The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 02/18/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 2/15/2020 11:01:08 AM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Occasional Reader 2/18/2020 6:06:07 AM

Guess who is taking credit for the Trump economy?  Oh, g’wan, guess.

vxbush 2/18/2020 6:06:55 AM

Hey, doppel: I read your note at the end of yesterday. So clearly I'm a big outlier on this--no surprise, given my background and I generally am an outlier on everything. 😁

Morning, campers. The question of the day is: how quickly will I fall asleep at my desk, considering how poorly I slept last night? I'm thinking it's going to be 2 hours, tops. 

vxbush 2/18/2020 6:56:41 AM

Claim: Poverty has plunged in the U.S. Note that the article says "the Census Bureau’s official poverty rate is biased upwards and kind of meaningless." Which means the Bureau should trash it and find a better way to estimate the rate. 

JCM 2/18/2020 7:22:18 AM
What the story is and what it should be...

Kennedy Catholic High School students prep for protests after teacher resignations

BURIEN, Wash. -- Students at Kennedy Catholic High School say they hope to send a powerful message about love and acceptance during a planned Tuesday morning class walkout.

Their sit-in and walkout are being held to protest the recent resignations of two teachers. Administrators say Paul Danforth and Michelle Beattie resigned voluntarily, but Danforth’s fiance says Paul was forced out because of his recent engagement to a man.

King County Councilmember's Joe McDermott, Dave Upthegrove, and Burien Council Kevin Schilling dishonestly attack Burien's Kennedy Catholic HS in this slanted, blog post. What is especially troubling is that Schilling, a Catholic Church employee talks about starting "a mini riot at Kennedy Catholic in Burien, WA" to force change in the Church. Please keep Archbishop Etienne and Kennedy Catholic HS in your prayers against these evil attacks.

First it smell like a set up. Catholic school teachers in their contract agree to adhere to Church Teaching.

We have politicians LEADING this effort. That IS a First Amendment issue when their use their office to attempt to alter, stifle or otherwise infringe on the practice of religion.

Why isn't this story about bigotry... against the Catholic Church?

JCM 2/18/2020 7:26:44 AM

First the farmers, now the machinists...

Michael Bloomberg Belittled Farmers, Machinists: Modern Jobs Require More ‘Gray Matter’

Well Mr. Nanny your empire is a media empire... I've seen very little demonstrated intelligence in the media.

vxbush 2/18/2020 7:46:00 AM

In #5 JCM said: Well Mr. Nanny your empire is a media empire... I've seen very little demonstrated intelligence in the media.

The media empire seems to subsist almost entirely on fluff, in my useless opinion. They used to interview people who did things, who created things, who were in charge. But so much of the media lately is about interviewing other media people, who then talk about those folks--and don't seem to talk to them. 

JCM 2/18/2020 7:50:05 AM

Reply to vxbush in 6:

I've noticed a trend about that... media talking heads interviewing other talking heads.

They do it all the frackin' time locally. Drives me crazy. Instead of telling me news, they ask some blow dried nincompoop about the news.

Local: So TV Dude, what is this big news?

TV Dude: I'm glad you ask local news reader, we are hearing that Donald Trump will be impeached.

Followed by a thumping sound as I beat my head on the counter.

doppelganglander 2/18/2020 8:05:56 AM

Reply to vxbush in 2:

It's all a matter of what you grew up with. But it's all there for anyone who takes an interest in different aspects if American culture. Look how much we've learned about pre-war popular music from buzz.

lucius septimius 2/18/2020 8:38:48 AM

Reply to JCM in 7:

Given the amount of hairspray the talking hairdos have inhaled over the years, should we be surprised that they're all brain dead?

vxbush 2/18/2020 9:10:54 AM

In #8 doppelganglander said: It's all a matter of what you grew up with. But it's all there for anyone who takes an interest in different aspects if American culture. Look how much we've learned about pre-war popular music from buzz.

