The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 12/29/2020 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 12/27/2020 6:01:17 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 12/29/2020 4:56:51 PM
Have a drink! (This is what I have been saying for a while)

The contour lines of an approaching scenario in which Biden, exposed as both frail and mendacious, is forced to step down and concede the presidency to Harris are gradually coming into focus.

After all, it is difficult to know what is more implausibly far-fetched:

(a) that, as the Republicans claim, there was pervasive electoral fraud on a scale so massive that it determined—indeed, inverted—the outcome of the ballot; or (b) that, as the Democrats claim, as a lackluster and lackadaisical candidate, perceptibly frail and aging, Joe Biden genuinely managed to amass the highest number of votes ever in a presidential election, surpassing former U.S. President Barack Obama’s previous 2008 record by almost 12 million votes.

buzzsawmonkey 12/29/2020 5:25:19 PM

Would it be inappropriate to observe that the mayoral tenures of Keisha Lance Bottoms in Atlanta, Catherine Pugh in Baltimore, and Muriel Bowser in Washington DC, are political examples of why the endemically-fatherless families in black urban neighborhoods are such a disaster?

I won't even discuss Lori Lightfoot.

Kosh's Shadow 12/29/2020 5:40:02 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 2:

There is one counterexample. The current police commissioner of Boston, William Gross, was brought up by his mother after his father left, iirc.

But she took him to church, and he was the kid who told other kids to behave. And he does not like the defund the police crap. 

When he got criticized for meeting with Atty. General Barr, he fought back. Gross: “I’ll be damned if I’m going to hide from a conversation with anyone.”

But he is the exception.

buzzsawmonkey 12/29/2020 5:47:00 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3:

He is also not female.  

Kosh's Shadow 12/29/2020 5:53:50 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 4:

Yes, but you did not specify that, even though all your examples are.

buzzsawmonkey 12/29/2020 6:08:56 PM

In #5 Kosh's Shadow said: all your examples are

That is part of the point.

While there is no reason not to believe that some women have what it takes to make executive decisions---Margaret Thatcher comes to mind---the record of women generally (e.g., Oregon governor Kate Brown, Seattle mayor Jennie Durkan, Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer); the record of black women in executive positions (Pugh, Bottoms, Bowser, Lightfoot), and the record of lesbian women in executive positions (Brown, Lightfoot, Durkan, Dana Nessel, Bowser[?]), suggests that one would be insane to vote for a female candidate who was black, lesbian, or both.

Kosh's Shadow 12/29/2020 6:13:49 PM

I think a lot of the problem is with the educational system. It is difficult to get people to learn to think (and many don't want to - they just want to know the answer to write down)

This gets into the way science is taught, as if it is a set of pronouncements from scientists. If the scientific method was taught, people could learn how to figure out that it applies outside of science itself. 

Socialism? All the places it has been used have failed, and the stronger the socialism, the bigger the failure. (The Scandinavian countries have a strong safety net, but are capitalist. High taxes, but there is not the strict government control.)

Sure, they argue that it hasn't been done "right". Just like alchemists were sure they could find the Philosophers' Stone if they did it right. But the theory was flawed, and eventually, alchemy was replaced by the science of chemistry.

The search for a workable method of redistribution of wealth is the search for the Philosophers' Stone of Political Alchemy, trying to turn people's baser instincts into gold. It won't work.

buzzsawmonkey 12/29/2020 6:16:41 PM

In #7 Kosh's Shadow said: I think a lot of the problem is with the educational system. It is difficult to get people to learn to think (and many don't want to - they just want to know the answer to write down)

I've found that with many of my students over the years, who didn't want to think---they just wanted to know The Answer.

Kosh's Shadow 12/29/2020 6:17:22 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 6:

Another woman I would easily vote for - Nikky Haley

Kosh's Shadow 12/29/2020 6:17:51 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 9:

Just adding an example to yours of Thatcher

Kosh's Shadow 12/29/2020 6:18:33 PM

In #8 buzzsawmonkey said: they just wanted to know The Answer.

We know that. 42. We just don't know the question/

Kosh's Shadow 12/29/2020 6:34:57 PM

Israeli model declared "most beautiful woman"

Just waiting for Iran to declare they have the most beautiful woman, but will only allow her to be seen in a burkha.

buzzsawmonkey 12/29/2020 6:46:36 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 12:

Que sera, sera

Whatever Shelbia, Shelbia...

JCM 12/29/2020 7:08:12 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3:

Dr. Ben Carson. Raised by a single mom.

buzzsawmonkey 12/29/2020 7:21:39 PM

Reply to JCM in 14:

The exceptions are notable for their rarity.

JCM 12/29/2020 7:33:43 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 15:

Yup that is for sure.

lucius septimius 12/29/2020 7:56:03 PM

In #2 buzzsawmonkey said: I won't even discuss Lori Lightfoot.

The black Bilandic.

Kosh's Shadow 12/29/2020 7:57:40 PM
Jukebox - come dancing at the local Palais

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