The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 08/30/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 8/23/2020 3:16:36 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 8/30/2020 5:02:59 PM

I am working on  the blog improvements.

I have the change in my local copy to make new users guests,  not full members.

Now I am working on warning about refreshing the page if there is a partially-entered post.

Once I have both working (probably not tonight), I will give some notice and push the updates. 

When I do so, the site won't work for a few minutes.

lucius septimius 8/30/2020 5:10:15 PM
Had some lovely homemade pita a kebabs tonight.  Yum.
Occasional Reader 8/30/2020 5:17:32 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:

Thank you, again, for all your hard work on this site. It is greatly appreciated.

turn 8/30/2020 5:29:33 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:

Thanks Kosh. I’m using an iPhone to blog here which may explain the brevity of my posts but as far as I can tell all the functionality is here should I just learn to use it. I need to get a real computer or better yet a new laptop so I can better blog here with you good folks. Working on that.

turn 8/30/2020 5:31:53 PM
Ha couldn’t resist, sorry old habits are hard to break :.)
turn 8/30/2020 5:38:01 PM

In #2 lucius septimius said: Had some lovely homemade pita a kebabs tonight.  Yum.

Sounds delicious! What time is dinner?/

turn 8/30/2020 5:41:48 PM

In #6 turn said: Sounds delicious! What time is dinner

Speaking of dinner ... I better go tend to mine. Have a great evening everyone...

Kosh's Shadow 8/30/2020 5:45:05 PM

Reply to turn in 4:

The platform  I  use for this blog (ASP.NET MVC) uses bootstrap.js, which has built into it, the ability to deal with mobile  devices with no  extra effort from  me.  It is  a much more modern platform  than  Bare used.

Thus, it works well with phones. And I did not have to do much to make it work with phones.

Kosh's Shadow 8/30/2020 5:45:53 PM

In #6 turn said: What time is dinner?/

Dinner at dine o'clock. Funny that ate comes earlier/

lucius septimius 8/30/2020 5:48:16 PM

Reply to turn in 6: 

7:30 EST.

doppelganglander 8/30/2020 5:56:02 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 2:

That's what I had last night, if by homemade you include the nice folks at Persepolis. Just finished the leftovers, and now I'm watching Touch of Evil.

ABC is showing Black Panther commercial-free. Evidently this actor I had barely heard of until he died has now been elevated to sainthood. He seems to have been a good actor and a fine human being. I just can't help but wonder if he's getting the gold-plated casket treatment to take the focus away from Jacob Blake, George Floyd, etc.

Occasional Reader 8/30/2020 7:10:08 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 11:

The very public lamentations over this actor’s death are, indeed, strange... or would be, if he were of a different hue and/or times were normal.  

JCM 8/30/2020 7:23:15 PM

Reply to turn in 4:

I've got a spare older macbook pro laying around gathering dust.

Still works if you doing email and online stuff it's still in good shape.

If you are interested let me know.

turn 8/30/2020 7:24:26 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 9: lol

turn 8/30/2020 7:26:43 PM

In #10 lucius septimius said: 7:30 EST

I missed it, again. Dang it! Rain check time ... :.)

turn 8/30/2020 7:27:58 PM

In #11 doppelganglander said: I just can't help but wonder if he's getting the gold-plated casket treatment to take the focus away from Jacob Blake, George Floyd, etc.

My impression exactly. 

turn 8/30/2020 7:29:55 PM

In #12 Occasional Reader said: The very public lamentations over this actor’s death are, indeed, strange... or would be, if he were of a different hue and/or times were normal.  

Times are indeed abnormal, for sure.

turn 8/30/2020 7:33:58 PM

In #13 JCM said: Still works if you doing email and online stuff it's still in good shape. If you are interested let me know.

That is a gracious offer, perhaps I’ll take you up on it. I could leave you my number via email ... I’m at Thanks JCM!

turn 8/30/2020 7:42:43 PM

Reply to JCM in 13:

Wow,  it come loaded ..,

The MacBook Pro "Core i7" 2.9 13-Inch (Mid-2012/USB 3.0) features a 22 nm "Ivy Bridge" 2.9 GHz Intel "Core i7" processor (3520M), with two independent processor "cores" on a single silicon chip, a 4 MB shared level 3 cache, 8 GB of 1600 MHz DDR3L SDRAM (PC3-12800) installed in pairs (two 4 GB modules), a 750 GB Serial ATA (5400 RPM) hard drive, an 8X DL "SuperDrive", an "integrated" Intel HD Graphics 4000 graphics processor that shares system memory, an integrated 720p FaceTime HD webcam, and an LED-backlit 13.3" widescreen TFT active-matrix "glossy" display (1280x800 native resolution).

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