The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 01/08/2021 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 1/3/2021 8:56:37 AM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

turn 1/8/2021 5:44:38 PM

You think things are bad in 2021, just imagine what the future will bring.


Occasional Reader 1/8/2021 5:51:56 PM
This Capitol business is looking more and more Reichstag Fire, isn’t it.
Kosh's Shadow 1/8/2021 5:54:33 PM

So Trump gets permanently banned from Twitter for "incitement to violence". I guess "Go home" was some kind of dogwhistle.

But Iran can call for the destruction of Israel; BLM can organize riots; imams can call to exterminate Jews, just fine.

So Trump says he'll build his own platform. I guess if I lose my current job, I'll have someplace to go.

Occasional Reader 1/8/2021 6:01:43 PM

In #3 Kosh's Shadow said: imams can call to exterminate Jews, just fine.

More than “just fine”; apparently the ayatollah Khameini’sTwitter account was actually *promoted* on Twitter today.  (Per Insty)

Occasional Reader 1/8/2021 6:02:40 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 4:

turn 1/8/2021 6:13:37 PM

In #2 Occasional Reader said: This Capitol business is looking more and more Reichstag Fire, isn’t it.

Yep, conservatives will at the very least be vilified and if the radical progressives had their say probably outlawed or imprisoned as well. Conservative thought is being censored with impunity now across the Twitter, Facebook and Google platforms. 

Kosh's Shadow 1/8/2021 6:18:00 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3:

Google dropped Parler from the Android store. Now, there were a lot of Jew-haters there, but that didn't bother them until they could be considered Trump supporters.

So Trump builds a platform, but Apple and google don't allow it on their phones, and so it goes nowhere.

Only speech approved by Big Tech is allowed.

turn 1/8/2021 6:26:40 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:

This is going to come back and bite ’em’: Capitol breach inflames Democrats’ ire at Silicon Valley

Congress will "come back with a vengeance" at social media companies for helping foment the riots, top Senate Intelligence Committee Democrat Mark Warner said.


Kosh's Shadow 1/8/2021 6:30:11 PM

In #8 turn said: This is going to come back and bite ’em’: Capitol breach inflames Democrats’ ire at Silicon Valley Congress will "come back with a vengeance" at social media companies for helping foment the riots, top Senate Intelligence Committee Democrat Mark Warner said.

Big Tech is already appeasing them. How long before the Republican party loses all its social media accounts?

turn 1/8/2021 6:42:28 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 9:
At the rate things are going, by the time leaves office.

turn 1/8/2021 6:51:18 PM

Reply to turn in 10:
Trump leaves ...

Occasional Reader 1/8/2021 7:04:01 PM
So my only good news for the day is that at physical therapy, I showed significant progress in restoring the mobility of my left knee. This was a relief, since that had seemed stagnant for the last couple of weeks.  (As you may or may not recall, I had to have surgery at the end of October for a torn quadricep tendon.)
Alice in Dairyland 1/8/2021 7:21:15 PM
Newmaxx just said Twitter suspended Rush Limbaugh's account now!
Kosh's Shadow 1/8/2021 7:24:50 PM

Maybe I should invite them here///

Unfortunately, this site is not set up to have a huge volume of posts. It would cost a lot more, but also involve database optimization I did not do because I'm not a DB expert.

Alice in Dairyland 1/8/2021 7:28:52 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 14: Maybe Trump would help you out, he's looking for a new platform///

Kosh's Shadow 1/8/2021 7:45:01 PM

Reply to Alice in Dairyland in 15:

If I lose my current position, I'd see. At least I have a starting point! (But I'd want to move away from Microsoft to full open source, so no one can control it)

Alice in Dairyland 1/8/2021 7:48:31 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 16: Well I certainly hope you don't lose your current position.  Just don't let your employer know you're a conservative.  I hear that's becoming a reason to be fired now.  This is getting unreal now.  I've got to stop saying it can't get any worse because it just keeps getting worse.

Alice in Dairyland 1/8/2021 8:00:47 PM
Newmax just had a correction.  Twitter didn't suspend Rush Limbaugh, Rush dumped them.  Said something about taking all his followers with him.
Kosh's Shadow 1/8/2021 8:05:13 PM

In #17 Alice in Dairyland said: Just don't let your employer know you're a conservative.  I hear that's becoming a reason to be fired now.

My employer is a big contract agency, and my contract is with a government/educational institution. The explicitly exclude discussing politics. There are a significant number of former military there. Now, the Harris administration could start requiring things like asking who you voted for, with lie detector tests, in which case, I'll try to give you my federal prisoner number/

But that will take some time.

Alice in Dairyland 1/8/2021 8:25:57 PM

Hope things get under control before that happens.  You know, I used to kind of laugh when people discussed another civil war.  It's not so funny anymore.  My nerves haven't really settled down since 9/11, I really don't need this drama in life.  I just want to retire in peace and solitude.  

It's getting late here in the Dairyland.  I hear my pillow softly calling my name, think I'll answer it.  Thanks for the comforting/humorous conversation, I should sleep a little easier.

Occasional Reader 1/8/2021 8:27:15 PM
A perhaps cockeyed-optimistic discussion question: do you think maybe the left are currently over-playing their hand?
Kosh's Shadow 1/8/2021 9:26:29 PM
Good night jukebox

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