The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 10/17/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 10/11/2020 5:46:59 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Occasional Reader 10/17/2020 5:09:31 PM

Of love I sing

La la la-la

But you have ring

around the coll-la-la

/I have absolutely no idea what reminded me of this

Kosh's Shadow 10/17/2020 5:19:46 PM

In #1 Occasional Reader said: But you have ring around the coll-la-la /I have absolutely no idea what reminded me of this

Maybe someone can Wisk the thought away. Video

Kosh's Shadow 10/17/2020 5:20:21 PM
And from earlier, jukebox
Kosh's Shadow 10/17/2020 5:33:57 PM
Take this waltz- jukebox
Kosh's Shadow 10/17/2020 5:35:22 PM

Youtube has an ad in the list if videos for "this device makes knives sharp"

So how many years have knife sharpeners been around? 

Kosh's Shadow 10/17/2020 5:51:52 PM
Jukebox - I have seen the future, brother, it is murder
Kosh's Shadow 10/17/2020 5:53:00 PM
And my favorite jukebox for when I'm paying bills
@PBJ3 10/17/2020 5:56:44 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:

I'll have to see if that makes bill paying easier.

Kosh's Shadow 10/17/2020 6:02:21 PM

In #8 @PBJ3 said: 'll have to see if that makes bill paying easier.

At least the dog is fed enough not to run around with the drummer's leg bones!

buzzsawmonkey 10/17/2020 6:20:54 PM

Fun, fun, fun. 

Tripped on a piece of uneven sidewalk last night and went sprawling.  No permanent damage, as far as I can tell, but my left eye swelled shut last night and, while the swelling has subsided, it still looks only about 1/3 to 1/2 its normal size.  Spent last night and today tanked up on Tylenol and icing down my face. Vision appears to be sufficiently unaffected that when the swelling goes down it will be back to normal.

@PBJ3 10/17/2020 6:21:28 PM
I seem to be logged in after all.  I had just sent you an e-mail telling you I got logged off.  I had several of our windows open but this one seems okay.
@PBJ3 10/17/2020 6:22:56 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 10:

Oh no.  I'm so sorry to hear this.  It's no fun taking a fall like that.  You'll be in my thoughts.

@PBJ3 10/17/2020 6:26:00 PM

In #9 Kosh's Shadow said: At least the dog is fed enough not to run around with the drummer's leg bones!


buzzsawmonkey 10/17/2020 6:28:17 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 12:

Thanks. I got off lightly; no broken teeth, glasses seem to be working pretty well now that I bent 'em back in shape, no torn clothes. 

The swelling is annoying, as is the slightly-impaired vision, but I think I'll be back in shape in a few days.

@PBJ3 10/17/2020 6:33:10 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 14:

 I sure hope so.

buzzsawmonkey 10/17/2020 6:40:49 PM

Early this morning was listening to NPR.  Their current segment of "On the Media" is worth a listen if, in anticipation of Halloween, you want something that will chill you to the bone.  They had several media folks on using the language of free speech to justify why it is absolutely right and good that the media and tech platforms censor the Hunter Biden revelations.  Every single utterance of theirs was justifying censorship and slanted news using the language/rhetoric of free speech.

They dismissed the Biden revelations as "fabricated" and "unproven" out of hand, despite the story being based on material which came from Biden's own laptop, and was also in the possession of the FBI.  It reminded me of how they keep bringing up the Russia-collusion hoax as if it had substance, despite its having been disproven; keep claiming that Trump "has never condemned white supremacy," even though he's done so numerous times; keep dismissing voter fraud/mail-in vote fraud as "unproven" despite there being new revelations in this area every two or three days;  and keep claiming that "voter suppression" exists despite there never being any evidence of it.

The lying is unbelievably blatant, to the point where it is almost an alternative language.

This was followed by "the New Yorker Comedy Radio Hour," in which David Remnick, the editor of the New Yorker, was interviewing Ocasio-Cortez and Elizabeth Warren.  That these two lunatics should have any power in any party anywhere in this country is chilling; that they should be big noises in one of the two major parties is terrifying.  Just as the media people in "On the Media" were justifying censorship and news suppression using the language of free speech, Warren and AOC were justifying their dreams of abolishing the Electoral College, stacking the Supreme Court, imposing the Green New Deal and eliminating fossil fuels, and pushing for statehood for Puerto Rico, Washington DC, and maybe even Guam, using the language of claiming they were defending the Constitution.

Occasional Reader 10/17/2020 6:45:49 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 10:

Yikes. Did you get any medical attention?

buzzsawmonkey 10/17/2020 6:49:27 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 17:

Not yet.  Going to see how things go after another Tylenol and icepack day.

Occasional Reader 10/17/2020 6:50:46 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 16:

“The Beast & the Whore rule without control.”

-William Blake

Occasional Reader 10/17/2020 6:57:07 PM

In #18 buzzsawmonkey said: icepack day.

Going to the Arctic seems drastic, but whatever works...

buzzsawmonkey 10/17/2020 7:01:53 PM

In #20 Occasional Reader said: Going to the Arctic seems drastic

John Cook

doppelganglander 10/17/2020 7:51:26 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 10:

Oh, I'm so sorry. I did a face plant a few years ago a d broke some teeth. I do hope everything is fine and you don't need further treatment. 

Occasional Reader 10/17/2020 7:54:11 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 21:

Nice.  I was not familiar with that song.

buzzsawmonkey 10/17/2020 8:03:17 PM

In #23 Occasional Reader said: I was not familiar with that song.

It's actually a song version of Eugene O'Neill's one-act play, "Ile," i.e., "whale oil" ("ile"). 

Occasional Reader 10/17/2020 8:09:03 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 24:

Whale oil is renewable, and low carbon! It should be a cornerstone of the green new deal!

buzzsawmonkey 10/17/2020 8:22:44 PM

In #25 Occasional Reader said: Whale oil is renewable, and low carbon! It should be a cornerstone of the green new deal!

Whale oil be darned...

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