The Liberty Pub

Veterans' Day Liberty Pub

Posted on 11/11/2019 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 11/8/2019 8:42:49 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

lucius septimius 11/11/2019 5:05:24 PM

Dad (on the left) and a friend on leave sometime in 1944.

Kosh's Shadow 11/11/2019 5:07:23 PM

A toast to absent friends

And a jukebox he liked

Kosh's Shadow 11/11/2019 5:18:03 PM

In #2 Kosh's Shadow said: And a jukebox he liked

Willie McBride's reply

buzzsawmonkey 11/11/2019 5:22:18 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 2:

While it is appropriate, surely, to recall the horrendous massacre that was WWI---and to realize that WWII was in many ways merely Act II of that horror---I find myself increasingly disgusted by Bogle's songs, not only "Green Fields of France," but "And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda." 

In the end, both are telling those who died that they died for nothing, that their lives and sacrifices were all a vain delusion.  Really? Do people really want to say that about the people they knew who fought in WWII?  Do they really want to disparage the courage and the patriotism that those who fought then felt?

Bogle's songs, like Pete Seeger's "peace" songs, are designed to weaken patriotism, resolve, and the courage that animate them.  By denigrating the sacrifices of those who gave all in the past, they are intended to erode the resolve of those who might have to consider doing so in the future---to make them believe that there is nothing worth fighting for.

Yes, Bogle's song is "moving."  It is designed to be, and that is its perniciousness.

Kosh's Shadow 11/11/2019 5:27:59 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 4:

Listen to the reply in the post I made just afterwards

buzzsawmonkey 11/11/2019 5:28:59 PM

While it is grossly overlong, the film "Oh! What a Lovely War!" is extremely moving in spots.  The original stage cast album is much better, if you can find it (note: Victor Spinetti, the needlenosed broadcast producer in "A Hard Day's Night," who was also in "Help!," was one of the original cast members).  The last scene of the film is overwhelming.

Also, since "Veterans' Day" was originally "Armistice Day," as WWI ended on "the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month," I strongly recommend John Dos Passos' record of the Great War, "Mr. Wilson's War."  Dos Passos was first a volunteer ambulance driver in that conflict, and joined the AEF after the volunteer corps was disbanded.

Kosh's Shadow 11/11/2019 5:36:35 PM

Same old anti-Semitism, DIfferent Jews

The great Jewish satirist, Ephraim Kishon, once wrote: “The State of Israel wasn’t founded so that anti-Semitism would end. It was founded so that we could tell the anti-Semites to shove it.”


buzzsawmonkey 11/11/2019 5:38:56 PM

Hanging on the Old Barbed Wire

In the Quartermaster's Store

buzzsawmonkey 11/11/2019 5:43:15 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 7:

I continue to wonder if Jeremy Corbyn, who is mentioned in the article, is an example of one of those Leftist Jews, like George Soros, who hates his lineage.

The name "Corbyn" is remarkably cognate to "kurban," the Hebrew term for a sacrificial burnt offering; his names "Jeremy Bernard" are "very Jewish"---and his Wiki bio is remarkably silent about the heritage of his parents/family.

buzzsawmonkey 11/11/2019 5:45:10 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 8:

BTW, I will once again point out that "antisemitism" is a pseudoscientific term invented by a 19th century Jew-hater to make his hatred sound "scientific" and parlor-acceptable. It's been long past its sell-by date for years---why call Jew-haters by their own preferred euphemism?---the more so since it is now intentionally being corrupted by the Jew-haters who have recently begun claiming that they "can't be antisemitic because Arabs are Semites too."

Call them what they are---Jew-haters---and toss their pet sugarcoating/euphemism in the garbage where it belongs.

Kosh's Shadow 11/11/2019 5:45:18 PM
WWII comedy from Blackadder
buzzsawmonkey 11/11/2019 5:46:54 PM
My #10 was meant to be in reply to Kosh's #7.
Occasional Reader 11/11/2019 6:09:41 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 11:

WWI, actually.

Occasional Reader 11/11/2019 6:10:55 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 13:

Although it’s interesting to note that the British army kit between the two wars is barely distinguishable one from the other.

Occasional Reader 11/11/2019 6:13:27 PM
So earlier today after I explained to my son with Veterans Day was about, he cheerfully commented that he would like to say hello to a veteran. The thought that I could not refer him to myself made me feel, as the kids say today, a certain way. But I did mention the idea of doing a FaceTime call with my dad, who served in the US Army in peacetime in the mid-1950s. Alas, he was not available at the right time, so we will have to postpone the call.
Kosh's Shadow 11/11/2019 6:13:36 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 13:
Keyboard bounce. I was using an old flaky computer

Kosh's Shadow 11/11/2019 6:20:13 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 15:

Reminds me of the old movies "If it weren't for those guys out there, we'd be speaking German"

OK, I wouldn't be speaking at all.

I do have an idea for a too large parody -

An opera about the Nuremberg trials

Called "The MasterRacists of Nuremberg" and using the music of that old Jew-hater Wagner, from "Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg"

@PBJ3 11/11/2019 7:57:03 PM
Kosh, I sent you an e-mail with Old Line Texan's e-mail address.  He's interested in posting here.
Kosh's Shadow 11/11/2019 8:22:03 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 18:

Thanks. I'll give him the link. He can self-register for now

Kosh's Shadow 11/11/2019 8:24:24 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 18:

And feel free to sent the link to others, too.

@PBJ3 11/11/2019 8:38:12 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 20:Thanks.  Ma Sands wants to join too.  She was one of us.

Kosh's Shadow 11/11/2019 8:51:09 PM

Reply to @PBJ3 in 21:

Send her the link too, or send me her email addr. 

I'm actually impressed the hosting company got everything back in 2-3 days

@PBJ3 11/11/2019 9:15:23 PM

Reply to Kosh's Shadow in 22: 

I'm happy that the hosting company was so quick.

Thank you so much for this site, Kosh.

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