The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 11/08/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 11/1/2020 3:37:58 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 11/8/2020 5:05:55 PM
buzzsawmonkey 11/8/2020 5:08:32 PM

Carryover from the daytime thread:

Reply to lucius septimius in 29:

Fair, if unfortunate, points.  My mother's parents met at a Socialist convention in 1918; my grandfather was an organizer of the Furriers' Union before the Communists took it over.  He, however, joined the US Army during WWI (despite the Socialist opposition to American entry into the war, and despite his having fled Russia to avoid military service there), and pretty much shed his Socialist beliefs in the course of becoming an independent businessman.  My grandmother remained hard-Left her entire life, as did my mother.  

There were reasons for this, going back to the Napoleonic era, which had to do with the "Left" in Europe being the agency for Jews getting some measure of civil rights there, and which carried over to the US in that the Democrats were union-friendly and the Republicans weren't---plus that the largely-Republican-dominated businesses of the early-mid 20th century tended not to hire Jews.  All of this stuff carried over to the largely-dereligionized Jews of today, who---even if they'd shed the observance of their parents or grandparents---retained their prejudices and voting habits as a sort of secondhand way of keeping faith with them.  I'm not saying it's right, or even reasonable---but it is understandable.

That, however, is beside the point; my point is that the fascination/obsession by non-Jews with these holdover habits by the minuscule minority of the Jews of today, when there are far more Leftists of Christian background skewing today's voting, is in itself a form of antisemitism.

lucius septimius 11/8/2020 5:23:33 PM

In #2 buzzsawmonkey said: here are far more Leftists of Christian background skewing today's voting, is in itself a form of antisemitism.

There is no question but that mainline Protestant churches have gone full Marxist and in the process signed on to the BDS nonsense.  My church has started putting BLM and other bolshie bullshit into the Sunday School program; my kids haven't been back since they started.  

Kosh's Shadow 11/8/2020 5:37:03 PM

In #3 lucius septimius said: My church has started putting BLM and other bolshie bullshit into the Sunday School program; my kids haven't been back since they started.  

Then find ye another kirk.

(Based on this poem, completely unrelated)

The beergs like kelpies oversde that girn an' turn an' shift 

Whaur, grindin' like the Mills o' God, goes by the big South drift. 

(Hail, Snow and Ice that praise the Lord. I've met them at their work, 

An wished we had anither route or they another kirk.) 

Kosh's Shadow 11/8/2020 5:59:01 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 4:

I wonder wha' McAndrews wood ha' made o' this, an engine room of today

Kosh's Shadow 11/8/2020 6:57:54 PM
Driving a cruise ship - and the captain is hot!
Kosh's Shadow 11/8/2020 6:59:01 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 6:

Oh Captain, what are we hiding from -- Jukebox

Kosh's Shadow 11/8/2020 7:01:48 PM
Where is everyone? I've been trying to keep the pub shipshape, and not getting into the Titanic mess we're in, but no one is here.
@PBJ3 11/8/2020 7:06:15 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 8:

I was watching the ship video.

@PBJ3 11/8/2020 7:14:26 PM
Even with our furnace up to 73 degrees I am freezing in my house.  It's about 48 degrees now and going down lower.  We were at 90 degrees on Friday!
Kosh's Shadow 11/8/2020 7:16:52 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 10:

71 in the bedroom  We put the comforters on last week, now we need to take them off.

Kosh's Shadow 11/8/2020 7:17:28 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 6:

That cruise ship bridge makes the (TOS) Enterprise look ancient.

@PBJ3 11/8/2020 7:23:09 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 12:

I didn't watch that video.

Occasional Reader 11/8/2020 7:27:48 PM

In #4 Kosh's Shadow said: Then find ye another kirk.

What about a picard?

Kosh's Shadow 11/8/2020 7:27:52 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 13:

Worth the time, too. All computer screens and electronics.

Touch screens, computer control, in the center of the bridge and on the bridge wings.

All they needed was Scotty saying the dilithium crystals canna take any more.

I need to find the drawings for the 1920's version of the Star Trek manual we did in college. The ship (a rocket) was powered by dicarbon crystals shoveled into a furnace. The transporter had the crew lowered down on a rope. And they used BASER weapons - Bullet Acceleration by Stretched Elastic Rubber - big slingshots.

@PBJ3 11/8/2020 7:32:18 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 15:

I'll check it out, my sister just called.

Alice in Dairyland 11/8/2020 7:46:10 PM

In #10 @PBJ3 said: Even with our furnace up to 73 degrees I am freezing in my house.  It's about 48 degrees now and going down lower.

It's funny how we get so used to our regional climates.  The southerners laugh at us northerners when we think 70 degrees it hot, and the northerners laugh at the southerners when they think 40 degrees is cold.  I would have to leave the house if it was ever 73 degrees inside.  Our low should be be around 40 tonight, I will leave the doors and windows partially open.  I feel for you though, I hate being cold.

Alice in Dairyland 11/8/2020 7:49:18 PM

In #8 Kosh's Shadow said: but no one is here.

I've been trying to keep myself busy/distracted.  Have been avoiding the internet.  Just look in long enough to read some encouraging news and then check back out before someone harshes my mellow.

@PBJ3 11/8/2020 7:51:03 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 17:

I grew up in the high desert of western Nevada.  We had snow, ice cold winds, etc.  My mom used to turn the heater down to 50 for overnight but I also had my bedroom window open a little bit.  I suppose I haven't acclimated to the cold weather hitting us yet.  This house has a lot of drafty areas too.

My sis is going to call me back later.  She said they have four inches of snow in Reno, Nevada tonight.

Alice in Dairyland 11/8/2020 7:57:45 PM
We turn ours down to around 55 overnight in the winters and about 68 during the day.  I think having a window cracked overnight adds some freshness to the heated air.  Houses in Wisconsin are probably much better insulated to eliminate the drafts now days.
@PBJ3 11/8/2020 7:58:28 PM

In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: Driving a cruise ship - and the captain is hot! Reply

Watching this video now, amazing!

@PBJ3 11/8/2020 8:05:13 PM

In #20 Alice in Dairyland said: We turn ours down to around 55 overnight in the winters and about 68 during the day.  I think having a window cracked overnight adds some freshness to the heated air.  Houses in Wisconsin are probably much better insulated to eliminate the drafts now days.

I'm sure the homes their are much better insulated.  I agree with having a window cracked.  I don't even sleep well in a house that's got the heater on all night and no fresh air. 

@PBJ3 11/8/2020 8:57:42 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 22:

there, not their

Occasional Reader 11/9/2020 8:46:32 AM

Question asked: is Andrew Cuomo actually pro Covid?

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