The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 09/09/2019 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 9/7/2019 1:05:42 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

vxbush 9/9/2019 5:26:10 PM

*knock knock*

Anybody home? 

Kosh's Shadow 9/9/2019 5:26:47 PM

Reply to vxbush in 1:
You don't need to whisper!

Can't read it.

Kosh's Shadow 9/9/2019 5:28:19 PM

In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: You don't need to whisper!

Whispers - jukebox

vxbush 9/9/2019 5:37:50 PM

In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: You don't need to whisper! Can't read it.

Well, it was so quiet in here, I didn't know if there was a surprise party or something like that going on. 

I am exhausted; today was a lot of hard work. Do we have any good decaf tea around? 

Kosh's Shadow 9/9/2019 5:46:57 PM

In #4 vxbush said: I am exhausted; today was a lot of hard work. Do we have any good decaf tea around? 

This is a bar (or, in Bahstanese, "bah"

Yah can get Long Island Iced Tea, but we do have a decaf version.

Kosh's Shadow 9/9/2019 5:48:07 PM

In #3 Kosh's Shadow said:

Whispers and Whispers II are a double album. On Youtube, anything from Whispers I starts with an animated pair of children, and one whispers to the other.

For Whispers 2, it is an elderly couple.

vxbush 9/9/2019 5:48:33 PM

In #5 Kosh's Shadow said: This is a bar (or, in Bahstanese, "bah" Yah can get Long Island Iced Tea, but we do have a decaf version.

Well, I'm not a fan of Long Island Ice Tea. I guess I'll stick to my water and just be glad it's the end of the day. 

Kosh's Shadow 9/9/2019 6:19:33 PM

In #5 Kosh's Shadow said: This is a bar (or, in Bahstanese, "bah"

Years ago, a Boston radio station had a bit with Ted Kennedy giving a tour of his house. Every room had a bah.

Kosh's Shadow 9/9/2019 6:20:32 PM
Don'y have a good feeling about the main page of the old site. Looks like it just isn't there any more.
doppelganglander 9/9/2019 6:42:16 PM
Evening, all. I had a second phone interview this morning for a job I really want. I thought it went well. I'm well-qualified, but in the end, it comes down to whether the hiring manager likes you.
Kosh's Shadow 9/9/2019 6:48:40 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 10:
The book Google has candidates read says it comes down to whether they "want to have a beer with your"

Apparently, few people want to have a beer with me. Fortunately, this job just had a difficult coding test, which I passed.

doppelganglander 9/9/2019 6:57:56 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 11:

In my field, it's a bit fuzzier. Everything that he brought up I was able to answer with actual examples of work I'd done. I felt we had a good rapport. I'm just hoping he likes me enough for a face to face interview.

Kosh's Shadow 9/9/2019 7:04:02 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 12:
In software, they seem to think that if you haven't learned the technology in college, you can't learn it.

I think companies who have fewer older employees should pay more in social security taxes, and those in the field affected should get to retire early on those companies that won't hire them.

When I retire, I think I'll move to Linux and other free software, and use DuckDuckGo, not Google.

The problem is, for phones I have Apple ($$$$$) or google.

I am annoyed because today I read an article about how easy it is for people to find jobs today. Sure, if you're under 30.

FUck it, where I work, they can't even buy a microwave - our group's died, and we have to use the weird one by the cafeteria. Unless someone brings one in.  For lunch, not so bad; I have mandatory minimum 30 minutes break. But I like to heat a breakfast sandwich and eat it when I work, and have tea, and the microwave is on another floor. 

doppelganglander 9/9/2019 7:44:47 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 13:

It sounds to me like your company treats everyone like shit. It's just a fact that technology moves on and you have to keep up. If I were a programmer, I'd probably focus on getting certificates in whatever is the latest in your area of specialization. In my field, there are always new authoring tools and a lot of jobs want a twofer - someone who is an instructional designer and a graphic designer, which I am not. In this interview process, I'm trying to focus on where I can add value and help the company reach its goals. We'll see how that works out.

Kosh's Shadow 9/9/2019 8:38:44 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 14:
The lack of a microwave is due to the gubmint.

Can't spend tax dollars to make employees or contractors comfortable, while legislators get free health club, and other bennies.

Kosh's Shadow 9/9/2019 8:44:12 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 14:

And I do keep up - the problem is, there are just so many technologies and so little time.

I did this blog with ASP .NET MVC - new to me. 

I tried chasing different technologies, but I'd start on one, and a job would want another. Certifications cost money- and really show nothing.

At my age, they want experience in any specific technology, not certification. And they can find some little excuse (like I had a coding test where they nitpicked the way I formatted my comments) to reject me. I wrote it using proper Python, not C++ disguised as Python ,but they found my comments weren't formatted well enough for a senior person. And seriously, I did that in 3 days, using some features of Python I hadn't used before.

While the coding test I did pass took a week, but only 30% of the people who got it figured it out. (A radar algorithm described in math) Using Linux; I hadn't used any Unix variant since 1998

Kosh's Shadow 9/9/2019 8:46:35 PM

And re the day thread.

If I hear of an aquarium with a naming contest for a hagfish, I have the perfect name, but I know they'll reject it

Hillary Clinton

Or maybe Haggory Clinton

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