The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 06/25/2021 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 6/20/2021 12:23:29 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 6/25/2021 6:00:59 PM
Occasional Reader 6/25/2021 7:41:50 PM
Before bedtime, my son proposed the scientific formula, G + T = U, which means “gravity plus time equals universe“.
@PBJ3 6/25/2021 7:44:38 PM
Just came back in after working in the yard.  I'm worn out and I need a drink.
Occasional Reader 6/25/2021 7:47:05 PM

In #3 @PBJ3 said: Just came back in after working in the yard.

Prison is tough.


Kosh's Shadow 6/25/2021 7:49:06 PM

In #2 Occasional Reader said:

A little Einstein, who realized that space and time are the same thing.

Now, he just has to figure out how time works in both quantum mechanics and general relativity

I don't think he's quite ready for this book, but I might consider scanning my copy and sending it - the prices are ridiculous

@PBJ3 6/25/2021 7:50:40 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 4:


Kosh's Shadow 6/25/2021 7:50:51 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 5:I

I tink reading something beyond your comprehension as a child helps you understand it later

Occasional Reader 6/25/2021 8:07:59 PM

In #5 Kosh's Shadow said: the prices are ridiculous

Good grief,  no kidding…

Occasional Reader 6/25/2021 8:14:17 PM

So does anyone have any good news about our body politic? Anything at all?

I have to admit, the idea of the chairman of the joint Chiefs of staff railing away about the terrible threat of  “white rage“ has left me very depressed about our Republic’s prospects.

@PBJ3 6/25/2021 8:27:08 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 9:

I get depressed about it as well and I've never witnessed "white rage".

Kosh's Shadow 6/25/2021 8:39:13 PM

In #7 Kosh's Shadow said: I tink reading something beyond your comprehension as a child helps you understand it later

I read a book of an uncle on TV repair that helped me understand electronics, but not entirely correctly

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