The Daily Broadside

Saturday's very special Thread!

Posted on 04/25/2020 4.00 AM

JCM 4/24/2020 6:16:22 PM

Posted by: JCM

Occasional Reader 4/25/2020 7:50:34 AM
I see JCM went for the "Healthy Heart" option breakfast...
Occasional Reader 4/25/2020 8:22:36 AM
EU releases draft report criticizing Communist China's handling of covid-19; then promptly, mewlingly backpedals when Communist China complains. 
JCM 4/25/2020 8:29:59 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

Stay at home isn't helping my waist line!

Kosh's Shadow 4/25/2020 8:54:32 AM

In #2 Occasional Reader said: EU releases draft report criticizing Communist China's handling of covid-19; then promptly, mewlingly backpedals when Communist China complains. 

Started out sweet, then turned sour. 

The Europeans welcome their Chinese overlords.

JCM 4/25/2020 9:33:47 AM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 4:

Only 30 years since the fall of the Soviet Union, and they are ready version 2.0.

lucius septimius 4/25/2020 10:24:23 AM

Reply to JCM in 5:

Europe always has to have a dictatorship to love.

Syrah 4/25/2020 11:58:04 AM

Are we all dead yet?

it will be the lost summer.

From the beginning of this madness, I was more worried about people than I was the virus. i was worried that a nation of people that seem to live for the day would be poor planners and unable to handle two or three weeks without freaking out. what I was insufficiently afraid of was how unwilling the political class would be to scale this stuff back once the initial goal of “flattening the curve” would be achieved.

in the County that I live in, we have had 2 deaths attributed to CV19.  one of those was a case not confirmed by testing but assumed. It might be real  I don’t know. On average, between 6 and 7 people die each day here from all causes. The 2 deaths here attributed to CV19 are lost in the noise of the normal death rate. There is no curve to flatten here. 

This thing will last as long as the political class can keep people afraid.

the media lives for this kind of stuff. They make their living trying to make the mundane sound interesting enough for you to stop flipping through the channels and listen to their “latest cat stuck in a tree” story portrayed as an “end of the world crisis!” Its how they sell advertising. If they were to come out and report “Not much happened today.”, they would have a really tough time holding your interest through four commercial breaks.

so here we are,

I am running out of beer. This crisis wasn’t supposed to last this long. 

JCM 4/25/2020 12:30:30 PM

Reply to Syrah in 7:

Our Gov. Stupid and I Lazy is full of himself in this mess. I heard the clip but can't find it, when asked about shutting down worship services, he ended with "we have no plans to ban online religious meetings". How does the thought even cross his 3 brain cells that he could if he wanted too?

I don't mean to brag, but a lot of my early guesswork about when the virus arrived, the overall rates of infections and death is bearing how. The question I have if I, some schumck and little semi-educated guess work can out perform the models. Why are the "smart" people who can see even more data than I can still run with the models when they are wrong? Then you add in things like walks in the park are bad, but being on a bus is good. Gov't construction is good, private is bad. Then to your point why the same rules are being applied as a blanket when there are different situation across the state, urban to rural, etc...

It's real easy to head off the rails into tin-foil hat land.

lucius septimius 4/25/2020 12:37:06 PM

In #7 Syrah said: I am running out of beer.

According to the WSJ today, there are a million barrels of beer out that that need to be drunk since St. Paddy's day was a bust and baseball season is DOA.  So get working.  Most taverns around here are doing the growler thing.

Syrah 4/25/2020 12:47:30 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 9:

i was thinking about that. 

There are a couple decent brewpubs nearby. 

Occasional Reader 4/25/2020 1:17:42 PM

Things I learned while listening to NPR this afternoon.

Teachers are “on the front lines“ in dealing with the pandemic.

Also: NPR journalists are “on the front lines“ in dealing with the pandemic.

Hear that, doctors, nurses, and first responders?

lucius septimius 4/25/2020 1:19:52 PM

In #11 Occasional Reader said: Teachers are “on the front lines“ in dealing with the pandemic.

While sitting at home doing about 15 minutes of Zoom class a day?

Occasional Reader 4/25/2020 1:29:53 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 12:

Yes.  Have you ever heard of Alvin York? Audie Murphy? Michael Monsoor?


compared to our brave, front line teachers.


Kosh's Shadow 4/25/2020 1:37:35 PM

In #12 lucius septimius said: In #11 Occasional Reader said: Teachers are “on the front lines“ in dealing with the pandemic.

While sitting at home doing about 15 minutes of Zoom class a day?

And a once a month or so driving parade to show their students something by posting too-small-to-be-read signs in the windows of their cars. We had one of those last week.

JCM 4/25/2020 1:42:16 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 12:

Teachers who took 4 weeks to figure out how to put class material online.


Kosh's Shadow 4/25/2020 1:54:56 PM

In #2 Occasional Reader said: EU releases draft report criticizing Communist China's handling of covid-19; then promptly, mewlingly backpedals when Communist China complains. 

Apparently, they are afraid China would cut off supply of medical materials. 

You'd have to be desperate to trust medical supplies from China now.

Syrah 4/25/2020 2:41:13 PM

It is looking weird in the Hermit Kingdom.

If there is no clear succession, and things go all pear shaped, will China have to invade Norkland?

JCM 4/25/2020 3:20:07 PM

Reply to Syrah in 17:

Most likely IMAO is sis Kim Yo Jong. I've seen reports she was behind the poisoning of the brother in the airport a few years back.

She appears to be utterly ruthless.

Kosh's Shadow 4/25/2020 3:28:52 PM

In #17 Syrah said: It is looking weird in the Hermit Kingdom. If there is no clear succession, and things go all pear shaped, will China have to invade Norkland?

Apparently Kim Jong Un's sister has been prepared to succeed him, but the question is, will all the male leaders of the Nork military and so on allow her? Or will she bite their heads off and eat them for dinner, praying mantis and spider style?

Kosh's Shadow 4/25/2020 3:30:18 PM

In #18 JCM said: Most likely IMAO is sis Kim Yo Jong. I've seen reports she was behind the poisoning of the brother in the airport a few years back. She appears to be utterly ruthless.

I guess she will bite their heads off and have them for dinner.

(Ruthless... "I wonder where Ruth is?" -- Firesign Theatre, Tale of the Giant Rat of Sumatra)

Kosh's Shadow 4/25/2020 3:31:45 PM

In #20 Kosh's Shadow said: (Ruthless... "I wonder where Ruth is?" -- Firesign Theatre, Tale of the Giant Rat of Sumatra)

No, "The Further Adventures of Nick Danger, Third Eye"

JCM 4/25/2020 4:09:28 PM
One of my menagerie of peeves.

Map at Fox News in line with this story.

Federal judge says Mississippi church can hold drive-in services

Map is garbage. It means NOTHING and a result is misleading.

It shows raw numbers, and is not normalized for population.

Kosh's Shadow 4/25/2020 4:58:18 PM

In #22 JCM said: One of my menagerie of peeves.

Do you have a kennel licence for all those peeves?

JCM 4/25/2020 5:00:15 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 23:

I've got so many I'm an accredited zoo!

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