The Liberty Pub

The Liberty Pub

Posted on 12/13/2019 5.00 PM

Kosh's Shadow 12/7/2019 3:06:55 PM

Posted by: Kosh's Shadow

Occasional Reader 12/13/2019 5:20:23 PM
The fog crept in here to DC, on big Tomcat feet. And it’s pretty cool to look at. Little OR declared it “pretty”, because “ It makes everything so foggy and misty. “ He isn’t wrong.
Syrah 12/13/2019 5:25:19 PM

In #1 Occasional Reader said: Little OR declared it “pretty”, because “ It makes everything so foggy and misty. “ He isn’t wrong.

AKA, winter in the Puget Sound.

He might like it here. 

Occasional Reader 12/13/2019 5:31:09 PM

In #2 Syrah said: He might like it here. 

Well, we are kind of committed to the East Coast version of Washington for the foreseeable future...

Syrah 12/13/2019 5:40:37 PM

Reply to Occasional Reader in 3:

The one sure positive thing that the left coast Washington has over the east coast Washington is that here, like every other state in the union, we hold contests for the craziest people in the state, call the congress-critters or Senators, and send them out to the east coast Washington.

we are trying to figure out how to keep them from coming back to the state. That is a problem.

Occasional Reader 12/13/2019 6:01:43 PM

Reply to Syrah in 4:

I know, and we will never forgive you for that!

Syrah 12/13/2019 6:20:59 PM

Antifa and other far left malcontents rioted in London today. 

Occasional Reader 12/13/2019 6:35:28 PM

Reply to Syrah in 6:

And yet, oddly, BBC news online has nothing about it. Isn’t that weird????!!!!!!!

Occasional Reader 12/13/2019 6:36:08 PM
And meanwhile, Al Jazeera assures me that these were just “protests.”
Kosh's Shadow 12/13/2019 6:47:40 PM

Our 15 year old dog needs doggie diapers; actually "male dog wrap".

So here's the Male Dog Rap

I lift my leg
I sniff yo' butt
Yo' my bitch
Lemme tell you what

PaladinPhil 12/13/2019 8:45:15 PM

Fuck Quebec, fuck Quebec corporations, fuck Quebec people period. Especially with a rusty chainsaw. Company I work for is a piece of shit Quebec centric moronic convergence. As many contracts and suppliers as possible are Quebec owned as possible. Doesn't matter if it's good for the business or not. As long as they are proud fucking francophones. *spit*

Store hours have been cut leading up to Christmas. They expect us to do MORE with less and screw you if you can't. I am working in hell now and it's going to get worse.

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