The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 03/19/2021 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 3/14/2021 4:28:24 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 3/19/2021 5:30:03 PM

So daughter and (to be) ex-husband sold their house. Daughter is staying with friends while her new house is built; ex has a new house


Occasional Reader 3/19/2021 5:41:12 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:

Are things proceeding relatively amicably?

Kosh's Shadow 3/19/2021 5:54:36 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 2:

OK. Had some trouble getting her to see a lawyer. My wife's colleague (lawyer) could talk to her without emotional baggage and helped. 

They're in Maryland (he's a state trooper; she's director of mental health counseling at a prison there) so they need local lawyers.

Hard on us, too;

And he gets the dog, but the dog chose him. Even though my wife found the dog breeder and helped get them the dog.

@PBJ3 3/19/2021 6:35:44 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3:

I feel badly for all of you.

Occasional Reader 3/19/2021 7:49:48 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3:

 No kids?

Kosh's Shadow 3/19/2021 7:57:08 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 5:

No kids, no. 

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