The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 03/29/2021 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 3/28/2021 4:11:14 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2021 5:07:06 PM
I forgot about the seder
Seemed a long time to come
How could I forget Pesach shopping
Forgot we are the chosen ones
I let it slip from my mind, honey

I went and walked on by
The kosher market ready for me
I forgot to go inside and resupply
The matzah got lost
The matzah got lost
The matzah got lost 
Somewhere down the line

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2021 5:10:13 PM

In Haggadah da Vida, honey
Don’t you know we’re now free Jews
In Haggadah da Vida, baby
Don’t you know it will always be true

Oh, won’t you come with me
And get out of Egypt land
Oh won’t you come with me
Go to the Holy Land

Sacrifice the Paschal Lamb
In Haggadah da Vida, honey
Don’t you know that G-d loves you
In Haggadah da Vida, baby

Don’t you know that G-d loves you
Oh, won’t you join my band
Oh, won’t you come with me
Go to the Holy Land
Go to the Holy Land


Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2021 6:16:59 PM

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2021 6:18:08 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 3:

That was a mockup of Chevy thought for a turbine powered truck tractor in the 1960's. Never actually built in a drivable form.

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2021 6:23:40 PM

So I've had my first COVID shot and now I know Kamala Harris will be the best president the US will ever have


As for trackers in the shots, my wife has swollen lymph nodes, but I cannot joke with her that the satellite antenna is being built under the swelling. She would not take a joke like that well.

Kind of like this video

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2021 6:28:38 PM
Jukebox for this thread
Occasional Reader 3/29/2021 6:43:49 PM

I've never been to Hap's Pub.

I'm Hapless. 

buzzsawmonkey 3/29/2021 6:52:05 PM

The synagogue was freezing today---lots of open windows---because someone who's gotten his shots is still worried about covid variations.  I asked him, well, then, what the hell is the point of the shot?  And don't talk to me about "science" when you're letting your fears rule your actions.

Someone else there, who's also all shot up, gave me grief because my mask was...below my nose.  Again, if you don't believe in the shot, what was the point of getting the damn thing?

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2021 7:06:12 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 8:

Well, the mask should cover your nose.

The best place for info on COVID is the Jerusalem Post. Right now, the vaccines are still effective against the variants.

And I got my shot today, at a community health center in a run-down mill town, with all their site in English and Spanish, but all the patients looked as white as me. Turns out the place is NOT on the state's "vaxfinder" site. (My wife is on an email list for public defenders, and someone has a contact at that provider who tells her when they have openings, and my wife forwarded that to me)

BTW, the shots were administered by the Army, so I was shot by a soldier. Total time for me was 2 1/2 hours, as the location is over 40 miles away, in a "vacant" store in a shopping center. (The manager's sign that it was for rent was larger than the signs saying that it was a vaccination site)

buzzsawmonkey 3/29/2021 7:10:12 PM

In #9 Kosh's Shadow said: Well, the mask should cover your nose.


a) It doesn't really protect anyone against anything, and

b) the person chiding me about it had been all nicely shot up already, so I could have been oozing covid out of every pore and she shouldn't have had a worry in the world.

JCM 3/29/2021 7:16:23 PM

Anyone got a favorite in the NCAA tourney?

As with every year... I'm with the Zags!

JCM 3/29/2021 7:21:13 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 4:

Two little rubber on the road. Under current rules that tractor could be legal for 20-24k lbs.

Current tractors with tandem drive axles and single steer axle can do 34-36k lbs.

Cool look though!

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2021 7:23:54 PM

In #12 JCM said: Two little rubber on the road. Under current rules that tractor could be legal for 20-24k lbs. Current tractors with tandem drive axles and single steer axle can do 34-36k lbs. Cool look though!

I'd expect it to fly up to the towers for Spacely Sprockets and Cogswell Cogs.

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2021 7:25:04 PM
I never got to write the song for "My Fair Shicksa", "I'm Getting Marored In the Evening"
Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2021 7:28:38 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 10:

Hard to tell how effective masks are, but not covering the nose makes them essentially useless.

Some masks are more effective than others. Where I work requires them, which makes me think there is something to it.

And someone fully vaccinated should not be that concerned, but there is still some chance of getting COVID.

I note that even the first shot is more effective than most flu vaccines. (Both Israeli and US results, but I trust the Israeli ones more)

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2021 7:31:17 PM

Reply to JCM in 11:

Don't care about sports. Besides, my alma mater is never in any of the tournaments. Maybe my grad school

Undergrad school has made life easier for me - should I have any money to give, they are not getting it, because they have the Jew-hating Cornel West giving a President's lecture. Asshole blames the jooos because he didn't get tenure, but plenty of Israel hating profs get tenure.

JCM 3/29/2021 7:31:32 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 13:

Remember the era of cabover trucks and the ones before with the tall hoods? Before the newer aerodynamic shapes.

Federal Regulations prevented the design of an aerodynamic truck. The steer axle had to be only so far behind the front bumper. Because of that the radiator had to stack over the steer axle, with clearance for all the plumbing and turning gear.

