The Daily Broadside

Sunday Morning Brunch

Posted on 04/05/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 4/4/2020 4:40:39 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

buzzsawmonkey 4/5/2020 7:09:04 AM
I guess everyone's too busy working their way through the banquet above to say anything.
lucius septimius 4/5/2020 7:15:38 AM

I was thinking, after multiple morning threads with pictures of bagels and lox, the morning I actually had bagels and lox for breakfast, the picture was of something else.  

Oh and it's Palm Sunday, which feels very strange being shut in.

buzzsawmonkey 4/5/2020 7:54:38 AM

In #2 lucius septimius said: Oh and it's Palm Sunday, which feels very strange being shut in.

If you're wearing surgical gloves, it will be sweaty-Palm Sunday.

Syrah 4/5/2020 7:56:30 AM

Tim Blair of the Australian Daily Telegraph responds to a nastygram from the Communist Chinese People’s consulate.

lucius septimius 4/5/2020 8:37:50 AM

Syrah 4/5/2020 8:39:45 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 5:


lucius septimius 4/5/2020 8:42:41 AM

Reply to Syrah in 6:

i = square root of -1

doppelganglander 4/5/2020 8:51:38 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 7:

i stands for imaginary, doesn't it? 

buzzsawmonkey 4/5/2020 8:53:17 AM

April is the cruelest month, breeding

Restrictions out of the government...

---TS Eliot, today

lucius septimius 4/5/2020 9:00:20 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 8:


Occasional Reader 4/5/2020 9:37:42 AM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 9:

In the room, the women come and preen

Maintaining 2-yard gaps between

buzzsawmonkey 4/5/2020 9:55:16 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 11:


Kosh's Shadow 4/5/2020 10:00:46 AM

Reply to lucius septimius in 5:

Showing how time does not elapse for a photon....

Although spacetime diagrams have the diagonal starting a the origin.

More of a detailed explanation upon request.

Kosh's Shadow 4/5/2020 11:01:01 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 13:

Special Relativity killed the thread.

Kosh's Shadow 4/5/2020 11:24:41 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 14:

Now if we were dealing with quantum mechanics, we wouldn't know if the tread was alive or dead.

revobob 4/5/2020 1:13:27 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 15: I useta be a quantum mechanic, but when my eyesight deteriorated I could only work on bigger stuff.

Kosh's Shadow 4/5/2020 1:14:23 PM

In #2 lucius septimius said: I was thinking, after multiple morning threads with pictures of bagels and lox, the morning I actually had bagels and lox for breakfast, the picture was of something else.  

Bagels on Saturday, fancy brunch on Sunday

revobob 4/5/2020 1:16:19 PM

In #15 Kosh's Shadow said: Now if we were dealing with quantum mechanics, we wouldn't know if the tread was alive or dead.

From a facebook post- Feynman and Heisenberg are driving in a car. Cop pulls them over and asks Heisenberg "Do you know how fast you were going?" Heisenberg says "Yes". Feynman throws up his hands and say "Great! Now we're lost!"

Kosh's Shadow 4/5/2020 1:19:08 PM

In #16 revobob said: I useta be a quantum mechanic, but when my eyesight deteriorated I could only work on bigger stuff.

Hard to work on that stuff, because if you can tell where it is to any accuracy, you can't tell where it is going, and vice versa.

BTW, one day in college, in quantum mechanics class, another student had been working on his car. He came in with a shaft of gears from the transmission. The expected jokes occurred.

He had a FIAT (which stands for Fix It Again, Tony), which stopped sales in the US somewhat later, due to their reputation of not supporting warranty repairs. The gears in the standard transmissions would break, and they'd insist it was due to hard shifting and not having the clutch engaged (disengaaged?)

This student had the real explanation. The gears did not mesh completely, Only 1/2 or so of the gear teeth would mesh because the gears didn't line up.

And the new Fiats are not much better; last I looked they were the least reliable new car,  with over 200 defects per 100 cars.

Kosh's Shadow 4/5/2020 1:19:52 PM

In #18 revobob said: Feynman and Heisenberg are driving in a car. Cop pulls them over and asks Heisenberg "Do you know how fast you were going?" Heisenberg says "Yes". Feynman throws up his hands and say "Great! Now we're lost!"


revobob 4/5/2020 1:20:29 PM
So, like much of the country we are locked down here. I had compiled a list of Home Depot list with the intention of going there next week. Since I cannot now do that, I decided to order on line for shipment to the house. What a PITA!!!  I really need to go wander around the store. 
revobob 4/5/2020 1:22:08 PM

In #19 Kosh's Shadow said: And the new Fiats are not much better; last I looked they were the least reliable new car,  with over 200 defects per 100 cars.

And the saddest part is that last time I looked they are the biggest seller in Europe. 

Kosh's Shadow 4/5/2020 1:25:19 PM

Reply to revobob in 22: 1

German cars are expensive, French and British cars are even less known for reliability (except for really expensive British cars)

Renaults used to come with toolboxes. No wonder the French require the yellow vests in cars for when they break down.

doppelganglander 4/5/2020 1:41:31 PM
Boris Johnson has been admitted to the hospital. He tested positive for coronavirus 10 days ago and his symptoms aren't improving.
revobob 4/5/2020 1:42:31 PM

In #23 Kosh's Shadow said: Renaults used to come with toolboxes. No wonder the French require the yellow vests in cars for when they break down.

and of course who can forget the Citroen and Puegot? Classics they were.

revobob 4/5/2020 1:48:25 PM

In #24 doppelganglander said: Boris Johnson has been admitted to the hospital. He tested positive for coronavirus 10 days ago and his symptoms aren't improving.

Bet Trump will make sure he's got a ventilator! (And I hope BoJo survives.)

doppelganglander 4/5/2020 3:33:29 PM

Reply to revobob in 26:

I expect a lot of Labour assholes to demand he not be allowed to use a respirator because he's somehow responsible for the failures of the NHS.

PaladinPhil 4/5/2020 4:15:33 PM

Reply to revobob in 18:

Addendum to that joke, Schrodinger and Ohm were also passengers. Cop goes, "I need to look in the trunk"  Heisenberg opens it. Cop looks in and says, "do you know you have a dead cat back here?" "We do now," Says Schrodinger. Cop places them under arrest and Ohm resists.....

Kosh's Shadow 4/5/2020 4:40:42 PM

Song for those idiots who want to party instead of keeping social distancing

What good is sitting alone in your room?

Come, get COVID-19

Live is a cabaret, old chum

Come get COVID-19

Put down the cellphone, facebook and Instagram

It’s time for a holiday

Life is a cabaret, old chum

Come get COVID-19

Come have some wine

Come hear the band

Come blow your nose, start suffocating

Right this way, your virus is waiting

What good’s permitting some prophet of doom

To wipe every smile away

Life is a cabaret old chum

So come get COVID-19

I used to have a girlfriend known as Elsie

With whom I shared four sordid rooms in Chelsea

She wasn’t afraid of coronavirus

As a matter of fact she’d let anyone hire us

The day she died the neighbors had been listening

“Well, that’s what comes from not enough social distancing”

But when I saw her laid out on the bier

I couldn’t help but shedding many a tear

I think of Elsie to this very day

I remember how she’d turn to me and say

“What good is sitting all alone in your room?

Come hear the music play

Life is a crap shoot, my dear

So some, get COVID-19

And as for me, and as for me

I made my mind up when I got out of isolation

When I go

I’ll find another recreation

Start by admitting from cradle to tomb

It isn’t that long a stay

Life ain’t no cabaret old chum

It sure ain’t a cabaret, old chum

And I stay safe any way!

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