The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 06/30/2022 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 6/30/2022 4:27:59 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 6/30/2022 5:47:50 PM

Because tomorrow is a lab holiday, I was the only person at work. Others either were working from home or taking the day off.

I don't have a laptop yet; just a desktop, so I have to go in.

Kosh's Shadow 6/30/2022 6:30:54 PM
The Destroyer Escort that fought like a battleship
Occasional Reader 6/30/2022 7:30:25 PM

Why are there (seemingly) no "Canadian restaurants'?

In this city, I know where to go for French, Japanese, Italian, Mexican, Brazilian, etc. Hell, I even know a place in Cleveland Park that's a Uighur joint.

But there's simply no such thing as a "Canadian restaurant".


Occasional Reader 6/30/2022 7:30:51 PM

In #1 Kosh's Shadow said: tomorrow is a lab holiday

But all the other dog breeds still have to work?!  THAT'S RACIST

Kosh's Shadow 6/30/2022 7:44:46 PM

In #3 Occasional Reader said: But there's simply no such thing as a "Canadian restaurant".

Well, since in Canada, Canadian Bacon is called Back Bacon, in the US, Canadian Restaurants are called "The place out back" (Wait, Outback is Australian)

But who really wants to eat poutine?

Kosh's Shadow 6/30/2022 7:50:37 PM

So my employer said I could either continue my health insurance by paying back premiums, or start coverage 7/1. The latter is cheaper.

But when I try to re-enroll, it does NOT give me the ONE plan that is "credible" in Massachusetts, the one I had. And the email was sent out after the office closed, and says coverage will start the month AFTER I sign up - so if I can't sign up tonight, big tax penalties and expenses, and everyone is off for the holiday weekend. They had better get it fixed soon,

I have an email chain that says they can do it, so they better do so. Nice that I know lawyers than can make sure I write a demand letter properly,

Note I declined an offer at a much bigger salary but no benefits to take this one. 

Occasional Reader 6/30/2022 8:15:44 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 6:

I hope it is just a technical glitch and you don’t have to fight them. Anyway, good night to you and all.

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