A simple change to that rule let manufactures move the steer axle back, drop the radiator lower in front of the axle and thereby add more streamlining to the hood. That little rule change increase mileage from 6mpg to 8mpg. But it took years for the Feds to allow it.

buzzsawmonkey 3/29/2021 7:37:19 PM

In #15 Kosh's Shadow said: not covering the nose makes [masks] essentially useless.

Wearing a piece of fabric---even two, even double-thickness---to prevent a microbe from going where it wants to go is essentially useless. 

If I wear a mask that covers my nose, my glasses fog up and I cannot see. Having had two bad falls in the last year and a half or so, I'd rather make someone else worry about covid than risk a third.  

I also have some respiratory issues which make it very difficult to breathe when my nose and mouth both are covered with a mask. 

As far as I'm concerned, my ability to breathe and to see where I'm going are more important than some ascientific idiot's concerns about my possibly "spreading" a disease I do not have that they are supposedly immunized against.

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2021 7:50:47 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 18:

I've seen links on how to keep your glasses from fogging up. But I have to say there is something to the masks based on the requirement where I work, They have access to data we'll never see. There is something about COVID that we are not being told, and I think that is what Trump was referring to when he said people would panic.

Even some reduction in the transmission of the virus can get the level down to where the immune system can handle it.

buzzsawmonkey 3/29/2021 7:55:25 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 19:

If Person A has been vaccinated, that person should not give a damn about whether Person B has been vaccinated or not. Vaccinated Person A should certainly not be so terrified that Person A has to keep all the windows in a synagogue open because, vaccination notwithstanding, Person A is still terrified of "variants."

If Person A has been vaccinated, it should not matter to that person if Person B is wearing a mask at all---let alone "properly"---or not, unless the vaccine itself is a fraud.

The Person As I have met who "believe the science" are the most ascientific people I have ever met.

Occasional Reader 3/29/2021 7:57:37 PM

In #18 buzzsawmonkey said: Wearing a piece of fabric---even two, even double-thickness---to prevent a microbe from going where it wants to go is essentially useless. 

The point is not to stop an individual microbe that’s freely floating about all on its lonesome, rather to reduce the flow of saliva and/or sputum that’s carrying those microbes. (And more to block the wearer from ejecting the stuff, than inhaling it, especially in the case of cloth masks, which are indeed pretty useless for the *wearer*, as I understand it.)

This is without disagreeing with you generally; that particular talking point is a pet peeve.

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2021 8:08:32 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 20:

If EVERYONE near is vaccinated, then that is one thing. But it is reasonable to have someone wear a mask when others in the area may not be vaccinated.

It is unreasonable if they ONLY care about themselves, but there are most likely unvaccinated people around.

Occasional Reader 3/29/2021 8:12:38 PM

In #19 Kosh's Shadow said: There is something about COVID that we are not being told, and I think that is what Trump was referring to when he said people would panic.

That is certainly a possibility; but I’m thinking that if there really were some terrible, dark secret here, it would have come out by now. There are too many researchers in too many different places who have been looking at this thing for over a year now. It would be impossible to ensure *all* of their silence.

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2021 8:27:19 PM

In #23 Occasional Reader said: That is certainly a possibility; but I’m thinking that if there really were some terrible, dark secret here, it would have come out by now. There are too many researchers in too many different places who have been looking at this thing for over a year now. It would be impossible to ensure *all* of their silence.

That is not the case. There is a lot of information only available to people with high clearances that does not get out, on many subjects. It isn't like some other conspiracies. The Chinese Communist Party took care of those who knew in China, and what the US knows is not available to those without TS/SCI clearances and a need to know. Note I do NOT have a clearance, Clarence, that lets me know anything that is not public.

Occasional Reader 3/29/2021 8:41:31 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 24:

no offense, but your rebuttal does not really quite address the point I was making.

Of course there is top-secret information that is compartmentalized within governments, that’s what governments do. My point is, at the same time, there are countless private organizations also doing research on the virus.  It’s not like the virus itself is confined to a few government laboratories.  

Anyway, I am heading to bed, and that’s my vector, Victor.

JCM 3/29/2021 8:43:36 PM

School district sent out an email to update registration for the next term.

The IT people at the school district have the intelligence of kumquat.

Years ago I emailed them that the mail to links on their staff directory pages didn't work.

3 years later they are finally fixed.

Anyway, they send an email to the registration page.

Registration page has a link to register....

.... It is a circular link back to the registration page.

Fine... I use another route to get to the real registration page.

Instruction say the update button is upper right with a screen shot.

No such thing on the page.

I believe advancement at public schools goes like this, since you can't get rid of anyone 'cause you know union....

Fail as a teacher, get promoted to admin, fail at admin get promoted to principal (I know this for a fact in one case from friends in the district). Fail as principal get promoted to district management. Fail at district management.... get moved to IT.

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2021 8:46:01 PM

Reply to JCM in 26:

That has been the edjukashun professhun for the past 50-60 years

Kosh's Shadow 3/29/2021 8:46:37 PM

Reply to JCM in 26:

Those who can, do.

Those who can't, teach.

Those who can't teach, go into administration

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