The Daily Broadside

Morning News

Posted on 05/29/2020 4.00 AM

Kosh's Shadow 5/25/2020 1:58:06 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

vxbush 5/29/2020 5:38:26 AM
You know, I may reach the point where I start killing to get a good night's sleep. I am doing everything I know--and researching as well--to figure out how I can start sleeping again through the night. This is getting ridiculous. 
lucius septimius 5/29/2020 5:47:21 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

I didn't sleep well last night, which is very odd for me.  Too many things going through my head, and very, very weird dreams to boot.

doppelganglander 5/29/2020 6:41:43 AM

Reply to vxbush in 1:

Once I fall asleep, I'm fine. It's relaxing enough to nod off that's the problem. I have medication that I take every night (it's actually an older antidepressant). I'm trying various things - Sleepytime tea, nature sounds - and the latest, recordings of soothing readings of very dull books from Audible. I even picked up a bottle of CBD oil from the new shop that opened near me. I haven't noticed a significant effect yet but I'm going to give it a chance.

vxbush 5/29/2020 6:59:27 AM

In #3 doppelganglander said: Once I fall asleep, I'm fine. It's relaxing enough to nod off that's the problem. I have medication that I take every night (it's actually an older antidepressant). I'm trying various things - Sleepytime tea, nature sounds - and the latest, recordings of soothing readings of very dull books from Audible. I even picked up a bottle of CBD oil from the new shop that opened near me. I haven't noticed a significant effect yet but I'm going to give it a chance.

I know my acid reflux is the problem, as it has gotten absolutely insane since the beginning of the year. But I am doing everything I have been asked and then some, researching medical literature trying to get my stomach to settle down. Nothing seems to be working. I'm supposed to see a specialist in a nearby city about this, but I'm still waiting for the appointment to get set, and the referral was supposed to have happened a month ago. I'm guessing rather than admit the doctor didn't want to open until after Pritzker's scheduled opening of May 29, I was supposed to simply toss in the wind. 

Occasional Reader 5/29/2020 7:22:08 AM
So, it looks like we may need to scrap the term "Minnesota Nice" once and for all. 
lucius septimius 5/29/2020 7:25:57 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 5:

Since it's turned into Mogadishusota.

doppelganglander 5/29/2020 7:49:21 AM

Reply to vxbush in 4:

I take omeprazole. If I miss a dose, it feels like I'm having a heart attack. And under my new insurance,  it went from $12 a month to $54. I have to pay full retail for everything until I hit the $3K deductible. I have an HSA but it's still obscene.

vxbush 5/29/2020 7:54:00 AM

In #7 doppelganglander said: I take omeprazole. If I miss a dose, it feels like I'm having a heart attack. And under my new insurance,  it went from $12 a month to $54. I have to pay full retail for everything until I hit the $3K deductible. I have an HSA but it's still obscene.

I am taking the maximum prescription dose, and it's not enough. So far, we've tried just about every prescription option out there. There's talk of surgery, and this doc would do that, but he's supposed to also do a methodical check of everything else to make sure I need surgery and that a simpler solution won't solve the problem. That's what I really want to start. I'm tired of waiting.

JCM 5/29/2020 8:16:16 AM
IN WA Today

Gov. Stupid and Lazy Tyrant has a solution to the WA Employment Security is going to Lambast the scammers (really he said it a press conference) and hire 800 new state employees in the WA Employment Security department.

Sideshow Bob is suing a elderly couple who's retirement income is from rental properties. Their tennant who is working stopped paying rent. The ban on evictions is blanket, no means testing for people who are affected by the shutdown.

doppelganglander 5/29/2020 8:18:05 AM

Reply to vxbush in 8:

The waiting time for non-emergency care is insane. The BF got a call from the surgeon's office today informing him that they still can't schedule the surgery he was supposed to have had on March 20th. And Georgia is almost entirely reopened! There are millions of people in the same boat all over the country, and some of them will die or become permanently disabled because of the delays. It's unconscionable. 

JCM 5/29/2020 8:28:58 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 10:

They shut down elective med procedures so that the health care system didn't get overwhelmed.

There was on tusnami, hospitals are laying off staff. There is no reason to keep health care shut down.

doppelganglander 5/29/2020 8:43:31 AM

Reply to JCM in 11:

Exactly, and the longer it's shut down, the worse the backlog gets. As the BF said this morning,  2 weeks was fine, but this has dragged on far too long.

