The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 11/13/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 11/8/2020 3:39:50 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

@PBJ3 11/13/2020 5:34:42 PM
It's kind of quiet here.
Fish 11/13/2020 6:31:27 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 1:

I have been singing karaoke for an hour but no one noticed.

@PBJ3 11/13/2020 6:34:32 PM

Reply to Fish in 2:


@PBJ3 11/13/2020 6:39:12 PM

In #2 Fish said:

I have been singing karaoke for an hour but no one noticed.

Did you ever sing it elsewhere?

Fish 11/13/2020 6:49:02 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 4:

I have a mic set up in my living room. My kids hate it. It makes me happy that they do.

@PBJ3 11/13/2020 7:05:30 PM

Reply to Fish in 5:

I lost my internet for a bit.  I have sang at a Shakey's Pizza place many times when I was a little younger and a few times at a Mexican restaurant we used to haunt.  I got a free Margarita for singing "That Old Time Rock and Roll".  We had a guy friend who decided to do it at another restaurant and let me pick a song for him.  I chose "What's New Pussycat", LOL, he did pretty well with the song.

@PBJ3 11/13/2020 7:26:21 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 6:


Fish 11/13/2020 7:40:46 PM

Many years ago I went to the State Fair with the people who would become my brothers and sisters in law. We were having drinks at the karaoke tent. They all talked about the need to do it "sometime". So I jumped up and sang "Devil went Down to Georgia". To this day, it is talked about that I was the only one ever brave enough to actually get up there.

@PBJ3 11/13/2020 8:14:11 PM

Reply to Fish in 8:

Good for you.  I had a girlfriend with a beautiful soprano voice chicken out on me.  We were going to sing "Hello Dolly" at the mexican food hangout.  I have an alto voice so I was going to sing the Louis parts.  As it turned out, I did okay singing both parts.  The only time I've tried it in the last few years is at a friend's home where I go to their Superbowl party.  They have a mic in the living room as well and they always beg me to stay long enough to sing a few songs.  "Old Time Rock and Roll" is not in either of their books.  I think I had to sing "The Tennessee Waltz" last year. LOL.

Alice in Dairyland 11/13/2020 9:14:24 PM
You both are far more brave than I am.  I don't even sing in the shower!  Whenever I've been in a church, it never fails, I end up next to the loudest singer.  I just kind of move my lips and hope people think I singing too.  For some strange reason our cats have always liked my singing though.  I don't know if that is a compliment or an insult.
@PBJ3 11/13/2020 9:15:07 PM
Fish 11/13/2020 10:46:36 PM

I like singing, but I have what is widely considered an amazing speaking voice. Like old FM radio DJ voice. (Not trying to brag, but it is one of the few things I am good at) 

My Dad was a talk radio host and TV weatherman, but he was always saying that I was better than him. (He of course could have been a professional singer if he wanted)

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