The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 07/01/2021 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 6/27/2021 2:46:48 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Occasional Reader 7/1/2021 5:04:23 PM

Dizzy with success!

Kosh's Shadow 7/1/2021 5:08:00 PM

More on that Winthrop Mass white supremacist who crashed a truck and shot two blacks, then was killed by police.

The white supremacist shot dead by police in Massachusetts on Saturday after he murdered two African American bystanders was allegedly heading for a local synagogue in his stolen truck, witnesses have said.

Kosh's Shadow 7/1/2021 5:11:10 PM

PJB posted about this yesterday; today CAMERA linked to this article, includes video

Last week, when he showed up at an anti-Israel rally in Boston to observe, CAMERA's Dexter Van Zile was physically and verbally assaulted, spat at, and called a "Nazi," "bitch," and "f*cking pig." As Dexter writes: "I am not a Jew, but what happened to me last week on the streets of Boston, my home for the past 20-plus years, is part of an ongoing campaign designed to drive Jews out of civic life in the U.S. This is not about Israel, but Jews. And it’s not just about Jews, but about undermining the rule of law and poisoning inter-group relations throughout the country — using public funds. It’s a recipe for disaster and the people who run the city are asleep at the switch."

Kosh's Shadow 7/1/2021 5:15:50 PM

Rabbi stabbed outside a synagogue; police still searching for motive.


A Boston-area Chabad rabbi was in stable condition after being stabbed several times outside a Jewish synagogue and day school, with police still investigating into a possible motive.

Shlomo Noginski, a rabbi and teacher at Shaloh House in Brighton, Massachusetts, was repeatedly stabbed outside the institution Thursday afternoon, according to local NBC10 news, and was hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries.

“We are aware that a stabbing occurred outside of the Hasidic Center in Brighton and that one person has been taken into custody,” said the Anti-Defamation League of New England on Twitter. “An active @bostonpolice investigation into what happened including possible motivation is underway.”

buzzsawmonkey 7/1/2021 5:24:05 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 4:

Gee, the good news never stops, does it?

Reply to Occasional Reader in 1:

Should I assume that China is now malaria-free because of the widespread distribution of hydroxycholorquine to combat covid?

buzzsawmonkey 7/1/2021 5:34:19 PM
This article at PJM about what the wokies are up to in Cobb County, GA is pretty chilling.
doppelganglander 7/1/2021 6:52:43 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 6:

That's the school system my kids attended for varying lengths of time and from which two of them graduated. They got an excellent education, as public schools go. It was not like this 11 years ago when the youngest graduated. It breaks my heart.

Occasional Reader 7/1/2021 6:54:18 PM

In #5 buzzsawmonkey said: Should I assume that China is now malaria-free because of the widespread distribution of hydroxycholorquine to combat covid

Or maybe Chairman Xi ordered everyone in the country to swat ten mosquitoes, in accordance with a long-standing legend.

Occasional Reader 7/1/2021 6:57:16 PM

So, we had one powerful thunderstorm blow through earlier this afternoon, which knocked out the power to my building and maybe some of the surrounding ones. A power outage is a pretty unusual thing to happen in DC.  The power company allegedly promised we’d have lights back on by 11 PM; I don’t believe them, so I decamped to a hotel less than a mile away, where power is on and everything is normal. Then, just after I got back from dinner, another powerful storm blew through; which was followed by not merely a tornado watch, but a tornado warning, briefly.
@PBJ3 7/1/2021 7:01:29 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 6:

Chilling indeed.

Kosh's Shadow 7/1/2021 7:03:15 PM

In #8 Occasional Reader said: Or maybe Chairman Xi ordered everyone in the country to swat ten mosquitoes, in accordance with a long-standing legend.

Chairman Xi ordered the mosquitoes to go to Taiwan, and they obeyed, lest they be run over by tanks

Kosh's Shadow 7/1/2021 7:08:15 PM

So now the Swamp has a name

The Wokie-Fenokie Swamp

Kosh's Shadow 7/1/2021 7:37:24 PM

In #12 Kosh's Shadow said: The Wokie-Fenokie Swamp

We have met the enemy and he is us

Back on my Pogo stick

doppelganglander 7/1/2021 7:40:24 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 12:

@PBJ3 7/1/2021 8:24:01 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 12:

Good one!

buzzsawmonkey 7/1/2021 8:28:06 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 12:

Nicely done.

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