True. It hasn't beens something that I was interested in learning, but the article I shared yesterday definitely explained it to me. 

vxbush 2/18/2020 9:11:14 AM

In #9 lucius septimius said: Given the amount of hairspray the talking hairdos have inhaled over the years, should we be surprised that they're all brain dead?

I'm surprised they aren't all embalmed yet from the chemicals. 

Occasional Reader 2/18/2020 9:21:24 AM

Goodbye, democratic party; and good riddance.

buzzsawmonkey 2/18/2020 9:31:12 AM

Reply to JCM in 4:

I can think of probably four or five teachers, at a minimum---pressed, I might be able to think of ten---teachers in my (public) high school who were homosexual, men and women both.  Some were "known," some merely suspected.  There was never a whisper of scandal regarding improprieties with students; it was pretty much considered "their business." I am sure this was true of most schools, public or private, back in the day.

The forcing of sexual proclivities into the open has, in this sense, been a disaster for skilled and devoted teachers who find themselves unemployable at the institutions where they work because their private lives are no longer private.

lucius septimius 2/18/2020 11:21:46 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 13:

There were two known gay teachers in my elementary school, one of whom was the band teacher.  Both ended up having to leave after a scandal involving the other teacher who was implicated when a former student (with whom he may have been involved) was arrested for robbery.  

In high school there were a couple of old dykes -- no one paid them any mind.  One of the younger teachers dumped her husband and took up with a female student.  It was well known that girls' sports was a prime recruiting ground for lesbians.  Of gay male teachers, there was only one fussy old queen and an older math teacher who I strongly suspect was a predator.  

buzzsawmonkey 2/18/2020 11:48:29 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 14:

I remember reading some short piece by Evelyn Waugh years ago, in which he observed "all teachers are homosexual---how else could they endure their work?"  Which, I suppose, made some sense in the much-more-sex-segregated pedagogical environment in which he was raised.  

I would disagree with his sweeping statement, but at the same time recognize that for some teachers (possibly many) their profession is, in effect, an act of sublimation, whereby they channel, or perhaps re-channel, certain inappropriate desires or urgings into a socially-useful career.

Kosh's Shadow 2/18/2020 4:06:07 PM

In #4 JCM said: First it smell like a set up. Catholic school teachers in their contract agree to adhere to Church Teaching. We have politicians LEADING this effort. That IS a First Amendment issue when their use their office to attempt to alter, stifle or otherwise infringe on the practice of religion. Why isn't this story about bigotry... against the Catholic Church?

So when are they going to go after Muslim schools for not hiring gays?

Kosh's Shadow 2/18/2020 4:11:50 PM

You know those anti-subway fare riots in NYC?

Guess the fake nationality of the professor who incited them

Palestinian New York University professor Amin Husain leads an anarchist group called “Decolonize This Place,” which spearheaded a “rampage through the subways” at the end of January, wrecking turnstiles, spray-painting “F**k Cops,” and stranding commuters who could not return home, the New York Post reported.

The 44-year-old urged people on social media to “f-ck sh-t up” on Jan. 31 in an incident that resulted in 13 arrests and $100,000 in damage.

Husain claims to be from “Palestine,” according to the Post, and reportedly bragged about “attacking Israeli soldiers as a teenager” during the first Intifada, a four-year-long nightmare during which Palestinians perpetrated horrific acts of terror on Israelis.

“I was throwing rocks, Molotov cocktails, the like,” Husain claimed at an anti-Israel rally in Times Square in July 2016.

The Post report also detailed Husain’s role at NYU, which removed the teacher’s contact information from its website.

Husain apparently taught a class in “militant activism,” according to the school’s site.

NYU should lose all Federal funding and pay NYC for the damages.

BTW, they gave an award to Students for Justice for Palestine not too long ago.

buzzsawmonkey 2/18/2020 4:43:59 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 17:

I feel so culturally enriched.

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