The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 05/28/2021 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 5/23/2021 4:56:39 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 5/28/2021 5:06:50 PM

Reposted from the daytime thread

One year, the town included this in their town warrant: (Other towns have included the same thing) And emphasis is mine


To be considered on each vote:

1. Is it necessary?

Or is it something that is not really needed or perhaps is already being provided by a private or public


2. Can we afford it?

Remember, there is no limit to what we would like, but there is a limit to what we can afford.

3. What will it cost ultimately?

Many proposals are like icebergs... only a small fraction of the total cost is apparent on the surface.

4. How will it affect basic liberties?

If it imposes unreasonable or illegal restraints on your life or that of others, it should be vigorously


5. Is it in the balanced best interest of all?

If it is designed to benefit a small group or special interest, while taking unfair advantage of others,

work for its defeat.

6. Is it a "foot in the door" proposition?

Comprising a little now may be an oppressive burden later, either in more regulation or more taxes, or

a combination of both.

7. Does it place too much power in the hands of one individual or group?

Once decisive power is granted to a non-elected public official, a commission or municipal authority,

the private citizens lose effective control.

8. Does it recognize the importance of the individual and the minority?

This is a cornerstone of our Republic.

9. Is its appeal based on emotional propaganda or facts?

The farther a proposition gets away from facts, the more critical one should be.

l0. Does it square with your moral convictions?

If so, fight for it. If not, oppose it.

Occasional Reader 5/28/2021 5:25:09 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 1:

they are obviously a gang of white supremacists.

Kosh's Shadow 5/28/2021 5:40:07 PM

In #2 Occasional Reader said: they are obviously a gang of white supremacists.

That explains the house which still has a Trump flag/
And all the Trump signs during the election

BTW, there is one street with a Black Lives Matter sign across the street from a "MA Supports Law Enforcement" sign.

I wonder how they get along

Kosh's Shadow 5/28/2021 6:27:54 PM

OR, this town is only about 40 miles out of Boston - a 90 minute commute each way. (A miserable commute by car, and commuter rail isn't so great, especially since a monthly pass is around $400)

But you would not want little OR to go to public school here. There are some nearby private schools though. And for what you would save in mortgage payments, it might be worth it. 

Occasional Reader 5/28/2021 6:30:47 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 4:

thank you, but for a couple of very important reasons I am tied to the DC area for the immediate future.

Kosh's Shadow 5/28/2021 6:41:12 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 5:

I figured. But you had asked about places to go.

BTW, Leominster has a big Catholic private school - I heard about it when a PRIVATE JET crashed when taking the girl and family to the school - the girl survived. So that school has some rich student families. I think they need chaperones when going outside, as more Leominster girls are hootchy-kootchy kind.

Another school in the area is the Groton School. I drive by there sometimes. VERY well kept. Probably some ridiculous tuition, and nowadays for woke indoctrination. At least a Catholic school won't do that. J Geils last lived in Groton, and was into jazz at the time.

Kosh's Shadow 5/28/2021 6:41:49 PM

In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: and nowadays for woke indoctrination. At least a Catholic school won't do that

Forgot about the current pope there.

Occasional Reader 5/28/2021 7:05:09 PM

In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: Groton Schoo

Wouldn't that provide a substandard education?

/get it?

Kosh's Shadow 5/28/2021 7:14:50 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 8:

i got it

But years ago... 

Some WWII story I read (memoirs) had several fighting men from the Groton School

Nowadays, Groton MA is filled with rich people who feel guilty for being rich

Kosh's Shadow 5/28/2021 7:16:01 PM

In #9 Kosh's Shadow said: Nowadays, Groton MA is filled with rich people who feel guilty for being rich

As proof, that is where I saw the most Bernie Sanders signs for the past 2 elections

Occasional Reader 5/28/2021 7:19:24 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 9:

I would at least hope that the motto of the track and field team for the Groton school is, "run silent, run deep".

Occasional Reader 5/28/2021 7:37:42 PM

In #6 Kosh's Shadow said: Probably some ridiculous tuition, and nowadays for woke indoctrination

Not far from where I live there is this school:

Now, based on the name, you would think, what better place for a conservative education, right? But poke around on their website and you keep banging into the word “progressive“.

Occasional Reader 5/28/2021 7:47:26 PM
And so, to bed.
Kosh's Shadow 5/28/2021 7:49:33 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 12:

The progressive rot has spread far and wide, from NY private schools (see Fox news) to the San Francisco  "Teachers" union which has endorsed BDS

I hope this means the Messiah will come soon.

Kosh's Shadow 5/28/2021 7:59:55 PM

In #13 Occasional Reader said: And so, to bed.

To sleep, perchance to dream

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