The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 01/07/2021 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 1/3/2021 8:56:06 AM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

JCM 1/7/2021 5:04:01 PM

Kosh's Shadow 1/7/2021 5:15:39 PM

Alumni magazine came yesterday. The front cover had -- transgenders. 

The back cover, had a person wearing a mask that said:

"Don/t be a d3x/dt3 - wear the darn mask"

Geek humor. That expression is the change in acceleration with time, which is called "jerk" (think about when a train starts moving or suddenly slows down - the change in acceleration from 0 to some other value is felt as a jerk)

JCM 1/7/2021 5:31:39 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2:


Make science support the agenda.

Kosh's Shadow 1/7/2021 5:43:20 PM

Reply to JCM in 3:
COVID was accidentally leaked from one of the Wuhan labs. The bat virus it came from is only found in Yunnan province, 1200 miles from Wuhan.

So if it got into people naturally, the outbreak would have been in Yunnan province, not Wuhan, where two virology labs are based, and known to be researching bat viruses.

What we don't know is what is really in the virus. It does have some genes from HIV (not uncommon in these viruses), so it could hide something. Or not, but the most likely scenario was that it was an inadvertent release. Maybe even a combination of viral RNA that was not planned.


buzzsawmonkey 1/7/2021 5:58:28 PM

In #3 JCM said: Lysenkoism.

I thought "Lysenko" was the brand name of a popular hand sanitizer...

Occasional Reader 1/7/2021 6:01:44 PM

In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: wearing a mask that said:

My favorites are the “progressives” who flounce around wearing masks that say “because Dr. Fauci said so“.

I wonder how many of them currently have, or at least used to have, a bumper sticker or poster that reads “question authority“.

JCM 1/7/2021 6:03:19 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 6:

Mar. 8th, Dr Fauci said mask weren't necessary.

Occasional Reader 1/7/2021 6:05:44 PM

Reply to JCM in 7:

don’t you dare question authority! (At any given time!)

buzzsawmonkey 1/7/2021 6:15:03 PM

Reply to JCM in 7:

Reply to Occasional Reader in 8:

I am so damned tired of the Faucists hailing the Great Doc-tator.

Kosh's Shadow 1/7/2021 6:24:19 PM

In #9 buzzsawmonkey said: I am so damned tired of the Faucists hailing the Great Doc-tator.

Their symbol, a bunch of masks instead of a bunch of sticks

Kosh's Shadow 1/7/2021 6:26:25 PM

If I wrote for the Weekly World News rag, I'd have a story that all this masking is due to aliens visiting, who look sufficiently similar to humans except for their noses, and don't like many people around. Thus, we all wear masks so we can't tell who is an alien, and we socially distance so we don't bother the aliens too much.

And there are people who would believe it!

Kosh's Shadow 1/7/2021 6:36:23 PM

In #10 Kosh's Shadow said: Faucists hailing the Great Doc-tator.

Il Doce

Occasional Reader 1/7/2021 6:39:44 PM

So an old friend who I haven’t heard from him in quite a while just sent a text saying, “Thinking of you and hope you are doing well:) Unreal and surreal day in DC yesterday.”

She’s a dear person but I also know what her political leanings are.

I replied, truthfully: “ Hi, and thanks for thinking of me. All was quiet yesterday where I live, quite frankly the so-called “social justice protest“ rioting from late spring was a lot scarier and affected a much bigger area.”

I imagine this was not the reply she was expecting, but I’m hoping I did my part to push back a little bit against the official narrative.

Occasional Reader 1/7/2021 6:41:11 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 11:

Your story is preposterous. 

Everyone knows that the reptilian aliens are equipped with completely lifelike human-face masks. They don’t need to hide anything.

buzzsawmonkey 1/7/2021 6:49:25 PM

In #14 Occasional Reader said: preposterous

From what you've told us, Little OR can explain all the features and characteristics of that particular dinosaur.

Occasional Reader 1/7/2021 6:53:16 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 15:

Heh.  Come to think of it, his current favorite game he likes to play with me is that we are “dinosaurs exploring outer space“. Do you think he’s trying to tell me something?!!

Kosh's Shadow 1/7/2021 6:55:48 PM

In #14 Occasional Reader said: Everyone knows that the reptilian aliens are equipped with completely lifelike human-face masks. They don’t need to hide anything.

And those masks are something, because their faces in the human masks are smaller than when they are showing their reptilian faces.

buzzsawmonkey 1/7/2021 7:05:38 PM

In #8 Occasional Reader said: don’t you dare question authority! (At any given time!)

"Professor Irwin Corey" used to call himself "the world's foremost authority."

Plofessol Ir-Win Coli is the world's Formosa thority.

Occasional Reader 1/7/2021 7:12:13 PM

In #18 buzzsawmonkey said: Professor Irwin Corey"

I am not familiar with the name.

Kosh's Shadow 1/7/2021 7:16:23 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 19:

He would give short "lectures" that sounded meaningful but did not make sense.

I guess you never watched Merv Griffin years ago

Short example (more on youtube)

buzzsawmonkey 1/7/2021 7:21:29 PM

In #19 Occasional Reader said: I am not familiar with the name.


Irwin Corey was a raving Leftist who did a doubletalk/gibberish comedy act, billing himself as "the world's foremost authority."  I always found it amusing that he billed himself thus, given the popularity of the "Question Authority" buttons among Leftists, but consistency has never been the Left's strong suit.  

Corey used to occasionally show up on TV back in the day, and in the '70s/'80s or something of the sort he was a moderately-regular feature at Leftist demonstrations in NYC, though he was by then on in years.  Here's his wiki.

Kosh's Shadow 1/7/2021 7:25:33 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 21:

As I said, there are plenty of examples on youtube. I gave a short one in an earlier link. (Too much of him is, well, too much)

I was a kid when I would see him, so I don't remember the leftism

buzzsawmonkey 1/7/2021 7:27:11 PM

In #22 Kosh's Shadow said: I was a kid when I would see him, so I don't remember the leftism

I remember many posters here in NYC, advertising Leftist rallies for this and that, which had his name prominently featured as a speaker.

Kosh's Shadow 1/7/2021 7:28:25 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 21:

On Wikipedia: they do nothing about Jew hatred disguised as anti-Zionism or support for Paliterrorists

A long but interesting article on that

Kosh's Shadow 1/7/2021 7:29:16 PM

In #23 buzzsawmonkey said: I remember many posters here in NYC, advertising Leftist rallies for this and that, which had his name prominently featured as a speaker.

That explains it. No posters of his speeches in Boston. 

Kosh's Shadow 1/7/2021 7:32:29 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 25:

Of course, leftist speeches don't exactly make more sense than Irwin Corey's. (no sarc)

buzzsawmonkey 1/7/2021 7:33:50 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 24:

Have to sign off now; will look at the article in full tomorrow.

Kosh's Shadow 1/7/2021 8:03:30 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 26:

My parents used to call Corey's stuff "doubletalk". I guess he engaged in doublethink, too.

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