The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 09/12/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 9/7/2020 11:43:33 AM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 9/12/2020 5:05:16 PM

After the discussion in the daytime thread, I have to card anyone tonight. Including myself

Here's mine:

Kosh's Shadow 9/12/2020 5:35:59 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:

OK, here are cards for everyone

Kosh's Shadow 9/12/2020 5:57:07 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2:

Writing on the top of a deck of cards, including the diagonal line, was common, as a way of identifying it and making it easy to notice if cards got out of order.

Towards the end of the term at my college, the students running the computer would play games with the stressed students.

One time, they took one deck of cards, clearly marked by a student - copied it first - then went to the counter, and "tripped", sending the deck over. The student jumped to try to catch it, but they handed him the copy

buzzsawmonkey 9/12/2020 6:08:23 PM
I remember us taking home odd punch cards from Dad's laboratory; they were cool, exotic things back in the early-mid Sixties.
Kosh's Shadow 9/12/2020 6:13:21 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 4:

And now, computer cards might as well be stone tablets written in some lost runes

Kosh's Shadow 9/12/2020 6:39:37 PM

In #5 Kosh's Shadow said: And now, computer cards might as well be stone tablets written in some lost runes

The SBM (Stone Business Machines) XXIX rune punching system

JCM 9/12/2020 6:59:46 PM
Remember to number your cards, if you drop them.....
Occasional Reader 9/12/2020 7:00:38 PM
In Soviet Russia, card punched *you!*
Kosh's Shadow 9/12/2020 7:02:21 PM

In #7 JCM said: Remember to number your cards, if you drop them.....

That's why FORTRAN cards only went to 72 columns out of 80. You could punch the sequence number in the last columns and use a card sorter (see daytime thread) to put them in order

Kosh's Shadow 9/12/2020 7:03:37 PM

In #8 Occasional Reader said: In Soviet Russia, card punched *you!*

Especially when their purchase of US equipment was foiled!

I did hear of an order for DEC equipment that was to be delivered to someplace in the desert to be picked up somehow. No service plan.

They declined the order

Occasional Reader 9/12/2020 7:11:47 PM
A mighty FORTRAN is our God...
Occasional Reader 9/12/2020 7:13:18 PM

In #10 Kosh's Shadow said: that was to be delivered to someplace in the desert to be picked up somehow. No service plan.

I imagine the payment was to be rendered in “suitcase full of cash“.

Kosh's Shadow 9/12/2020 7:24:03 PM

In #12 Occasional Reader said: I imagine the payment was to be rendered in “suitcase full of cash“.


Kosh's Shadow 9/12/2020 7:28:17 PM

us "Ah

In #12 Occasional Reader said: I imagine the payment was to be rendered in “suitcase full of cash“.

In Firesign Theatre's I think We're All Bozos on This Bus, "Ah, Clem" hacks the PDP-10 that is running the Future.

Systat - a TOPS-10 command to find the status of the system and running jobs, and it started with "Uptime..."

Doctor Memory - the Doctor program, written in Lisp, to emulate a psychiatrist, had its main program called Worker (This is Worker speaking)

And this has been confirmed; they wrote it after a trip to the Stanford AI lab


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