then, Trump murdered him.

-The MSM

Occasional Reader 2/7/2020 6:57:31 AM

In #3 lucius septimius said: Welcome to the world of children, especially if they're in school. 

The first year (autumn/winter 2017-18) of daycare with Little OR was rough in that regard; he was seemingly continuously in cycles of being sick from September through March, as were his mom and I.  We've been relatively fortunate since then, knock on wood

revobob 2/7/2020 9:50:55 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 7: There has been so much low-level illness in what they call the 'Tri-State Area' (roughly centered on Cincinnati) this year that schools have been closing pretty regularly for anywhere from 1 to 5 days at a time. Attendance levels have dropped to low 80% range*, with corresponding staff absences. (Which seems strange to me- I don't recall one of my schools EVER closing for illness.)

*In our county, attendance is typically better than 96%.

vxbush 2/7/2020 10:11:59 AM

Speaking of disease vectors.....

I've been sick the last 3 days; couldn't function beyond sitting on the couch and reading. While the reading was lovely, feeling cruddy did not. 

PaladinPhil 2/7/2020 10:18:46 AM

Reply to revobob in 8:

Was wondering today, how would medical professionals be able to distinguish Corona Virus from regular flu? Especially here in North America. Flu season is in full swing and most people would also assume that they just have the normal bug. Trying not to think paranoid thoughts about this with both me an the Squire being ill.

vxbush 2/7/2020 10:45:44 AM

In #10 PaladinPhil said: Was wondering today, how would medical professionals be able to distinguish Corona Virus from regular flu? Especially here in North America. Flu season is in full swing and most people would also assume that they just have the normal bug. Trying not to think paranoid thoughts about this with both me an the Squire being ill.

This is a guess, but I don't think it's completely off base: 

A blood test would look for either the virus or the antibodies to fight the virus, and that would definitely determine which bug you have. I seem to recall, though, that the test isn't an immediate thing. This would have to be determined under microscope, I think. There isn't a easy dipstick to test for it, so getting the results back would take days. 

PaladinPhil 2/7/2020 10:54:10 AM

Reply to vxbush in 11:

And when was the last time that they test blood for flu? Since it's so common they just base off symptoms showing and prescribe from there.

Occasional Reader 2/7/2020 11:15:29 AM

Buttigieg:  Who am I to say whether infanticide is wrong (or something).


Occasional Reader 2/7/2020 11:16:21 AM

In #8 revobob said: what they call the 'Tri-State Area' (roughly centered on Cincinnati)

What?!!  No, the "Tri-State Area" is NY, NJ and CT, everyone knows that!!!!

Occasional Reader 2/7/2020 11:21:56 AM
Where's the Joe-mentum?  Missing in New Hamshire. 
Occasional Reader 2/7/2020 12:51:54 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 15:


Occasional Reader 2/7/2020 12:52:18 PM
I mean, it's not like anyone is here to read my typo... 
JCM 2/7/2020 1:07:48 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 15:

Joe is the lipstick on a pig candidate.....

Syrah 2/7/2020 3:10:12 PM

The Vindmans are looking for work.

They were escorted out of the building today. 

midwestgak 2/7/2020 3:17:18 PM

In #17 Occasional Reader said: I mean, it's not like anyone is here to read my typo... 

ha. Give it some time. Looks like some new blood is seeping into the carpet here. 

lucius septimius 2/7/2020 3:25:21 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 16:

'urricanes 'ardly 'appen in 'artford, 'ereford, and 'ampshire.

Occasional Reader 2/7/2020 3:46:44 PM

Reply to Syrah in 19:

Don’t worry, the MSNBC contributor jobs will be confirmed by this time next week at the latest.

PaladinPhil 2/7/2020 3:56:41 PM

Reply to midwestgak in 20:

*shiftily puts away the knife* Damn, didn't think anyone would notice.

Syrah 2/7/2020 4:08:41 PM

And now Sondland is out. 

There is much wailing and gnashing of teeth on the left.

Syrah 2/7/2020 4:10:23 PM
Will Biden make it to Super Tuesday?
lucius septimius 2/7/2020 4:11:13 PM
The Escoffier method of making brown sauce is a pain in the ass.  I get why they do it this way, but sheesh!
midwestgak 2/7/2020 4:13:41 PM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 23:

Wipe it clean too!

btw, good to see random musings is still there.

midwestgak 2/7/2020 4:16:12 PM

In #25 Syrah said: Will Biden make it to Super Tuesday?

That's just malarkey.

PaladinPhil 2/7/2020 4:19:42 PM

Reply to midwestgak in 27:

Yeah, unfortunately there haven't been many musings. Random or otherwise.

midwestgak 2/7/2020 4:26:00 PM

In #26 lucius septimius said: The Escoffier method

The what?

midwestgak 2/7/2020 4:28:30 PM
Obama is stumping for Bloomberg.  Just saw an political add.
midwestgak 2/7/2020 4:29:59 PM

Reply to midwestgak in 31: 

'a' political . . .

midwestgak 2/7/2020 4:31:18 PM
Where is that self edit option kosh promised?
lucius septimius 2/7/2020 4:34:55 PM

Reply to midwestgak in 30:

Famous French chef, founder of Haute Cuisine.  

midwestgak 2/7/2020 4:35:43 PM

Reply to midwestgak in 31:

ad, sheesh. 

lucius septimius 2/7/2020 4:35:50 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 34:

My great grandmother worked under him at the Savoy in London.

midwestgak 2/7/2020 4:40:49 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 34:

Mother fiver sauce, Batman.

midwestgak 2/7/2020 4:44:29 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 36:

And you got interested too.  Nice.

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