The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 12/12/2019 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 12/7/2019 3:06:11 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Kosh's Shadow 12/12/2019 5:39:13 PM
The Ghost of Smokey Joe - I guess he was too cokie
lucius septimius 12/12/2019 5:43:54 PM
Old Style!  Looks like my kind of place.
lucius septimius 12/12/2019 5:48:56 PM

Reply to lucius septimius in 2:

Just up the street from DePaul.  

doppelganglander 12/12/2019 5:49:41 PM
Labour going down with the fewest seats since 1935. I am deliriously happy. The only thing that could top this is if the House impeachment vote fails.
Kosh's Shadow 12/12/2019 5:55:32 PM

In #4 doppelganglander said: Labour going down with the fewest seats since 1935. I am deliriously happy. The only thing that could top this is if the House impeachment vote fails.

And when the Dems lose everyplace but the coastal leftist fantasylands

Kosh's Shadow 12/12/2019 5:59:55 PM

Has anyone noticed logouts today? The hosting company said they reset the timeout.l

Please let me know if there is still a problem

Kosh's Shadow 12/12/2019 6:02:07 PM

A Boston Herald opinion piece

My comment:

Well, if you read the titles at the end of Animal House, Bluto became a senator. (I'm sure he'd have fit right in with Ted Kennedy)
This just shows how off the wall the Democrat party has become. The rest of the candidates, or at least those polling well, make Patrick look good.
The saying is that "In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king", but in the party of the blind (to the evils of socialism), the one-eyed man is ignored.

doppelganglander 12/12/2019 6:17:05 PM

buzz, are you familiar with Ralph Sutton? He's come up a time or two on my Pandora station and he's phenomenal. 

The Cascades

buzzsawmonkey 12/12/2019 6:41:01 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 8:


Nice! Had not heard of him.

It's rare to find someone who can play good ragtime.

buzzsawmonkey 12/12/2019 6:50:14 PM

By the way...for them what's gettin' into the Christmas spirit, if you go to the film "White Christmas" (Bing Crosby/Danny Kaye/Rosemary Clooney/Vera Lynn), you will see a remarkable but subtle melding of Christian and Jewish themes.  

Those familiar with the film will recall that on the way to Vermont the four principals sing a song about "Snow."  This song mirrors the format of the Jewish prayer for rain (after Sukkot in the fall) and for dew (after Passover).  It is the same, or similar, format, but with a different form of precipitation.  

The principals get up to Vermont and find...there is no snow.  They're having a freak warm spell (anyone who says "climate change" will be shot) and the inn where they're staying is going bankrupt.  They devise a way to save the inn and bolster the honor of its owner, their former general (tzedakah, i.e., charity), and at the end of the performance they give their "snow" prayer is answered, and the inn is saved.

So the entire Christmas movie is built around an adaptation of a re-purposed Hebrew prayer.  How "multicultural" is that?

As a side note, the song "Sisters," sung by Clooney and Lynn, could be taken as a variant on the rivalry between Rachel and Leah in the Bible.

Kosh's Shadow 12/12/2019 6:52:43 PM
Firesign, Frank Zappa, and some Monty Python
Occasional Reader 12/12/2019 7:03:04 PM

In #10 buzzsawmonkey said: for them what's gettin' into the Christmas spirit,

It’s under the rumble seat! You want a snort?

doppelganglander 12/12/2019 7:05:55 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 9:

It's rare to find a musician of that era that you've never heard of. When I was researching him, I came across the term stride piano, which I'd never heard before, but I recognized the music instantly.

I've loved ragtime since "The Sting" soundtrack. This is my favorite. When every little girl in America developed gymnastics fever after the 1972 Olympics, my dad made me a balance beam out of a 2x4 on sawhorses in the backyard, and that was the music for my routine.

Occasional Reader 12/12/2019 7:10:47 PM
Will we get British leftist tears of unfathomable sadness video clips, like we did here in November 2016? That would be wonderful.
buzzsawmonkey 12/12/2019 7:13:11 PM

Reply to doppelganglander in 13:

Well, to be strictly accurate, Ralph Sutton would seem to be not only past the ragtime era, but well past the jazz/big-band era.  

Now, here's a version of "Maple Leaf Rag" by Joplin that I've loved for maybe three or four decades.

Syrah 12/12/2019 7:17:53 PM

The value of “polling” and “the mainstream media”.

i was convinced, from what I had been seeing in the media about the polling for the UK election, that it was going to be close, that there was a real chance that Boris could lose this thing.

apparently, the was all bunk.  

buzzsawmonkey 12/12/2019 7:23:09 PM
A modern version of Berlin's "International Rag."  I don't have time to find a recording of the original, but I figured I'd add this to mix.
buzzsawmonkey 12/12/2019 7:23:32 PM

Our tickles of impeachment?

Ooooooooooh! Hahahahahahhahahahahahhaha! Oh, stop it, I can't stand it! Hehehehehehehe! Oooooooooooh, baby! Yeah, baby! Yeah!

doppelganglander 12/12/2019 7:38:45 PM

Reply to buzzsawmonkey in 15:

Sweet. Sutton was not an original, but he definitely mastered the earlier styles. 

Syrah 12/12/2019 7:47:22 PM

Reply to Syrah in 16:

it is looking like the Tories will have their largest win since Thatcher. 


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