Alice in Dairyland 5/29/2020 9:01:47 AM
In #4 vxbush said: I know my acid reflux is the problem,

My husband suffers greatly with this condition.  He also takes Omeprazole in the morning and another acid reducer at suppertime.  Those don't work 100% of the time either.  He has found eating an apple sliced up helps tremendously to calm his attacks down.  Also has to lay on his left side when sleeping, this keeps the acid from going up to his throat.  Actually, I learned that from someone on either on LGF's blog or CC2, one of you possibly!  Maybe you already know this, but I know how miserable this condition is and anything is worth trying.  Hope you find some relief soon. 

doppelganglander 5/29/2020 9:35:51 AM

Reply to doppelganglander in 12:

And I'll tell you something else. The postponement is having a negative impact on our relationship, on top of the stress of the lockdown. Even as things reopen, we can't do anything. It's incredibly frustrating. 

Occasional Reader 5/29/2020 10:10:13 AM

In #10 doppelganglander said: It's unconscionable. 

"The worse, the better", as the Bolshevik revolutionary slogan put it.  That seems to be the mindset of many of our so-called governing class, especially the Democrats.  They are counting on being able to hang the whole mess around Trump's neck come November. 

doppelganglander 5/29/2020 10:28:11 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 15:

TDS sufferers already blame Trump for everything from school shootings to toenail fungus. I'm not sure they're going to pick up any new supporters by blaming him for Coronavirus. Whether they recognize the role of Democratic politicians and vote accordingly, I don't know. I do think the Trump campaign should consider running ads in Michigan, New York, California, and Illinois pointing out that their governors are to blame, not the guy who shut off air travel from China on January 31st and caught hell for it.

PaladinPhil 5/29/2020 10:34:04 AM

Good afternoon. Went to the range this morning to meditate and see about dialing in my .45. Sights were way off the last time I took it out and figured out how to adjust them. After a box I finally managed to get the center of the paper fairly consistently. Anything else is now a me issue rather than firearm issue. Really enjoying the range time and just need to practice more. Can't wait to take the wife again and let her plink away. Due to current social distancing stuff, guests are not allowed at the range.

Another good thing about the range is that even with the current restrictions of only three people at a time on the range, I have never run across any other members since they opened back up.

Occasional Reader 5/29/2020 10:36:00 AM

Reply to PaladinPhil in 17:

I urgently need some range time soon.  Might try for it this Sunday, time permitting. 

PaladinPhil 5/29/2020 10:41:53 AM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 18:

I am truly thankful that my wife is tolerant of my hobbies. 

doppelganglander 5/29/2020 12:02:53 PM
So Trump has severed US ties to WHO. Good.
JCM 5/29/2020 1:02:54 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 20:


lucius septimius 5/29/2020 1:13:21 PM
So Tuesday night daughter said she thought she saw a possum in her room.  I expressed serious doubts.  Come to find out, yes, there was a possum in the house, a small one.  Thicc Boi has been hunting it all day -- I think finally got it out the back door, but we'll have to see.
Occasional Reader 5/29/2020 1:18:18 PM
So are the Minneapolis PD now to be accused of systemic Chauvin-ism? 
Occasional Reader 5/29/2020 1:19:36 PM

In #22 lucius septimius said: So Tuesday night daughter said she thought she saw a possum in her room.  I expressed serious doubts.  Come to find out, yes, there was a possum in the house, a small one.  Thicc Boi has been hunting it all day -- I think finally got it out the back door, but we'll have to see.

You have met the enemy, and he is possum.

Occasional Reader 5/29/2020 1:20:50 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 22:

Unfortunately the Federal government can't help you with that problem, due to the limitations imposed by the Possum Comitatus Act. 

JCM 5/29/2020 1:34:51 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 25:

Make a federal case... your civil rights are being violated and you are unfairly Opossed!

doppelganglander 5/29/2020 2:07:03 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 22:

*shudder* I hate possums. 

lucius septimius 5/29/2020 2:11:38 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 27: 

This one was sort of cute.

doppelganglander 5/29/2020 2:39:49 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 28:

Possums are not cute, especially when they're in your bedroom in the middle of the night with those beady little eyes and sharp teeth. They look like Peter Strzok.

doppelganglander 5/29/2020 3:08:10 PM
Oh, goody. There's a demonstration downtown, from Centennial Olympic Park to CNN. The protesters are pretty well-behaved so far, though local news claims there was a scuffle and some pepper spray. I see mostly homemade signs, so I'd say it's a genuine protest, not Antifa astroturfing. However, there are quite a few unkempt white kids with that Portland look about them.
lucius septimius 5/29/2020 3:11:59 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 30:

It's at times like this I wish I still had a gun.

doppelganglander 5/29/2020 3:12:55 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 31:

It's times like this I'm glad I do. Though we are so far from downtown, we are not at risk at all.

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