The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 05/19/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 5/16/2020 4:36:30 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

vxbush 5/19/2020 5:58:09 AM
Evangelist Ravi Zacharias passed away early this morning. His was one of the voices that helped move me in my faith, and I am both saddened by his death and heartened to know that he is where he wants to be--with his Lord. 
Syrah 5/19/2020 6:49:54 AM

From the “Things that make you go Hmmmmm.” files:

vxbush 5/19/2020 7:06:19 AM

In #2 Syrah said: From the “Things that make you go Hmmmmm.” files:

Interesting, but the first chart that grouped states based on length of lockdown and showing much higher death rates is probably incidental correlation. I think it would make more sense to do that chart based on population density. That seems to be where the correlation lies; lockdown lengths are probably a marker for density. 

Occasional Reader 5/19/2020 7:44:00 AM

Remember Grover's Mill!  Avenge the HMS Thunder Child!

Syrah 5/19/2020 8:03:35 AM

Reply to vxbush in 3:

i agree. That one is a useless chart.

population density, mass transit usage and possibly even elevator usage are likely much more relevant factors.


JCM 5/19/2020 8:10:02 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 4:

Bloshenko concluded by stating that humanity cannot influence in a tangible way the atmosphere on Mars or Venus. 

But we can on earth?

Occasional Reader 5/19/2020 8:28:32 AM
Just to torture myself (again), I'm listening to NPR.  Right now they're interviewing some twit who's rambling about "minimalism lifestyle", we should throw out almost all our possessions and reject capitalist consumerism, etc.  But wait... EVEN THAT MAKES US GUILTY... because how do we "throw out" this stuff without harming Earth Mother Gaia?!!  So they're agonizing over this now.  And these people want to run the world. 
Occasional Reader 5/19/2020 8:37:01 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 7:

Ah, and the interviewee is now emphasizing "from my perspective as a woman of color"....; because what she's saying makes even more sense because melanin.  Or something. 

lucius septimius 5/19/2020 8:47:22 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 7:

I wonder what it would be like to have the leisure to spend one's days contemplating such utter nonsense.

vxbush 5/19/2020 9:16:47 AM

In #9 lucius septimius said: I wonder what it would be like to have the leisure to spend one's days contemplating such utter nonsense.

I don't know, but I can't imagine having that much free time. 

buzzsawmonkey 5/19/2020 9:43:53 AM

Two observations regarding the people complaining about the American death rate from coronavirus, compared with that of other countries:

1) They are, in a perverse way, attempting to proclaim/endorse the "American exceptionalism" that they normally decry.  They are proclaiming it in the negative, slagging the US (and Trump, of course) for our allegedly-higher rate---but the implication which underlies their plaint is that the US should have a much-lower rate than the rest of the world, i.e., that "because this is America" the rate "should" be the world exemplar of a minimum effect.  That this "should" is merely a meaningless wish-based opinion, and expressed in glass-half-empty pessimist terms, does not however stop it from being an American-exceptionalist view.

2) Comparison complaints about the US death rate versus the death rate of other countries is merely another version of the Left's current bugaboo of "disproportionate outcomes," the way the Left currently expresses its absurd belief in "equality of results."  The Left is fond of inveighing against "disproportionality," whether directed at the number of men, or women, or people of a certain ethnicity, are in a certain field, or have a certain level of money, or commit a certain proportion of crimes.  But life is not "proportionate" in any of its outcomes, death by disease included, and decrees of what should or should not be "proportional" are merely the expression of a spoiled child sulkily attempting to impose its transitory whims upon reality.

doppelganglander 5/19/2020 10:10:24 AM

In #8 Occasional Reader said: "from my perspective as a woman of color"....;

My response would be, "I don't care if you're a purple transgender marsupial, your ideas are stupid." 

vxbush 5/19/2020 10:29:56 AM

In #12 doppelganglander said: My response would be, "I don't care if you're a purple transgender marsupial, your ideas are stupid." 

And while it used to be the case that ideas were evaluated on the basis of the idea and the rules of logic, that is no longer the case. All information is filtered through the identity of the speaker. When math has to be "localized" because somehow 2+2 isn't a universal statement, you know academia has serious issues. (Same with engineering, chemistry, etc.)

JCM 5/19/2020 10:53:19 AM

In #13 vxbush said: (Same with engineering, chemistry, etc.)

In those fields that crap has consequences. Things don't work, things break, people get hurt. 

doppelganglander 5/19/2020 11:04:14 AM

Reply to vxbush in 13:

Haven't you heard? Logic is a white, colonial, patriarchal concept, just like time, evidence, facts, and math. How dare you disrespect a POC's lived experience!

vxbush 5/19/2020 11:07:23 AM

In #15 doppelganglander said: Haven't you heard? Logic is a white, colonial, patriarchal concept, just like time, evidence, facts, and math. How dare you disrespect a POC's lived experience!

Right, because 2+2=5 if you're black, 3 if you're Asian, and 10 if you are a trans crossdresser.  ////////

(insert epic eye roll here)

doppelganglander 5/19/2020 11:10:05 AM

Reply to JCM in 14:

Remember the pedestrian bridge at a university in Florida that collapsed and killed a girl? The company that won the bid was favored over others because it was owned by women. There are thousands of competent women engineers, but that's a stupid way to choose a company.

doppelganglander 5/19/2020 11:11:37 AM

Reply to vxbush in 16: 2+2=4 if you're Asian. That's why they have to be kept out of elite institutions like Harvard.

vxbush 5/19/2020 11:22:41 AM

In #18 doppelganglander said: Reply to vxbush in 16: 2+2=4 if you're Asian. That's why they have to be kept out of elite institutions like Harvard.

Well, 2+2=4 if you are white, but it's 3 if you're Asian because you already have an advantage. That was my thinking while writing, anyway.

lucius septimius 5/19/2020 1:26:56 PM

Reply to vxbush in 19:

New math?

midwestgak 5/19/2020 3:44:19 PM

In #9 lucius septimius said: I wonder what it would be like to have the leisure to spend one's days contemplating such utter nonsense.

Or the desire.

PaladinPhil 5/19/2020 4:15:32 PM
Well, the Ontario school year is officially over. Wife is asking me about taking a leave of absence so she can go back to work...  Going to be some serious talk about that.
Alice in Dairyland 5/19/2020 4:35:00 PM
Not to change the subject was my first dental cleaning/exam since the lockdown.  They've finally been able to reopen.  They called to reschedule my appointment and did the health update over the phone.  Told me to call them when I was in the parking lot.  Bring a mask or they'd supply one.  Hygienist came out to get me, took my temperature in the foyer, had me apply hand sanitizer and don my mask.  Did the health update again.  Went directly to exam room, no one allowed in the waiting room.  Removed mask just prior to cleaning.  Had to rinse with peroxide instead of Listerene before the cleaning.  No high-pressure water spray.  No polishing after cleaning.  No price break either.  Dentist came in to do the exam.  Hygienist took my credit card out to the receptionist and brought it back with my receipt and next appointment card.  Put my mask back on and had to sanitize my hands again before leaving.  Best of all - no cavities!  Not a bad experience, just different.  Kind of scared me in the beginning when they said they would come out to the parking lot when I got there.  No way was I having my teeth cleaned in the parking lot!
midwestgak 5/19/2020 5:36:29 PM

In #23 Alice in Dairyland said: Kind of scared me in the beginning when they said they would come out to the parking lot when I got there.  No way was I having my teeth cleaned in the parking lot!


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