The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 03/27/2022 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 3/25/2022 5:16:59 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

buzzsawmonkey 3/27/2022 6:22:08 PM
I guess everyone's gearing up to watch the NASCARs.  Oops, I mean the Oscars.
buzzsawmonkey 3/27/2022 6:22:09 PM
I guess everyone's gearing up to watch the NASCARs.  Oops, I mean the Oscars.
Kosh's Shadow 3/27/2022 6:23:43 PM

In #2 buzzsawmonkey said: I mean the Oscars.

Oscar the Grouch should be the host

Kosh's Shadow 3/27/2022 6:24:45 PM
buzzsawmonkey 3/27/2022 6:31:02 PM

In #3 Kosh's Shadow said: Oscar the Grouch should be the host

I would love to get people to thinking that the Oscar is named after Oscar Micheaux, the black Illinois farmboy born in the 188s (height of the Jim Crow period) who accomplished what none of today's loudmouthed and highly-paid black performers and executives have been able to do; he established the only black-owned film studio in American motion picture history.

buzzsawmonkey 3/27/2022 6:32:20 PM
Sorry, that was supposed to read "1880s."
Comment error 475 7
Kosh's Shadow 3/27/2022 6:33:43 PM
Another jukebox
buzzsawmonkey 3/27/2022 6:36:18 PM
Movie Jukebox: Popcorn Sack
Kosh's Shadow 3/27/2022 6:53:28 PM
Movie Jukebox 1
Kosh's Shadow 3/27/2022 7:00:24 PM
And a jukebox for today's Hollywood
Occasional Reader 3/27/2022 7:03:41 PM

Extremely random question that just occurred to me as I prepared to floss and brush my teeth: are human beings the only animals that are bothered by bad breath?


Kosh's Shadow 3/27/2022 7:06:31 PM

In #12 Occasional Reader said: are human beings the only animals that are bothered by bad breath?

My dogs will sniff my mouth, especially after I eat. Does that add a data point?

Occasional Reader 3/27/2022 7:20:58 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 13:

if your dog has never then said to you, “dude, your mouthwash stopped working two hours ago“, then I’m afraid not, it doesn’t.

Kosh's Shadow 3/27/2022 7:39:31 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 14:

But she does know how to open a pet gate - and knows if the handle is up, it is unlocked - and the red clip holds it down, but she can't manipulate it

buzzsawmonkey 3/27/2022 9:04:25 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 10:

With apologies to the Kinks:

Everybody's a victim

Everybody has scars

Everybody is special

It doesn't matter who you are

There are barrels of excuses

You can use for your defeats

Or you can lobby for special privilege

That will be cast into concrete

Don't be so crude and tasteless

As to let your talents gleam

Because you just might injure

Someone's fragile self-esteem

Go around with visage downcast

You know it's all society's fault

Stop your ears up like Ulysses

If someone asks "Who is John Galt?"

You can see grievances coming at you every day, long and hard

Some that you recognize, some that you've hardly even heard of

People who recognize that it's too much effort to strive

And instead they want prizes, simply for being alive

Everybody's a victim

Everyone has a grievance too

Though less if you're white, or male

Or should you chance to be a Jew

But please don't feel excluded

Now and then we will relent

And even let you outcasts

In the big tent of resentment

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