The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 11/14/2019 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 11/11/2019 2:27:51 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

buzzsawmonkey 11/14/2019 6:06:27 PM

Regarding dopps' link in the daytime thread about the Ukrainian corruption, I just had dinner with my brother and sister-in-law.  She still has two---not one, but two---Hillary stickers on her car, and they both loathe Trump.  He asked me what I thought about Bloomberg, and I said that he's at least somewhat less insane than most of the Democrats' frontrunners, in that he actually governed fairly well when he concentrated on things like schools and snowplowing and didn't try to run people's lives.  He actually broke in on me when I started to answer him by saying, "Well, Bloomberg's less insane than..." by interjecting that, well, anyone's less insane than Trump.  I didn't go there, but instead corrected him gently by saying "...less insane than the rest of the Democrats' field."

He asked about how Bloomberg had "alienated the black community" somehow or other.  I asked him how; he said, well, Bloomberg pushed "strong policing in black neighborhoods."  I said, "Well, they need it; they have higher crime, and it's doing them no favor to remove or diminish the police presence.  I can see why agitators might be offended by this, but the people who actually want to better themselves would surely welcome it."  He agreed, eventually, but I could tell it was grudging agreement; he's too in the bag with the idea that the "black community," however defined, needs some kind of special kid-gloves treatment.  Of course, he's very well fixed, and has probably lived far away from a mixed-race-and-income community, let alone an actual poor black community, for most if not all of his adult life.

Kosh's Shadow 11/14/2019 6:22:14 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 1:
The other new candidate is former Mass. governor Deval Patrick. He is also more sane than any of the other Dem candidates.

And, as governor, he took more and friendlier trips to Israel than Obama did as president. Of course, he was going to be friendly as the purpose was to get Israeli companies to have their US operations in Massachusetts (an easy task, as Israel is big in medical and high tech, and so is Massachusetts, and it is closer to Israel than say, California. The time difference is big when you need to call the home office.

I hope Deval is fried in the primaries, as he has a decent chance imho of beating Trump. He has a bit of the Obama cachet, and isn't a loony socialist, at least unless he goes that way to win the primaries. He had his own Solyndria. though.

Kosh's Shadow 11/14/2019 8:55:20 PM
Getting tired of reading the news. HP Lovecraft is calming in comparison

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